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Whether to enable Methodical method tracing for debug purposes.

Whether to enable Methodical method tracing for debug purposes.
sourceraw docstring


(=?-diff expected actual)

Multimethod to use to diff two things with =?. Despite not having earmuffs, this is dynamic so it can be rebound at runtime.

=?-diff is defined in mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:14).

It caches methods using a methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache.

It uses the method combination methodical.impl.combo.threaded.ThreadingMethodCombination with the threading strategy :thread-last.

It uses the dispatcher methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi_default.MultiDefaultDispatcher with hierarchy #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy and prefs {}.

The default value is :default.

It uses the method table methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable.

These primary methods are known:

Multimethod to use to diff two things with `=?`. Despite not having earmuffs, this is dynamic so it can be rebound at

=?-diff is defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:14).

It caches methods using a `methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache`.

It uses the method combination `methodical.impl.combo.threaded.ThreadingMethodCombination`
with the threading strategy `:thread-last`.

It uses the dispatcher `methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi_default.MultiDefaultDispatcher`
with hierarchy `#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy`
and prefs `{}`.

The default value is `:default`.

It uses the method table `methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable`.

These primary methods are known:

* `[java.util.regex.Pattern java.lang.String]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:65) 

* `[clojure.lang.IPersistentMap clojure.lang.IPersistentMap]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:104) 

* `:default`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:55) 

* `[mb.hawk.assert_exprs.approximately_equal.Schema :default]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:161) 

* `[clojure.lang.Sequential clojure.lang.Sequential]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:81) 

* `[mb.hawk.assert_exprs.approximately_equal.Exactly :default]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:134) 

* `[clojure.lang.AFunction java.lang.Object]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:76) 

* `[mb.hawk.assert_exprs.approximately_equal.Same :default]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:252) 

* `[mb.hawk.assert_exprs.approximately_equal.Approx java.lang.Number]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:216) 

* `[java.lang.Class java.lang.Object]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:60) 

* `[mb.hawk.assert_exprs.approximately_equal.Malli :default]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:186) 

* `[java.util.regex.Pattern java.util.regex.Pattern]`, defined in [[mb.hawk.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]] (mb/hawk/assert_exprs/approximately_equal.clj:71) 
sourceraw docstring


(=?-diff* expected actual)
(=?-diff* diff-fn expected actual)

Are expected and actual 'approximately' equal to one another?

Are `expected` and `actual` 'approximately' equal to one another?
sourceraw docstring


(approx form)

Used inside a =? expression. Compares whether two numbers are approximately equal.

Used inside a =? expression. Compares whether two numbers are approximately equal.
sourceraw docstring


(exactly expected)

Used inside a =? expression. Results have to be exactly equal as if by =. Use this to get around the normal way =? would compare things. This works inside collections as well.

Used inside a =? expression. Results have to be exactly equal as if by =. Use this to get around the normal way =?
would compare things. This works inside collections as well.
sourceraw docstring


(malli schema)

Used inside a =? expression. Compares things to a malli schema.

Used inside a =? expression. Compares things to a malli schema.
sourceraw docstring


(same k)

Used inside a =? expression. Checks that all occurrences of the same [[k]] value are equal.

On the first occurrence of (same k), it saves the actual value under [[k]]. All other occurrences of (same k) are expected to be equal to that saved value.

(is (?= [(same :id) (same :id)}] [1 1])) ; => true
(is (?= [(same :id) (same :id)}] [1 2])) ; => false
Used inside a =? expression. Checks that all occurrences of the same [[k]] value are equal.

On the first occurrence of `(same k)`, it saves the actual value under [[k]].
All other occurrences of `(same k)` are expected to be equal to that saved value.

(is (?= [(same :id) (same :id)}] [1 1])) ; => true
(is (?= [(same :id) (same :id)}] [1 2])) ; => false
sourceraw docstring


(schema schema)

Used inside a =? expression. Compares things to a schema.core schema.

Used inside a =? expression. Compares things to a schema.core schema.
sourceraw docstring

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