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(find-relevant m map-key ks)

Search the given map for the entry corresponding to [[map-key]], considering only the relevant keys. The relevant keys are obtained by ignoring any suffix of [[ks]] for which [[map-key]] has nil or missing values. We require that there is at least one relevant key to find a match.

Search the given map for the entry corresponding to [[map-key]], considering only the relevant keys.
The relevant keys are obtained by ignoring any suffix of [[ks]] for which [[map-key]] has nil or missing values.
We require that there is at least one relevant key to find a match.
sourceraw docstring


(group-with kf rf coll)

Generalized group-by, where you can supply your own reducing function (instead of usual conj).

Generalized `group-by`, where you can supply your own reducing function (instead of usual `conj`).
sourceraw docstring


(seek pred coll)

Like (first (filter ... )), but doesn't realize chunks of the sequence. Returns the first item in coll for which pred returns a truthy value, or nil if no such item is found.

Like (first (filter ... )), but doesn't realize chunks of the sequence. Returns the first item in `coll` for which
`pred` returns a truthy value, or `nil` if no such item is found.
sourceraw docstring

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