(add-opts? opts)
(block-store-equiv? bs1 bs2)
(block-store-id-equiv? bs1 bs2)
Do these two store ids share the same arguments?
Do these two store ids share the same arguments?
(block-store-id? args)
(block-store? block-store)
(consistent? {:storage/keys [provider block]})
Does the provider's content address id match the block content address id?
If either provider or block are not valid entities - returns true
Does the provider's content address id match the block content address id? If either provider or block are not valid entities - returns true
(content-store-equiv? cs1 cs2)
(content-store-id-equiv? bs1 bs2)
Do these two store ids share the same arguments?
Do these two store ids share the same arguments?
(content-store-id? args)
(content-store? content-store)
(file-block-store-id? args)
(file-content-store-id? args)
(flow-store-opts? opts)
(memory-block-store-id? args)
(memory-content-store-id? args)
(query-opts? opts)
(remove-opts? opts)
(store-arguments? args)
(store-equiv? s1 s2)
(store-id-equiv? s1 s2)
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