(decode data format)
Attempts to decode the memory content in the storage block. If unable to be decoded this is pass-through.
Attempts to decode the memory content in the storage block. If unable to be decoded this is pass-through.
(encode data format)
Attempts to encode the data given a specific format. If the format is not supported, the fn is pass-through.
Attempts to encode the data given a specific format. If the format is not supported, the fn is pass-through.
(range-bytes bytes start end)
Returns a byte array representation of the memory content that respects the range if range arguments are supplied, pass through of content if not as byte-stream lib will do best conversion
Returns a byte array representation of the memory content that respects the range if range arguments are supplied, pass through of content if not as byte-stream lib will do best conversion
(supported? format)
(to-byte-array input)
Converts the input into a byte array:
Converts the input into a byte array: 1. convert via clj-commons.byte-streams lib when there is a conversion-path 2. Converts input to string then converts.
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