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This file documents the original Alesandra Sierra development, which ended in 2013. It is kept for posterity. v2.0.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove contexts and `given` * Added deftest style * Added sample projects for Leiningen & Maven * Added samples using clojure.test-clojure v1.2.3 2010-11-27 Added Maven Plugin * Separated into modules * Released lazytest-maven-plugin version 1.0.0 v1.2.2 2010-11-27 Fixed release with diff * Fixed release using 'diff' and Clojure 1.3.0-alpha3 v1.2.1 2010-11-27 BAD RELEASE: DO NOT USE * Wrong file extension on the deployed JAR * Tried maven-release-plugin version 2.1 v1.2.0 2010-11-27 BAD RELEASE: DO NOT USE * Wrong file extension on the deployed JAR * Depends on Clojure 1.3.0-alpha3 * Prints 'diff' of values when testing with = v1.1.2 2010-10-03 Minor reloading enhancement * Only touch source files on reloading when absolutely necessary v1.1.1 2010-10-02 Bugfix release * Prevent 'namespace not found' bug by touching source files before reloading v1.1.0 2010-10-02 Improvements for random generators Note: due to a configuration error, this version was never deployed. * Add lazytest.random/default-test-case-count and scaled-test-case-count * lazytest.describe/for-any uses the above * collapses large groups of test cases with the same doc strings, such as randomly-generated tests v1.0.2 2010-10-01 Bugfix release * Fix parsing of ns forms with nested prefix lists v1.0.1 2010-09-29 Bugfix release * Fix missing :require of lazytest.random within lazytest.describe * Remove libs from clojure.core/*loaded-libs* when reloading. This is manipulating an undocumented core Var, but avoids some unnecessary loads caused by (require :reload-all ...). It also seems to avoid some load-order issues with `:reload-all`, but I can't find consistent test cases. v1.0.0 2010-09-24 Initial Release

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