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(->ex-failed expr data)
(->ex-failed _&form expr data)

Useful for all expectations. Sets the base properties on the ExpectationFailed.

Useful for all expectations. Sets the base
properties on the ExpectationFailed.
sourceraw docstring


(after & body)

Returns a context whose teardown method evaluates body.

Returns a context whose teardown method evaluates body.
sourceraw docstring


(after-each & body)


(around param & body)

Builds a function for the around context.

Usage: (describe some-func {:context [(around [f] (binding [foo 100] (f)))]} ...)

Builds a function for the `around` context.

(describe some-func
  {:context [(around [f]
               (binding [*foo* 100]
sourceraw docstring


(before & body)


(before-each & body)


(cause-seq throwable)

Given a Throwable, returns a sequence of causes. The first element of the sequence is the given throwable itself.

Given a Throwable, returns a sequence of causes. The first element
of the sequence is the given throwable itself.
sourceraw docstring


(causes-with-msg? c re f)

Calls f with no arguments; catches exceptions with an instance of class c in their cause chain. If the message of the causing exception does not match re (with re-find), throws ExpectationFailed. Any non-matching exception will be re-thrown. Returns false if f throws no exceptions.

Useful in expect-it or expect.

Calls f with no arguments; catches exceptions with an instance of
class c in their cause chain. If the message of the causing
exception does not match re (with re-find), throws
ExpectationFailed. Any non-matching exception will be re-thrown.
Returns false if f throws no exceptions.

Useful in `expect-it` or `expect`.
sourceraw docstring


(causes? c f)

Calls f with no arguments; returns true if it throws an exception whose cause chain includes an instance of class c. Any other exception will be re-thrown. Returns false if f throws no exceptions.

Useful in expect-it or expect.

Calls f with no arguments; returns true if it throws an exception
whose cause chain includes an instance of class c. Any other
exception will be re-thrown. Returns false if f throws no

Useful in `expect-it` or `expect`.
sourceraw docstring


(defdescribe test-name & children)
(defdescribe test-name doc? attr-map? & children)

describe helper that assigns a describe call to a Var of the given name.

test-name is a symbol.

doc (optional) is a documentation string. Unlike the other helpers, this doc must be a string literal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map.

children are test cases (see 'it') or nested test suites (see 'describe').

`describe` helper that assigns a `describe` call to a Var of the given name.

test-name is a symbol.

doc (optional) is a documentation string. Unlike the other helpers,
this doc must be a string literal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map.

children are test cases (see 'it') or nested test suites (see 'describe').
sourceraw docstring


(describe doc & children)
(describe doc attr-map? & children)

Defines a suite of tests.

doc is a documentation string expression. If the expression is a local, it will be used as is. If the expression is a resolvable symbol, it will be resolved and used as a var. Otherwise, it's evaluated like normal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map.

children are test cases or nested test suites.

Defines a suite of tests.

doc is a documentation string expression. If the expression is
a local, it will be used as is. If the expression is a resolvable
symbol, it will be resolved and used as a var. Otherwise, it's
evaluated like normal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map.

children are test cases or nested test suites.
sourceraw docstring


(expect expr)
(expect expr msg)

Evaluates expression. If it returns logical true, returns that result. If the expression returns logical false, throws lazytest.ExpectationFailed with an attached map describing the reason for failure. Metadata on expr and on the 'expect' form itself will be merged into the failure map.

Evaluates expression. If it returns logical true, returns that
result. If the expression returns logical false, throws
lazytest.ExpectationFailed with an attached map describing the
reason for failure. Metadata on expr and on the 'expect' form
itself will be merged into the failure map.
sourceraw docstring


(expect-any expr msg)


(expect-fn expr msg)


(expect-it doc expr)
(expect-it doc sym? attr-map? expr)

Defines a single test case that wraps the given expr in an expect call.

doc is a documentation string expression. If the expression is a local, it will be used as is. If the expression is a resolvable symbol, it will be resolved and used as a var. Otherwise, it's evaluated like normal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map

expr is a single expression, which must return logical true to indicate the test case passes or logical false to indicate failure.

Defines a single test case that wraps the given expr in an `expect` call.

doc is a documentation string expression. If the expression is
a local, it will be used as is. If the expression is a resolvable
symbol, it will be resolved and used as a var. Otherwise, it's
evaluated like normal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map

expr is a single expression, which must return logical true to
indicate the test case passes or logical false to indicate failure.
sourceraw docstring


(given bindings & body)

DEPRECATED: No longer needed. Use a normal let, please.

Alias for 'let'.

DEPRECATED: No longer needed. Use a normal `let`, please.

Alias for 'let'.
sourceraw docstring


(it doc & body)
(it doc sym? attr-map? & body)

Defines a single test case that may execute arbitrary code.

doc is a documentation string expression. If the expression is a local, it will be used as is. If the expression is a resolvable symbol, it will be resolved and used as a var. Otherwise, it's evaluated like normal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map

body is any code, which must throw an exception (such as with 'expect') to indicate failure. If the code completes without throwing any exceptions, the test case has passed.

NOTE: Because failure requires an exception, no assertions after the thrown exception will be run.

Defines a single test case that may execute arbitrary code.

doc is a documentation string expression. If the expression is
a local, it will be used as is. If the expression is a resolvable
symbol, it will be resolved and used as a var. Otherwise, it's
evaluated like normal.

attr-map (optional) is a metadata map

body is any code, which must throw an exception (such as with
'expect') to indicate failure. If the code completes without
throwing any exceptions, the test case has passed.

NOTE: Because failure requires an exception, no assertions after
the thrown exception will be run.
sourceraw docstring


(ok? f)

Calls f with no arguments and discards its return value. Returns true if f does not throw any exceptions. Use when checking an expression that returns a logical false value.

Useful in expect-it or expect.

Calls f with no arguments and discards its return value. Returns
true if f does not throw any exceptions. Use when checking an expression
that returns a logical false value.

Useful in `expect-it` or `expect`.
sourceraw docstring


(set-ns-context! context)

Must be a sequence of context maps, presumably built with the appropriate macros.

Must be a sequence of context maps, presumably built with the appropriate macros.
sourceraw docstring


(throws-with-msg? c re f)

Calls f with no arguments; catches exceptions of class c. If the message of the caught exception does not match re (with re-find), throws ExpectationFailed. Any other exception not of class c will be re-thrown. Returns false if f throws no exceptions.

Useful in expect-it or expect.

Calls f with no arguments; catches exceptions of class c. If the
message of the caught exception does not match re (with re-find),
throws ExpectationFailed. Any other exception not of class c will
be re-thrown. Returns false if f throws no exceptions.

Useful in `expect-it` or `expect`.
sourceraw docstring


(throws? c f)

Calls f with no arguments; returns true if it throws an instance of class c. Any other exception will be re-thrown. Returns false if f throws no exceptions.

Useful in expect-it or expect.

Calls f with no arguments; returns true if it throws an instance of
class c. Any other exception will be re-thrown. Returns false if f
throws no exceptions.

Useful in `expect-it` or `expect`.
sourceraw docstring

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