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Installation and Aliases

Pretty standard installation as a library.

For Clojure CLI:

:aliases {:splint {:extra-deps {noahtheduke/splint {:mvn/version "some version"}}
                   :main-opts ["-m" "noahtheduke.splint"]}}

And in Leiningen, add this to project.clj:

:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [noahtheduke/splint "some version"]}}
:aliases {"splint" ["run" "-m" "noahtheduke.splint"]}

Jar / Native

At some point, I hope to have downloadable versions but I'm still figuring that out.

In the meantime, it runs fast on babashka and can be installed using bbin:

$ bbin install io.github.noahtheduke/splint
 #:git{:url "",
       :tag "v0.1.69",
       :sha "019d9b9a9606c7603c819ffe383d23c741682fa1"},
 :lib io.github.noahtheduke/splint}

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