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Basic Usage

$ clojure -M:splint --help
splint v1.16.0

  splint [options]
  splint [options] [path...]
  splint [options] -- [path...]


splint can be run with or without passing in paths to check. If they are included, they must follow all other options.

Running splint without any paths will read the local deps.edn or project.clj file and check the directories and files listed in the primary :paths and the directories and paths in the :dev and :test aliases as well.

$ clojure -M:splint
Linting took 485ms, checked 229 files, 10 style warnings

Pass in any number of files or directories to lint them instead, ignoring the available project files.

$ clojure -M:splint src/noahtheduke/splint.clj test/
Linting took 241ms, checked 115 files, 5 style warnings

Command-line options

  • -o, --output FMT: Output format: simple, full, clj-kondo, markdown, json, json-pretty. Defaults to full. (See below for description of each.)
  • -r, --require FILE: Require additional custom rules by loading specified files. Can be provided multiple times. (See Writing a new rule for further details.)
  • --only RULE: Run only the specified rule(s) or genre(s).
  • --[no-]parallel: Run Splint in parallel. Defaults to true.
  • -q, --quiet: Print no diagnostics, only summary.
  • -s, --silent: Print no diagnostics or summary. Overrides --summary.
  • --[no-]summary: Print summary. Defaults to true.
  • --errors: Limits printed diagnostics to parsing or internal Splint errors.
  • --print-config TYPE: Print the absolute path of the loaded config, and prints the contents of the loaded config according to the chosen type: diff for the difference between default and loaded config file, local for the contents of the loaded config file, and full for the merged default and loaded config file.
  • -h, --help: Print the command line options.
  • -v, --version: Print the current version.

Some of the above options can be set in the configuration file. See that page for further details.

Output styles

simple: Prints the filepath and location within the file, the name of the rule, and the message of the rule.

test/clj/game/core/say_test.clj:18:15 [lint/eq-zero] - Use `zero?` instead of recreating it.

full: Prints the filepath and location within the file, the name of the rule, and the message of the rule. Then prints the existing form and the suggested/replaced form demonstrating the necessary change.

test/clj/game/core/say_test.clj:18:15 [lint/eq-zero] - Use `zero?` instead of recreating it.
(= 0 (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))
Consider using:
(zero? (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))

clj-kondo: Prints the filepath and location within the file, the word warning, and the message of the rule.

test/clj/game/core/say_test.clj:18:15: warning: Use `zero?` instead of recreating it.

markdown: Same as full but formatted to produce markdown, with the location and rule name in a header and the code wrapped in code blocks:


#### test/clj/game/core/say_test.clj:82:15 [lint/eq-zero]

Use `zero?` instead of recreating it.

(= 0 (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))

Consider using:

(zero? (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))

which renders to:

test/clj/game/core/say_test.clj:82:15 [lint/eq-zero]

Use zero? instead of recreating it.

(= 0 (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))

Consider using:

(zero? (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))

json: Prints diagnostics formatted to json with :rule-name is a string of the fully-qualified symbol. :form isn't raw from the file, it's the processed form, converted to string with pr-str. :alt is converted to string with pr-str.

{"rule-name":"style/eq-zero","form":"(= 0 (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))","message":"Use `zero?` instead of recreating it.","alt":"(zero? (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))","line":18,"column":15,"end-row":18,"end-col":61,"filename":"../netrunner/test/clj/game/core/say_test.clj"}

json-pretty: Same as json but uses's pprint.

 "form":"(= 0 (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))",
 "message":"Use `zero?` instead of recreating it.",
 "alt":"(zero? (get-counters (refresh pb) :advancement))",

Config styles

diff: Only prints the difference between the Splint defaults and the loaded .splint.edn file. This is useful when explicitly setting local options to their default.

local: Prints the contents of the loaded .splint.edn file. Useful to see which options are being set without directly opening the file.

full: Fully merges the Splint defaults with the loaded .splint.edn file and prints it.

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