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(drop-quote sexp)

Convert (quote (a b c)) to (a b c).

Convert (quote (a b c)) to (a b c).
sourceraw docstring


(non-coll? t)

Is a given simple-type a non-collection?

Is a given simple-type a non-collection?
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(pattern sexp)

Parse a provided pattern s-expression into a function that checks each element and sub-element of the form as a whole predicate. Makes semi-smart decisions about using let-bindings to avoid re-accessing the same value multiple times, adding type hints to rely on interop, and handles the complexities of the pattern DLS.

Returns a map or nil. If the provided pattern uses bindings, the map will have the bindings as keys.

Parse a provided pattern s-expression into a function that checks each
element and sub-element of the form as a whole predicate. Makes semi-smart
decisions about using let-bindings to avoid re-accessing the same value
multiple times, adding type hints to rely on interop, and handles the
complexities of the pattern DLS.

Returns a map or `nil`. If the provided pattern uses bindings, the map will
have the bindings as keys.
sourceraw docstring


(read-dispatch sexp _form _retval)

Same as simple-type except that :symbol and :list provide hints about their contents: :symbol can be refined to :pred, :binding, and :rest, and :list can be refined to :quote. A refinement can be skipped by adding the metadata :spat/lit.

Same as [[simple-type]] except that :symbol and :list provide hints about
their contents: :symbol can be refined to :pred, :binding, and :rest, and :list
can be refined to :quote. A refinement can be skipped by adding the metadata
sourceraw docstring


Implementation of the main logic of pattern. Requires form and retval symbols to be provided to allow for recursion.

Implementation of the main logic of [[pattern]]. Requires form and retval
symbols to be provided to allow for recursion.
sourceraw docstring


(simple-type sexp)

Because Clojure doesn't have this built-in, we must do it the slow way: take an object and return a keyword representing that object:

nil -> :nil
true/false -> :boolean
\c -> :char
1 -> :number
:hello -> :keyword
"hello" -> :string
hello -> :symbol
{:a :b} -> :map
#{:a :b} -> :set
[:a :b] -> :vector
(1 2 3) -> :list
:else -> (type sexp)
Because Clojure doesn't have this built-in, we must do it the slow way: take
an object and return a keyword representing that object:

nil -> :nil
true/false -> :boolean
\c -> :char
1 -> :number
:hello -> :keyword
"hello" -> :string
hello -> :symbol
{:a :b} -> :map
#{:a :b} -> :set
[:a :b] -> :vector
(1 2 3) -> :list
:else -> (type sexp)
sourceraw docstring


(vec-remove pos coll)
remove elem in coll
sourceraw docstring

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