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Change Log

This changelog is loose. Versions are not semantic, they are incremental. Splint is not meant to be infrastructure, so don't rely on it like infrastructure; it is a helpful development tool.




  • Re-fix deploy script.



  • Multiple self tests for consistency.
  • New test runner based on Cognitect test-runner to print better summary and skip printing namespaces.


  • Cleaned up deploy recipe.
  • Wrote short descriptions for all empty config.edn rule descriptions.
  • Removed tools.cli defaults for --parallel and --output, now those are added later (see #5).


  • Correctly merge cli and local options (#5).
  • Edge cases for lint/if-not-do, style/when-not-do.


New Rules

  • metrics/fn-length: Function bodies shouldn't be longer than 10 lines. Has :body and :defn styles, and :length configurable value to set maximum length.


  • Add test-helpers/expect-match to assert on submatches, transition all existing check-X functions to use it instead.
  • Track end position of diagnostics.
  • Attach location metadata to function "arities" when a defn arg+body isn't wrapped in a list.


  • Parse defn forms in postprocessing and attach as metadata instead of parsing in individual rules.


  • Fix style/multiple-arity-order with :arglists metadata.
  • Fix binding pattern when binding is falsey.
  • Skip #(.someMethod %) in lint/fn-wrapper.
  • Skip and and or in style/prefer-condp.



  • Fix io/resource issue.
  • Remove .class files from jar.



  • -v and --version cli flags to print the current version.
  • --config TYPE cli flag to print the diff, local, or full configuration.


  • Fix "Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol" error in splint.rules.helpers.parse-defn when trying to parse ill-formed function definitions.
  • "Fix" error messages. Honestly, I'm not great at these so I'm not entirely sure how to best display this stuff.
  • Skip #(do [%1 %2]) in style/useless-do, add docstring note about it.



  • Babashka compatibility
  • Set up Github CI



  • Links in docs for style guide.


New Rules

  • naming/single-segment-namespace: Prefer (ns to (ns foo).
  • lint/prefer-require-over-use: Prefer (:require [clojure.string ...]) to (:use clojure.string). Accepts different styles in the replacement form: :as, :refer [...] and :refer :all.
  • naming/conventional-aliases: Prefer idiomatic aliases for core libraries ([clojure.string :as str] to [clojure.string :as string]).
  • naming/lisp-case: Prefer kebab-case over other cases for top-level definitions. Relies on camel-snake-kebab.
  • style/multiple-arity-order: Function definitions should have multiple arities sorted fewest arguments to most: (defn foo ([a] 1) ([a b] 2) ([a b & more] 3))



  • Parsing bug in lint/fn-wrapper introduced in v1.2.3.



  • *warn-on-reflection* to all rules and rule template.
  • Use :spat/import-ns metadata as way to track when a symbol has been imported.


  • Various performance enhancements:
    • Use protocols in noahtheduke.spat.pattern/simple-type for performance.
    • Use volatile instead of atom for bindings in noahtheduke.spat.pattern.
    • Switch keep to reduce to avoid seq and laziness manipulation.
    • Use some-> where appropriate for short-circuiting.


  • Fix #2, false positive on interop fn-wrappers.
  • Lots of small namespace parsing fixes.



  • Differentiate between &&. rest args and parsed lists in :on-match handlers by attaching :noahtheduke.spat.pattern/rest metadata to bound rest args.
  • Bump edamame to v1.3.21 to handle #:: {:a 1} auto-resolved namespaced maps with spaces between the colons and the map literal.
  • Use correct url in install docs. (Thanks @dpassen)



  • lint/thread-macro-one-arg supports :inline and :avoid-collections styles.
  • :updated field in configuration edn, show in rule docs.
  • :guide-ref for style/prefer-clj-math.
  • Interpose <hr> between each rule's docs.


  • Clarify docstring for lint/dorun-map.


  • Left align contents of tables in rule docs.
  • Correctly render bare links in rule docs.
  • Correctly export clojars info in deploy justfile recipe.



  • markdown output: Same text as full but with a fancy horizontal bar, header, and code blocks.
  • :chosen-style allows for rules to have configuration and different "styles". The first supported is lint/not-empty? showing either seq or not-empty.


  • ctx is no longer an atom, but a plain map. The :diagnostics entry is now the atom.
  • splint.runner/check-form returns the entire updated ctx object instead of just the diagnostics. (I'm not entirely sure that's reasonable, but it's easily changed.)
  • Move a lot of rules from lint to style genre:
    • apply-str
    • apply-str-interpose
    • apply-str-reverse
    • assoc-assoc
    • conj-vector
    • eq-false
    • eq-nil
    • eq-true
    • eq-zero
    • filter-complement
    • filter-vec-filterv
    • first-first
    • first-next
    • let-do
    • mapcat-apply-apply
    • mapcat-concat-map
    • minus-one
    • minus-zero
    • multiply-by-one
    • multiply-by-zero
    • neg-checks
    • nested-addition
    • nested-multiply
    • next-first
    • next-next
    • not-eq
    • not-nil
    • not-some-pred
    • plus-one
    • plus-zero
    • pos-checks
    • tostring
    • update-in-assoc
    • useless-do
    • when-do
    • when-not-call
    • when-not-do
    • when-not-empty
    • when-not-not


  • Add ctx as first argument to :on-match functions to pass in config to rules. Update functions in splint.runner as necessary.



  • Update Rule Documentation.
  • Include new documentation in cljdoc.edn



  • Write documentation for rules and patterns.
  • Write docstrings for a bunch of noahtheduke.spat.pattern functions.
  • Include outside links in config in rules docs.
  • Check :spat/lit metadata to treat special symbols in pattern DSL as their literal values.


  • Attempt to resolve predicates in calling namespace first, then in clojure.core, then in noahtheduke.splint.rules.helpers.
  • Rename read-dispatch type from :var to :binding.



  • Run linting over syntax-quoted forms again.


New Rules

  • style/def-fn: Prefer (let [z f] (defn x [y] (z y))) over (def x (let [z f] (fn [y] (z y))))
  • lint/try-splicing: Prefer (try (do ~@body) (finally ...)) over (try ~@body (finally ...)).
  • lint/body-unquote-splicing: Prefer (binding [max mymax] (let [res# (do ~@body)] res#)) over (binding [max mymax] ~@body).


  • Use markdownlint to pretty up the markdown in the repo. Will do my best to keep up with it.


  • Add --parallel and --no-parallel for running splint in parallel or not. Defaults to true.
  • No longer run linting over quoted or syntax-quoted forms.
  • Rely on edamame's newly built-in :uneval config option for :splint/disable.
  • Move version from build.clj to resources/SPLINT_VERSION.


  • naming/record-name: Add :message.
  • style/prefer-condp: Only runs if given more than 1 predicate branch.
  • style/set-literal-as-fn: Allow quoted symbols in sets.


Actually wrote out something of a changelog.

New Rules

  • lint/duplicate-field-name: (defrecord Foo [a b a])
  • naming/conversion-functions: Should use x->y instead of x-to-y.
  • style/set-literal-as-fn: Should use (case elem (a b) true false) instead of (#{'a 'b} elem)


  • The :new-rule task now creates a test stub in the correct test directory.
  • #_:splint/disable is treated as metadata on the following form and disables all rules. #_{:splint/disable []} can take genres of rules ([lint]) and/or specific rules ([lint/loop-do]) and disables those rules. See below (Thoughts and Followup) for discussion and Configuration for more details.


  • defrule now requires the provided rule-name to be fully qualified, and doesn't perform any *ns* magic to derive the genre.
  • Add support for specifying :init-type in defrule to handle symbol matching.
  • All of the :dispatch reader macros provided by Edamame now wrap their sexps in the appropriate (splint/X sexp) form, to distinguish them from the symbol forms. Aka #(inc %) is now rendered as (splint/fn [%1] (inc %1)), vs the original (fn* ...), or #'x is now (splint/var x) vs (var x). This allows for writing rules targeting the literal form instead of the symbol form, and requires that rule patterns rely on functions in noahtheduke.splint.rules.helpers to cover these alternates.
  • Split all rules tests into their own matching namespaces.
  • Add noahtheduke.splint.rules.helpers as an autoresolving namespace so rules can use predicates defined within it without importing or qualifying.
  • Renamed errors from violation to diagnostic.
  • Merge rules configs into rules maps at load-time.


  • lint/duplicate-field-name wasn't checking that ?fields was a vector before calling count on it.


I want another parser because I want access to comments. Without comments, I can't parse magic comments, meaning I can't enable or disable rules inline, only globally. That's annoying and not ideal. However, every solution I've dreamed up has some deep issue.

  • Edamame is our current parser and it's extremely fast (40ms to parse clojure/core.clj) but it drops comments. I've forked it to try to add them, but that would mean handling them in every other part of the parser, such as syntax-quote and maps and sets, making dealing with those objects really hard. :sob:

  • Rewrite-clj only exposes comments in the zip api, meaning I have to operate on the zipper objects with zipper functions (horrible and slow). It's nice to rely on Clojure built-ins instead of (loop [zloc zloc] (z/next* ...)) nonsense.

  • clj-kondo is faster than rewrite-clj and has a nicer api, but the resulting tree isn't as easy to work with as Edamame and it's slower. Originally built Spat in it and found it to be annoying to use.

  • parcera looked promising, but the pre-processing in parcera/ast is slow and operating on the Java directly is deeply cumbersome. The included grammar also makes some odd choices and I don't know ANTLR4 well enough to know how to fix them (such as including the : in keyword strings). Additionally, if I were to switch, I would have to update/touch every existing rule.


After tinkering with Edamame for a bit, I've found a solution that requires no changes to edamame to support: #_:splint/disable. This style of directive applies metadata to the following form: #_{:splint/disable [lint/plus-one]} (+ 1 x). Edamame normally discard #_/discarded forms, so on Borkdude's recommendation, I use str/replace to convert it at parse-time to metadata. This uses an existing convention and handles the issue of disabling multiple items or disabling for only a certain portion of the file.


Update readme with some better writing.

New Rules

  • dev/sorted-rules-require for internal use only


  • Annotate all rules with :no-doc.
  • Rename lint/cond-else to style/cond-else.
  • Cleaned up readme.


Renamed to Splint! Things are really coming together now.

New Rules

  • lint/assoc-in-one-arg
  • lint/update-in-one-arg
  • naming/predicate
  • naming/record-name
  • style/let-if
  • style/let-when
  • style/new-object
  • style/prefer-boolean
  • style/prefer-condp
  • style/redundant-let
  • style/single-key-in


  • Basic CLI.
  • Basic config file and config management.
  • cljdoc support.
  • -M:gen-docs for rule documentation generation and formatting.
  • -M:new-rule task to generate a new rule file from a template.
  • -M:deploy task to push to clojars.


  • Split main file into multiple files: core functionality to namespaces, each rule to a separate file.
  • Rename lint/with-meta-vary-meta to style/prefer-vary-meta.
  • Rename lint/thread-macro-no-arg to lint/redundant-call.

v0.1 - 2023-02-16

Initial release of spat, announcement on Clojurian Slack and bbin installation set up. Contains working pattern matching system, a bunch of rules, and a simple runner.

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