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(callout {:keys [label heavy? wrap? margin-top margin-bottom padding-top
          :as opts}

Prints a message to the console with a block-based coloring motif controlled by the :type option.

In terminal emulator consoles, this will print a colored bounding border in the inline start position. In browser consoles, a border is not used, as the background and foreground text of the message block is automatically colored by the browser dev tools logging mechanism based on the type of logging function that is used, e.g. console.error, console.warn, or console.log. The color of the border is determined by the value of the :type option. The default color is magenta.

Prints an optional, bolded label in the same color as the border, in the block start postion. If an :type option is set, the label string will default to an uppercased version of that string, e.g. {:type :INFO} => "INFO". If a :label option is supplied, that value is used instead.

The amount of space (in number of lines) above and below the message block can be controlled the margin-top and margin-bottom options. The amount of vertical padding (in number of lines) within the bounds of the message body can be controlled the padding-top and padding-bottom options.

Prints a message to the console with a block-based coloring motif
controlled by the `:type` option.

In terminal emulator consoles, this will print a colored bounding
border in the inline start position. In browser consoles, a border
is not used, as the background and foreground text of the message
block is automatically colored by the browser dev tools logging
mechanism based on the type of logging function that is used,
e.g. `console.error`, `console.warn`, or `console.log`. 
The color of the border is determined by the value of the
`:type` option. The default color is magenta.
Prints an optional, bolded label in the same color as the border,
in the block start postion. If an :type option is set, the
label string will default to an uppercased version of that string,
e.g. {:type :INFO} => "INFO". If a `:label` option is
supplied, that value is used instead.
The amount of space (in number of lines) above and below the
message block can be controlled the `margin-top` and `margin-bottom`
options. The amount of vertical padding (in number of lines) within
the bounds of the message body can be controlled the `padding-top`
and `padding-bottom` options.
sourceraw docstring


(enriched & coll)


(enriched-data coll)


(enriched-data-css coll)


(point-of-interest {:keys [line file column form header body squiggly-color]
                    :as opts})

A namespace info diagram which identifies a specific sexp. This provides the namespace, column, and line number, and a bolded, potentially truncated, representation of the specific form of interest. This form representation is accented with a squiggly underline.

The :line, :column, :form, and :file options must all be present in order for the namespece info diagram to be rendered. If the :form option is supplied, but any of the others are omitted, only the form will be rendered (with a squiggly underline and no stacktrace diagram).

A namespace info diagram which identifies a specific sexp. This provides the
namespace, column, and line number, and a bolded, potentially truncated,
representation of the specific form of interest. This form representation is
accented with a squiggly underline.

The `:line`, `:column`, `:form`, and `:file` options must all be present in
order for the namespece info diagram to be rendered. If the `:form` option is
supplied, but any of the others are omitted, only the form will be rendered
(with a squiggly underline and no stacktrace diagram).
sourceraw docstring

(print-enriched arr)
(print-enriched arr f)
source (clj)source (cljs)

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