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Implements the GRPC-HTTP2 protocol for clients

Implements the [GRPC-HTTP2]( protocol for clients
raw docstring


(connect {:keys [uri codecs content-coding max-frame-size input-buffer-size
                 metadata idle-timeout ssl insecure? on-close]
          :or {codecs builtin-codecs
               max-frame-size 16384
               input-buffer-size jetty/default-input-buffer
               insecure? false}
          :as params})

Connects the client to a GRPC-HTTP2 compatible server


A map with the following entries:

| Value | Type | Default | Description | |-----------------------|---------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | uri | String | n/a | The URI of the GRPC server | | codecs | map | [[protojure.grpc.codec.core/builtin-codecs]] | Optional custom codecs | | content-coding | String | nil | The encoding to use on request data | | max-frame-size | UInt32 | 16KB | The maximum HTTP2 DATA frame size | | input-buffer-size | UInt32 | 1MB | The input-buffer size | | insecure? | bool | false | Disables TLS checks such as host verification and truststore (dev only) | | metadata | map or fn | n/a | Optional [string string] tuples as a map, or a 0-arity fn that returns same that will be submitted as attributes to the request, such as via HTTP headers for GRPC-HTTP2 | | on-close | fn | n/a | Optional zero argument callback function when a connection is closed. |

Return value

A promise that, on success, evaluates to an instance of [[api/Provider]]. (api/disconnect) should be used to release any resources when the connection is no longer required.

Connects the client to a [GRPC-HTTP2]( compatible server

#### Parameters
A map with the following entries:

| Value                 | Type          | Default | Description                                                                |
| **uri**               | _String_      | n/a     | The URI of the GRPC server                                                 |
| **codecs**            | _map_         | [[protojure.grpc.codec.core/builtin-codecs]] | Optional custom codecs               |
| **content-coding**    | _String_      | nil     | The encoding to use on request data                                       |
| **max-frame-size**    | _UInt32_      | 16KB    | The maximum HTTP2 DATA frame size                                         |
| **input-buffer-size** | _UInt32_      | 1MB     | The input-buffer size                                                     |
| **insecure?**         | _bool_        | false   | Disables TLS checks such as host verification and truststore (dev only)   |
| **metadata**          | _map_ or _fn_ | n/a     | Optional [string string] tuples as a map, or a 0-arity fn that returns same that will be submitted as attributes to the request, such as via HTTP headers for GRPC-HTTP2 |
| **on-close**          | _fn_          | n/a     | Optional zero argument callback function when a connection is closed. |

#### Return value
A promise that, on success, evaluates to an instance of [[api/Provider]].
_(api/disconnect)_ should be used to release any resources when the connection is no longer required.
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