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Provides apply-controllers function

Provides apply-controllers function
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(apply-controller controller method)

Run side-effects (:start or :stop) for controller. The side-effect function is called with controller identity value.

Run side-effects (:start or :stop) for controller.
The side-effect function is called with controller identity value.
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(apply-controllers old-controllers new-match)

Applies changes between current controllers and those previously enabled. Reinitializes controllers whose identity has changed.

Applies changes between current controllers and
those previously enabled. Reinitializes controllers whose
identity has changed.
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(get-identity {:keys [identity parameters params]} match)

Get controller identity given controller and match.

To select interesting properties from Match :parameters option can be set. Value should be param-type => [param-key] Resulting value is map of param-type => param-key => value.

For other uses, :identity option can be used to provide function from Match to identity.

Default value is nil, i.e. controller identity doesn't depend on Match.

Get controller identity given controller and match.

To select interesting properties from Match :parameters option can be set.
Value should be param-type => [param-key]
Resulting value is map of param-type => param-key => value.

For other uses, :identity option can be used to provide function from
Match to identity.

Default value is nil, i.e. controller identity doesn't depend on Match.
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