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NVD status

A library for communicating with DVV certificate card reader software


See dev-src/clj/puumerkki/main.clj for example usages


In order to execute tests in JVM, install Leigingen and run:

lein test

JS-tests are run with Shadow-cljs. Install npm, run npm install and execute tests:

npm test



Snapshots are published to Clojars automatically by GitHub Actions when a commit is pushed to master.


Releases are published to Clojars manually by developers.


  1. Create a Clojars account
  2. Get verified on Clojars group by following the instructions here.
  3. Create a deploy token by following instructions in the wiki.
  4. Set CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_TOKEN environment variables.


There are three release tasks to choose from: release-current, release-minor, and release-major. The first one promotes the current snapshot to a release, and the other two increment the version number accordingly before doing the same. After the release, a new snapshot version with patch number incremented is set.

NOTE: Why not use the default Leiningen release task or set desired :release-tasks in project.clj?

Version should be incremented after releasing, so that new snapshots have a new version. However, it's not known at the time of releasing whether the next release requires incrementing minor or major version. The current assumption is that most of the time patch release is enough. Therefore, patch version is incremented after releasing, and minor/major version is incremented only when needed when creating a new release. With the default tasks this wouldn't be possible, as every other patch would be skipped if version was incremented every time before release.

To release a new version, follow these steps:

  1. Switch to a new branch:
    git switch -c release\
  2. Check whether there are any changes after the last release that warrant incrementing either minor (new features) or major (breaking changes) version. Choose release task accordingly and run it:
    lein release-current, lein release-minor, or lein release-major\
  3. Push the branch with tags:
    git push --follow-tags --set-upstream origin release
  4. Create a pull request and merge it to master.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Antti Möttönen, Juho Leinonen & Antti Rämö
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