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No dependency, specification compliant SSE client in Clojure

Status: alpha, but works


(ns user
   [clj-sse-client.client :as http]
   [clj-sse-client.sse :as sse]))

(def client (http/client))

(def request
  {:uri "http://localhost:8005/lowfreq"
   :headers {}
   :method :get})

(def opts
  {:on-complete (fn [state] (println "Subscription completed with state:" state))
   :on-error (fn [state ^Throwable t] (println "Error with state:" state t))
   :on-next (fn [eff] (doto eff println))
   :on-subscribe (fn [state] (println "Initializing subscription with state:" state))})

(def conn (sse/sse-connection client request opts {:reconnect? true}))
(sse/connect conn)
(.close conn)


Run the project's tests:

$ clojure -T:build test

Integration testing

Besides the tests verifying correctness of the SSE implementation, the following can be used for integration tests:

Clone the repo and follow the instructions, and run the example from the usage section.

Building and deployment

Run the project's CI pipeline and build a JAR:

$ clojure -T:build ci

This will produce an updated pom.xml file with synchronized dependencies inside the META-INF directory inside target/classes and the JAR in target. You can update the version (and SCM tag) information in generated pom.xml by updating build.clj.

Install it locally (requires the ci task be run first):

$ clojure -T:build install

Deploy it to Clojars -- needs CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_PASSWORD environment variables (requires the ci task be run first):

$ clojure -T:build deploy

The library will be deployed to io.github.sorted-falnyd/clj-sse-client on by default.


  • [X] Reconnect flow
  • [ ] Handle retry messages


Copyright © 2021 sorted-falnyd

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.

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