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0.5.0 - Apr 15, 2024

  • Added :files option for custom file patterns #8 via @danieroux
  • Extracted core/*config* from core/*state

0.4.3 - Mar 21, 2024

  • Do not report self-reference as a cycle #6
  • Parse record ctor syntax #7

0.4.2 - Mar 20, 2024

  • Speed up topo-sort #5

0.4.1 - Mar 7, 2024

  • Fixed issues when adding/removing keeps

0.4.0 - Mar 4, 2024

  • Added unload

0.3.0 - Feb 29, 2024

  • Support passing regexp as :only option

0.2.0 - Feb 23, 2024

Support optional “init-less” workflow:

  • Initialize by default with all dirs on classpath
  • Support :clj-reload/no-reload and :clj-reload/no-unload meta on ns

0.1.3 - Feb 21, 2024

  • Support namespaces defined in multiple files #3

0.1.2 - Feb 20, 2024

  • Fixed parsing files with aliased keywords #2
  • Support :as-alias

0.1.1 - Feb 18, 2024

  • Support keeping private defs #1
  • Throw on unsupported keep forms

0.1.0 - Feb 17, 2024

  • Initial

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Nikita Prokopov & Danie Roux
Edit on GitHub

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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