Returns dirs that are currently on classpath
Returns dirs that are currently on classpath
(find-namespaces regex)
Returns namespaces matching regex, or all of them
Returns namespaces matching regex, or all of them
(init opts)
:dirs :: [<string> ...] - where to look for files :files :: #"<regex>" - which files to scan, defaults to #".*\.cljc?" :no-reload :: #{<symbol> ...} - list of namespaces to skip reload entirely :no-unload :: #{<symbol> ...} - list of namespaces to skip unload only. These will be loaded “on top” of previous state :unload-hook :: <symbol> - if function with this name exists in a namespace, it will be called before unloading. Default: 'before-ns-unload :reload-hook :: <symbol> - if function with this name exists in a namespace, it will be called after reloading. Default: 'after-ns-reload :output :: <keyword> - verbosity of log output. Options: :verbose - print Unloading/Reloading for each namespace :quieter - only print 'Reloaded N namespaces' :quiet - no output at all Default: :verbose
Options: :dirs :: [<string> ...] - where to look for files :files :: #"<regex>" - which files to scan, defaults to #".*\\.cljc?" :no-reload :: #{<symbol> ...} - list of namespaces to skip reload entirely :no-unload :: #{<symbol> ...} - list of namespaces to skip unload only. These will be loaded “on top” of previous state :unload-hook :: <symbol> - if function with this name exists in a namespace, it will be called before unloading. Default: 'before-ns-unload :reload-hook :: <symbol> - if function with this name exists in a namespace, it will be called after reloading. Default: 'after-ns-reload :output :: <keyword> - verbosity of log output. Options: :verbose - print Unloading/Reloading for each namespace :quieter - only print 'Reloaded N namespaces' :quiet - no output at all Default: :verbose
(reload opts)
:throw :: true | false - throw or return exception, default true :log-fn :: (fn [& args]) - fn to display unload/reload status :only :: :changed - default. Only reloads changed already loaded files | :loaded - Reload all loaded files | <Pattern> - Reload all nses matching this pattern | :all - Reload everything it can find in dirs
Returns map of what was reloaded
{:unloaded [<symbol> ...] :loaded [<symbol> ...]}
If anything fails, throws. If :throw false, return value will also have keys
{:failed <symbol> :exception <Throwable>}
Can be called multiple times. If reload fails, fix the error and call reload
Options: :throw :: true | false - throw or return exception, default true :log-fn :: (fn [& args]) - fn to display unload/reload status :only :: :changed - default. Only reloads changed already loaded files | :loaded - Reload all loaded files | <Pattern> - Reload all nses matching this pattern | :all - Reload everything it can find in dirs Returns map of what was reloaded {:unloaded [<symbol> ...] :loaded [<symbol> ...]} If anything fails, throws. If :throw false, return value will also have keys {:failed <symbol> :exception <Throwable>} Can be called multiple times. If reload fails, fix the error and call `reload` again
(unload opts)
Same as reload
, but does not loads namespaces back
Same as `reload`, but does not loads namespaces back
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