This is the core charting library for Incanter. It provides basic scatter plots, histograms, box plots xy plots, bar charts, line charts, as well as specialized charts like trace plots and Bland-Altman plots.
This library is built on the JFreeChart library (
This is the core charting library for Incanter. It provides basic scatter plots, histograms, box plots xy plots, bar charts, line charts, as well as specialized charts like trace plots and Bland-Altman plots. This library is built on the JFreeChart library (
(add-box-plot chart x & options)
Adds an additional box to an existing box-plot, returns the modified chart object.
Options: :series-label (default x expression)
(use '(incanter core charts stats datasets)) (doto (box-plot (sample-normal 1000) :legend true) view (add-box-plot (sample-normal 1000 :sd 2)) (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000)))
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (box-plot :Sepal.Length :legend true) (add-box-plot :Petal.Length) (add-box-plot :Sepal.Width) (add-box-plot :Petal.Width) view))
Adds an additional box to an existing box-plot, returns the modified chart object. Options: :series-label (default x expression) Examples: (use '(incanter core charts stats datasets)) (doto (box-plot (sample-normal 1000) :legend true) view (add-box-plot (sample-normal 1000 :sd 2)) (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000))) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (box-plot :Sepal.Length :legend true) (add-box-plot :Petal.Length) (add-box-plot :Sepal.Width) (add-box-plot :Petal.Width) view)) References:
(add-box-plot* chart x & options)
(add-categories chart categories values & options)
Adds an additional categories to an existing bar-chart or line-chart, returns the modified chart object.
Options: :group-by :series-label
(use '(incanter core charts stats datasets)) (def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def x (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (def plot (bar-chart years x :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view plot) (add-categories plot years [10 20 40] :series-label "winter-break")
(add-categories plot (plus 3 years) (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100) :group-by seasons)
(def plot2 (line-chart years x :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view plot2) (add-categories plot2 (plus 3 years) (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100) :group-by seasons)
(with-data (get-dataset :iris)
(doto (line-chart :Species :Sepal.Length
:data ($rollup mean :Sepal.Length :Species)
:legend true)
(add-categories :Species :Sepal.Width :data ($rollup mean :Sepal.Width :Species))
(add-categories :Species :Petal.Length :data ($rollup mean :Petal.Length :Species))
(add-categories :Species :Petal.Width :data ($rollup mean :Petal.Width :Species))
Adds an additional categories to an existing bar-chart or line-chart, returns the modified chart object. Options: :group-by :series-label Examples: (use '(incanter core charts stats datasets)) (def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def x (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (def plot (bar-chart years x :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view plot) (add-categories plot years [10 20 40] :series-label "winter-break") (add-categories plot (plus 3 years) (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100) :group-by seasons) (def plot2 (line-chart years x :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view plot2) (add-categories plot2 (plus 3 years) (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100) :group-by seasons) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (line-chart :Species :Sepal.Length :data ($rollup mean :Sepal.Length :Species) :legend true) (add-categories :Species :Sepal.Width :data ($rollup mean :Sepal.Width :Species)) (add-categories :Species :Petal.Length :data ($rollup mean :Petal.Length :Species)) (add-categories :Species :Petal.Width :data ($rollup mean :Petal.Width :Species)) view)) References:
(add-categories* chart categories values & options)
(add-function chart function min-range max-range & options)
Adds a xy-plot of the given function to the given chart, returning a modified version of the chart.
Options: :series-label (default x expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500))
See also: function-plot, view, save, add-function, add-points, add-lines
(use '(incanter core stats charts))
;; plot the sine and cosine functions (doto (function-plot sin (- Math/PI) Math/PI) (add-function cos (- Math/PI) Math/PI) view)
;; plot two normal pdf functions (doto (function-plot pdf-normal -3 3 :legend true) (add-function (fn [x] (pdf-normal x :mean 0.5 :sd 0.5)) -3 3) view)
;; plot a user defined function and its derivative (use '(incanter core charts optimize))
;; define the function, x^3 + 2x^2 + 2x + 3 (defn cubic [x] (+ (* x x x) (* 2 x x) (* 2 x) 3))
;; use the derivative function to get a function ;; that approximates its derivative (def deriv-cubic (derivative cubic))
;; plot the cubic function and its derivative (doto (function-plot cubic -10 10) (add-function deriv-cubic -10 10) view)
Adds a xy-plot of the given function to the given chart, returning a modified version of the chart. Options: :series-label (default x expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500)) See also: function-plot, view, save, add-function, add-points, add-lines Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) ;; plot the sine and cosine functions (doto (function-plot sin (- Math/PI) Math/PI) (add-function cos (- Math/PI) Math/PI) view) ;; plot two normal pdf functions (doto (function-plot pdf-normal -3 3 :legend true) (add-function (fn [x] (pdf-normal x :mean 0.5 :sd 0.5)) -3 3) view) ;; plot a user defined function and its derivative (use '(incanter core charts optimize)) ;; define the function, x^3 + 2x^2 + 2x + 3 (defn cubic [x] (+ (* x x x) (* 2 x x) (* 2 x) 3)) ;; use the derivative function to get a function ;; that approximates its derivative (def deriv-cubic (derivative cubic)) ;; plot the cubic function and its derivative (doto (function-plot cubic -10 10) (add-function deriv-cubic -10 10) view)
(add-function* chart function min-range max-range & options)
(add-histogram chart x & options)
Adds a histogram to an existing histogram plot, returns the modified chart object.
Options: :nbins (default 10) number of bins for histogram :series-label (default x expression)
(use '(incanter core charts stats datasets)) (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :legend true) view (add-histogram (sample-normal 1000 :sd 0.5)))
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (histogram :Sepal.Length :legend true) (add-histogram :Petal.Length) view))
Adds a histogram to an existing histogram plot, returns the modified chart object. Options: :nbins (default 10) number of bins for histogram :series-label (default x expression) Examples: (use '(incanter core charts stats datasets)) (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :legend true) view (add-histogram (sample-normal 1000 :sd 0.5))) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (histogram :Sepal.Length :legend true) (add-histogram :Petal.Length) view)) References:
(add-histogram* chart x & options)
(add-image chart x y img & options)
Adds an image to the chart at the given coordinates.
Arguments: chart -- the chart to add the polygon to. x, y -- the coordinates to place the image img -- a java.awt.Image object
Examples: (use '(incanter core charts latex))
(doto (function-plot sin -10 10) (add-image 0 0 (latex "\frac{(a+b)^2} {(a-b)^2}")) view)
Adds an image to the chart at the given coordinates. Arguments: chart -- the chart to add the polygon to. x, y -- the coordinates to place the image img -- a java.awt.Image object Examples: (use '(incanter core charts latex)) (doto (function-plot sin -10 10) (add-image 0 0 (latex "\\frac{(a+b)^2} {(a-b)^2}")) view)
(add-lines chart x y & options)
Plots lines on the given scatter or line plot (xy-plot) of the (x,y) points. Equivalent to R's lines function, returns the modified chart object.
Options: :series-label (default x expression) :points (default false) :auto-sort (default true) sort data by x
(use '(incanter core stats io datasets charts)) (def cars (to-matrix (get-dataset :cars))) (def y (sel cars :cols 0)) (def x (sel cars :cols 1)) (def plot1 (scatter-plot x y :legend true)) (view plot1)
;; add regression line to scatter plot (def lm1 (linear-model y x)) (add-lines plot1 x (:fitted lm1))
;; model the data without an intercept (def lm2 (linear-model y x :intercept false)) (add-lines plot1 x (:fitted lm2))
;; Clojure's doto macro can be used to build a chart (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :density true) (add-lines (range -3 3 0.05) (pdf-normal (range -3 3 0.05))) view)
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (xy-plot :Sepal.Width :Sepal.Length :legend true) (add-lines :Petal.Width :Petal.Length) view))
Plots lines on the given scatter or line plot (xy-plot) of the (x,y) points. Equivalent to R's lines function, returns the modified chart object. Options: :series-label (default x expression) :points (default false) :auto-sort (default true) sort data by x Examples: (use '(incanter core stats io datasets charts)) (def cars (to-matrix (get-dataset :cars))) (def y (sel cars :cols 0)) (def x (sel cars :cols 1)) (def plot1 (scatter-plot x y :legend true)) (view plot1) ;; add regression line to scatter plot (def lm1 (linear-model y x)) (add-lines plot1 x (:fitted lm1)) ;; model the data without an intercept (def lm2 (linear-model y x :intercept false)) (add-lines plot1 x (:fitted lm2)) ;; Clojure's doto macro can be used to build a chart (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :density true) (add-lines (range -3 3 0.05) (pdf-normal (range -3 3 0.05))) view) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (xy-plot :Sepal.Width :Sepal.Length :legend true) (add-lines :Petal.Width :Petal.Length) view)) References:
(add-parametric chart function min-range max-range & options)
Adds a xy-plot of the given parametric function to the given chart, returning a modified version of the chart. Function takes 1 argument t and returns point [x y].
Options: :series-label (default function expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500))
See also: parametric-plot, view, save, add-function, add-points, add-lines
(use '(incanter core charts))
;;; Plot square with circle inside. (defn circle [t] [(cos t) (sin t)]) (doto (xy-plot [1 -1 -1 1 1] [1 1 -1 -1 1] :auto-sort false) (add-parametric circle 0 (* 2 Math/PI)) (view))
Adds a xy-plot of the given parametric function to the given chart, returning a modified version of the chart. Function takes 1 argument t and returns point [x y]. Options: :series-label (default function expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500)) See also: parametric-plot, view, save, add-function, add-points, add-lines Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) ;;; Plot square with circle inside. (defn circle [t] [(cos t) (sin t)]) (doto (xy-plot [1 -1 -1 1 1] [1 1 -1 -1 1] :auto-sort false) (add-parametric circle 0 (* 2 Math/PI)) (view))
(add-parametric* chart function min-range max-range & options)
(add-pointer chart x y & options)
Adds an arrow annotation to the given chart.
Arguments: chart -- the chart to annotate x, y -- the coordinate to add the annotation
Options: :text -- (default "") text to include at the end of the arrow :angle -- (default :nw) either a number indicating the angle of the arrow or a keyword indicating a direction (:north :nw :west :sw :south :se :east :ne)
(use '(incanter core charts)) (def x (range (* -2 Math/PI) (* 2 Math/PI) 0.01)) (def plot (xy-plot x (sin x))) (view plot) ;; annotate the plot (doto plot (add-pointer (- Math/PI) (sin (- Math/PI)) :text "(-pi, (sin -pi))") (add-pointer Math/PI (sin Math/PI) :text "(pi, (sin pi))" :angle :ne) (add-pointer (* 1/2 Math/PI) (sin (* 1/2 Math/PI)) :text "(pi/2, (sin pi/2))" :angle :south))
;; try the different angle options (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "north" :angle :north) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "nw" :angle :nw) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "ne" :angle :ne) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "west" :angle :west) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "east" :angle :east) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "south" :angle :south) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "sw" :angle :sw) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "se" :angle :se)
Adds an arrow annotation to the given chart. Arguments: chart -- the chart to annotate x, y -- the coordinate to add the annotation Options: :text -- (default "") text to include at the end of the arrow :angle -- (default :nw) either a number indicating the angle of the arrow or a keyword indicating a direction (:north :nw :west :sw :south :se :east :ne) Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (def x (range (* -2 Math/PI) (* 2 Math/PI) 0.01)) (def plot (xy-plot x (sin x))) (view plot) ;; annotate the plot (doto plot (add-pointer (- Math/PI) (sin (- Math/PI)) :text "(-pi, (sin -pi))") (add-pointer Math/PI (sin Math/PI) :text "(pi, (sin pi))" :angle :ne) (add-pointer (* 1/2 Math/PI) (sin (* 1/2 Math/PI)) :text "(pi/2, (sin pi/2))" :angle :south)) ;; try the different angle options (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "north" :angle :north) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "nw" :angle :nw) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "ne" :angle :ne) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "west" :angle :west) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "east" :angle :east) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "south" :angle :south) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "sw" :angle :sw) (add-pointer plot 0 0 :text "se" :angle :se)
(add-points chart x y & options)
Plots points on the given scatter-plot or xy-plot of the (x,y) points. Equivalent to R's lines function, returns the modified chart object.
Options: :series-label (default x expression)
(use '(incanter core stats io datasets charts)) (def cars (to-matrix (get-dataset :cars))) (def y (sel cars :cols 0)) (def x (sel cars :cols 1))
;; add regression line to scatter plot (def lm1 (linear-model y x)) ;; model the data without an intercept (def lm2 (linear-model y x :intercept false))
(doto (xy-plot x (:fitted lm1) :legend true) view (add-points x y) (add-lines x (:fitted lm2)))
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data ($where {:Species "setosa"})) (add-points :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data ($where {:Species "versicolor"})) (add-points :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data ($where {:Species "virginica"})) view))
;; of course this chart can be achieved in a single line: (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species :data (get-dataset :iris)))
Plots points on the given scatter-plot or xy-plot of the (x,y) points. Equivalent to R's lines function, returns the modified chart object. Options: :series-label (default x expression) Examples: (use '(incanter core stats io datasets charts)) (def cars (to-matrix (get-dataset :cars))) (def y (sel cars :cols 0)) (def x (sel cars :cols 1)) ;; add regression line to scatter plot (def lm1 (linear-model y x)) ;; model the data without an intercept (def lm2 (linear-model y x :intercept false)) (doto (xy-plot x (:fitted lm1) :legend true) view (add-points x y) (add-lines x (:fitted lm2))) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (doto (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data ($where {:Species "setosa"})) (add-points :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data ($where {:Species "versicolor"})) (add-points :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data ($where {:Species "virginica"})) view)) ;; of course this chart can be achieved in a single line: (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species :data (get-dataset :iris))) References:
(add-points* chart x y & options)
(add-polar chart points & options)
Adds additional shape/line/point to a polar chart. Returns the modified chart.
Options: :series-label (default '') Series label
(use '(incanter core charts stats datasets))
(def sample-point (polar-chart [[90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A point") (add-polar sample-point [[90 150] [130 225]] :series-label "A line")
(def sample-point-2 (polar-chart [[90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A point") (add-polar sample-point-2 [[90 150] [130 225]] :series-label "A line") (add-polar sample-point-2 [[20 45] [145 120] [90 150]] :series-label "A triangle")
Adds additional shape/line/point to a polar chart. Returns the modified chart. Options: :series-label (default '') Series label Example: (use '(incanter core charts stats datasets)) (def sample-point (polar-chart [[90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A point") (add-polar sample-point [[90 150] [130 225]] :series-label "A line") (def sample-point-2 (polar-chart [[90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A point") (add-polar sample-point-2 [[90 150] [130 225]] :series-label "A line") (add-polar sample-point-2 [[20 45] [145 120] [90 150]] :series-label "A triangle") References:
(add-polar* chart points & options)
(add-polygon chart coords & options)
Adds a polygon outline defined by a given coordinates. The last coordinate will close with the first. If only two points are given, it will plot a line.
Arguments: chart -- the chart to add the polygon to. coords -- a list of coords (an n-by-2 matrix can also be used)
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (def x (range -3 3 0.01)) (def plot (xy-plot x (pdf-normal x))) (view plot)
;; add polygon to the chart (add-polygon plot [[-1.96 0] [1.96 0] [1.96 0.4] [-1.96 0.4]]) ;; the coordinates can also be passed in a matrix ;; (def points (matrix [[-1.96 0] [1.96 0] [1.96 0.4] [-1.96 0.4]])) ;; (add-polygon plot points) ;; add a text annotation (add-text plot -1.25 0.35 "95% Conf Interval")
;; PCA chart example (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) ;; load the iris dataset (def iris (to-matrix (get-dataset :iris))) ;; run the pca (def pca (principal-components (sel iris :cols (range 4)))) ;; extract the first two principal components (def pc1 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 0)) (def pc2 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 1))
;; project the first four dimension of the iris data onto the first ;; two principal components (def x1 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc1)) (def x2 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc2))
;; now plot the transformed data, coloring each species a different color (def plot (scatter-plot x1 x2 :group-by (sel iris :cols 4) :x-label "PC1" :y-label "PC2" :title "Iris PCA"))
(view plot) ;; put box around the first group (add-polygon plot [[-3.2 -6.3] [-2 -6.3] [-2 -3.78] [-3.2 -3.78]]) ;; add some text annotations (add-text plot -2.5 -6.5 "Setosa") (add-text plot -5 -5.5 "Versicolor") (add-text plot -8 -5.5 "Virginica")
Adds a polygon outline defined by a given coordinates. The last coordinate will close with the first. If only two points are given, it will plot a line. Arguments: chart -- the chart to add the polygon to. coords -- a list of coords (an n-by-2 matrix can also be used) Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (def x (range -3 3 0.01)) (def plot (xy-plot x (pdf-normal x))) (view plot) ;; add polygon to the chart (add-polygon plot [[-1.96 0] [1.96 0] [1.96 0.4] [-1.96 0.4]]) ;; the coordinates can also be passed in a matrix ;; (def points (matrix [[-1.96 0] [1.96 0] [1.96 0.4] [-1.96 0.4]])) ;; (add-polygon plot points) ;; add a text annotation (add-text plot -1.25 0.35 "95% Conf Interval") ;; PCA chart example (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) ;; load the iris dataset (def iris (to-matrix (get-dataset :iris))) ;; run the pca (def pca (principal-components (sel iris :cols (range 4)))) ;; extract the first two principal components (def pc1 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 0)) (def pc2 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 1)) ;; project the first four dimension of the iris data onto the first ;; two principal components (def x1 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc1)) (def x2 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc2)) ;; now plot the transformed data, coloring each species a different color (def plot (scatter-plot x1 x2 :group-by (sel iris :cols 4) :x-label "PC1" :y-label "PC2" :title "Iris PCA")) (view plot) ;; put box around the first group (add-polygon plot [[-3.2 -6.3] [-2 -6.3] [-2 -3.78] [-3.2 -3.78]]) ;; add some text annotations (add-text plot -2.5 -6.5 "Setosa") (add-text plot -5 -5.5 "Versicolor") (add-text plot -8 -5.5 "Virginica")
Adds a JFreeChart title object to a chart as a subtitle.
Examples: (use '(incanter core charts latex))
(doto (function-plot sin -10 10) (add-subtitle "subtitle") (add-subtitle (latex " \frac{(a+b)^2} {(a-b)^2}")) view)
Adds a JFreeChart title object to a chart as a subtitle. Examples: (use '(incanter core charts latex)) (doto (function-plot sin -10 10) (add-subtitle "subtitle") (add-subtitle (latex " \\frac{(a+b)^2} {(a-b)^2}")) view)
(add-text chart x y text & options)
Adds a text annotation centered at the given coordinates.
Arguments: chart -- the chart to annotate x, y -- the coordinates to center the text text -- the text to add
;; PCA chart example (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) ;; load the iris dataset (def iris (to-matrix (get-dataset :iris))) ;; run the pca (def pca (principal-components (sel iris :cols (range 4)))) ;; extract the first two principal components (def pc1 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 0)) (def pc2 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 1))
;; project the first four dimension of the iris data onto the first ;; two principal components (def x1 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc1)) (def x2 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc2))
;; now plot the transformed data, coloring each species a different color (def plot (scatter-plot x1 x2 :group-by (sel iris :cols 4) :x-label "PC1" :y-label "PC2" :title "Iris PCA")) (view plot) ;; add some text annotations (add-text plot -2.5 -6.5 "Setosa") (add-text plot -5 -5.5 "Versicolor") (add-text plot -8 -5.5 "Virginica")
Adds a text annotation centered at the given coordinates. Arguments: chart -- the chart to annotate x, y -- the coordinates to center the text text -- the text to add Examples: ;; PCA chart example (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) ;; load the iris dataset (def iris (to-matrix (get-dataset :iris))) ;; run the pca (def pca (principal-components (sel iris :cols (range 4)))) ;; extract the first two principal components (def pc1 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 0)) (def pc2 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 1)) ;; project the first four dimension of the iris data onto the first ;; two principal components (def x1 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc1)) (def x2 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc2)) ;; now plot the transformed data, coloring each species a different color (def plot (scatter-plot x1 x2 :group-by (sel iris :cols 4) :x-label "PC1" :y-label "PC2" :title "Iris PCA")) (view plot) ;; add some text annotations (add-text plot -2.5 -6.5 "Setosa") (add-text plot -5 -5.5 "Versicolor") (add-text plot -8 -5.5 "Virginica")
(area-chart categories values & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing an area-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label :legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category.
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (area-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (area-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data))
(with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (area-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (area-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png")
(def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (area-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true))
(view (area-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (area-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"]))
;; add a series label (def plot (area-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2")
(view (area-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing an area-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label :legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category. See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (area-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (area-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data)) (with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (area-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (area-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png") (def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (area-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view (area-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (area-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"])) ;; add a series label (def plot (area-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2") (view (area-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true)) References:
(area-chart* categories values & options)
(bar-chart categories values & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a bar-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label
:legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category.
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (bar-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (bar-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data))
(with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (bar-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (bar-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png")
(def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (bar-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true))
(view (bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (bar-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"]))
;; add a series label (def plot (bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2")
(view (bar-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a bar-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label :legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category. See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (bar-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (bar-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data)) (with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (bar-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (bar-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png") (def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (bar-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view (bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (bar-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"])) ;; add a series label (def plot (bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2") (view (bar-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true)) References:
(bar-chart* categories values & options)
(bland-altman-plot x1 x2 & options)
Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data for arguments x1 and x2.
(use '(incanter core datasets charts)) (def flow-meter (to-matrix (get-dataset :flow-meter))) (def x1 (sel flow-meter :cols 1)) (def x2 (sel flow-meter :cols 3)) (view (bland-altman-plot x1 x2))
(with-data (get-dataset :flow-meter) (view (bland-altman-plot (keyword "Wright 1st PEFR") (keyword "Mini Wright 1st PEFR"))))
Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data for arguments x1 and x2. Examples: (use '(incanter core datasets charts)) (def flow-meter (to-matrix (get-dataset :flow-meter))) (def x1 (sel flow-meter :cols 1)) (def x2 (sel flow-meter :cols 3)) (view (bland-altman-plot x1 x2)) (with-data (get-dataset :flow-meter) (view (bland-altman-plot (keyword "Wright 1st PEFR") (keyword "Mini Wright 1st PEFR")))) References:
(box-plot x & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a box-plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x values into series.
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts)) (def gamma-box-plot (box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 1 :scale 2) :title "Gamma Boxplot" :legend true)) (view gamma-box-plot) (add-box-plot gamma-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-box-plot gamma-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 3 :scale 2))
;; use the group-by options (use '(incanter core stats datasets charts)) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (box-plot :Petal.Length :group-by :Species :legend true)) (view (box-plot :Petal.Width :group-by :Species :legend true)) (view (box-plot :Sepal.Length :group-by :Species :legend true)) (view (box-plot :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species :legend true)))
;; see INCANTER_HOME/examples/probability_plots.clj for more examples of plots
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a box-plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x values into series. See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (def gamma-box-plot (box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 1 :scale 2) :title "Gamma Boxplot" :legend true)) (view gamma-box-plot) (add-box-plot gamma-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-box-plot gamma-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 3 :scale 2)) ;; use the group-by options (use '(incanter core stats datasets charts)) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (box-plot :Petal.Length :group-by :Species :legend true)) (view (box-plot :Petal.Width :group-by :Species :legend true)) (view (box-plot :Sepal.Length :group-by :Species :legend true)) (view (box-plot :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species :legend true))) ;; see INCANTER_HOME/examples/probability_plots.clj for more examples of plots References:
(box-plot* x & options)
(candle-stick-plot & options)
Produces a candle stick chart
Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data as arguments to xy-plot. :date Key for accessing the underlying date series (defaults to :date) :high Key for accessing high value data (defaults to :high) :low Key for accessing low value data (defaults to :low) :open Key for accessing open value data (defaults to :open) :close Key for accessing close value data (defaults to :close) :volume Key for accessing volume data (defaults to :volume). Volume data is optional :title (default 'Candle Stick Plot') main title :time-label (default empty) :value-label (default empty) :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default empty)
Example: ;; use default mappings so the dataset must have ;; :date, :high, :low, :open, :close and :volume keys (candle-stick-plot :data <dataset>) ;; more customization (candle-stick-plot :data dataset :high :HighPrice :low :LowPrice :open :StartOfDay :close :CoB :volume :TransactionVolume :legend true :time-label "CoB date" :value-label "Price" :series-label "Price time series" :title "Price information")
Produces a candle stick chart Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data as arguments to xy-plot. :date Key for accessing the underlying date series (defaults to :date) :high Key for accessing high value data (defaults to :high) :low Key for accessing low value data (defaults to :low) :open Key for accessing open value data (defaults to :open) :close Key for accessing close value data (defaults to :close) :volume Key for accessing volume data (defaults to :volume). Volume data is optional :title (default 'Candle Stick Plot') main title :time-label (default empty) :value-label (default empty) :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default empty) Example: ;; use default mappings so the dataset must have ;; :date, :high, :low, :open, :close and :volume keys (candle-stick-plot :data <dataset>) ;; more customization (candle-stick-plot :data dataset :high :HighPrice :low :LowPrice :open :StartOfDay :close :CoB :volume :TransactionVolume :legend true :time-label "CoB date" :value-label "Price" :series-label "Price time series" :title "Price information")
(candle-stick-plot* & opts)
(clear-background chart)
Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's background to zero removing the default grid, returns the modified chart object.
Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's background to zero removing the default grid, returns the modified chart object. References:
(dynamic-scatter-plot [& slider-bindings] expression & options)
Returns an scatter-plot bound to sliders (which tend to appear behind the chart). See the sliders macro for more information.
(use '(incanter core stats charts))
(let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-scatter-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] [x (pdf-normal x :mean mean :sd sd)] :title "Normal PDF Plot")))
(let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-scatter-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (for [xi x] [xi (pdf-normal xi :mean mean :sd sd)]) :title "Normal PDF Plot")))
Returns an scatter-plot bound to sliders (which tend to appear behind the chart). See the sliders macro for more information. Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-scatter-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] [x (pdf-normal x :mean mean :sd sd)] :title "Normal PDF Plot"))) (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-scatter-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (for [xi x] [xi (pdf-normal xi :mean mean :sd sd)]) :title "Normal PDF Plot")))
(dynamic-xy-plot [& slider-bindings] expression & options)
Returns an xy-plot bound to sliders (which tend to appear behind the chart). See the sliders macro for more information.
(use '(incanter core stats charts))
(let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-xy-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] [x (pdf-normal x :mean mean :sd sd)] :title "Normal PDF Plot")))
(let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-xy-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (for [xi x] [xi (pdf-normal xi :mean mean :sd sd)]) :title "Normal PDF Plot")))
Returns an xy-plot bound to sliders (which tend to appear behind the chart). See the sliders macro for more information. Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-xy-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] [x (pdf-normal x :mean mean :sd sd)] :title "Normal PDF Plot"))) (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (view (dynamic-xy-plot [mean (range -3 3 0.1) sd (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (for [xi x] [xi (pdf-normal xi :mean mean :sd sd)]) :title "Normal PDF Plot")))
(extend-line chart x y & options)
Add new data set to an exiting series if it already exists, otherwise, data set will be added to a newly created series.
Add new data set to an exiting series if it already exists, otherwise, data set will be added to a newly created series.
(function-plot function min-range max-range & options)
Returns a xy-plot object of the given function over the range indicated by the min-range and max-range arguments. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500))
See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines
(use '(incanter core stats charts))
(view (function-plot sin (- Math/PI) Math/PI)) (view (function-plot pdf-normal -3 3))
(defn cubic [x] (+ (* x x x) (* 2 x x) (* 2 x) 3)) (view (function-plot cubic -10 10))
Returns a xy-plot object of the given function over the range indicated by the min-range and max-range arguments. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500)) See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (view (function-plot sin (- Math/PI) Math/PI)) (view (function-plot pdf-normal -3 3)) (defn cubic [x] (+ (* x x x) (* 2 x x) (* 2 x) 3)) (view (function-plot cubic -10 10))
(function-plot* function min-range max-range & options)
(has-series? chart series-label)
Test to see if a chart has a series name series-lab
Test to see if a chart has a series name series-lab
(heat-map function x-min x-max y-min y-max & options)
Usage: (heat-map function x-min x-max y-min y-max & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a heat map of the function across the given x and y ranges. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Callers may define the number of samples in each direction, and select if they want a sparser representation by disabling :auto-scale? . By default, the heat-map will try to scale the 'blocks' or sampled pixels to cover the ranges specified. Depending on the number of samples, this may result in a pixelated but performant look. Disabling auto-scale? will keep the 'blocks' a constant size, leading to potentially sparsely sampled points on the surface surrounded by blank regions.
Arguments: function -- a function that takes two scalar arguments and returns a scalar x-min -- lower bound for the first value of the function x-max -- upper bound for the first value of the function y-min -- lower bound for the second value of the function y-max -- upper bound for the second value of the function
Options: :title :x-label (default 'x-min < x < x-max') :y-label (default 'y-min < y < y-max') :z-label -- defaults to function's name :color? (default true) -- should the plot be in color or not? :include-zero? (default true) -- should the plot include the origin if it is not in the ranges specified? :x-res (default 100) -- amount of samples to take in the x range :y-res (default 100) -- amount of samples to take in the y range :auto-scale? (default true) -- automatically scale the block width/height to provide a continuous surface
Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (defn f [x y] (sin (sqrt (plus (sq x) (sq y))))) (view (heat-map f -10 10 -15 15)) (view (heat-map f -10 10 -10 10 :color? false)) (view (heat-map f 5 10 5 10 :include-zero? false))
(defn f2 [x y] (plus (sq x) (sq y))) (view (heat-map f2 -10 10 -10 10)) (view (heat-map f2 -10 10 -10 10 :color? false))
(use 'incanter.stats) (defn f3 [x y] (pdf-normal (sqrt (plus (sq x) (sq y))))) (view (heat-map f3 -3 3 -3 3 :x-label "x1" :y-label "x2" :z-label "pdf")) (view (heat-map f3 -3 3 -3 3 :color? false))
(defn f4 [x y] (minus (sq x) (sq y))) (view (heat-map f4 -10 10 -10 10)) (view (heat-map f4 -10 10 -10 10 :color? false))
(use '(incanter core stats charts)) (let [data [[0 5 1 2] [0 10 1.9 1] [15 0 0.5 1.5] [18 10 4.5 2.1]] diffusion (fn [x y] (sum (map #(pdf-normal (euclidean-distance [x y] (take 2 %)) :mean (nth % 2) :sd (last %)) data)))] (view (heat-map diffusion -5 20 -5 20)))
Usage: (heat-map function x-min x-max y-min y-max & options) Returns a JFreeChart object representing a heat map of the function across the given x and y ranges. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Callers may define the number of samples in each direction, and select if they want a sparser representation by disabling :auto-scale? . By default, the heat-map will try to scale the 'blocks' or sampled pixels to cover the ranges specified. Depending on the number of samples, this may result in a pixelated but performant look. Disabling auto-scale? will keep the 'blocks' a constant size, leading to potentially sparsely sampled points on the surface surrounded by blank regions. Arguments: function -- a function that takes two scalar arguments and returns a scalar x-min -- lower bound for the first value of the function x-max -- upper bound for the first value of the function y-min -- lower bound for the second value of the function y-max -- upper bound for the second value of the function Options: :title :x-label (default 'x-min < x < x-max') :y-label (default 'y-min < y < y-max') :z-label -- defaults to function's name :color? (default true) -- should the plot be in color or not? :include-zero? (default true) -- should the plot include the origin if it is not in the ranges specified? :x-res (default 100) -- amount of samples to take in the x range :y-res (default 100) -- amount of samples to take in the y range :auto-scale? (default true) -- automatically scale the block width/height to provide a continuous surface Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (defn f [x y] (sin (sqrt (plus (sq x) (sq y))))) (view (heat-map f -10 10 -15 15)) (view (heat-map f -10 10 -10 10 :color? false)) (view (heat-map f 5 10 5 10 :include-zero? false)) (defn f2 [x y] (plus (sq x) (sq y))) (view (heat-map f2 -10 10 -10 10)) (view (heat-map f2 -10 10 -10 10 :color? false)) (use 'incanter.stats) (defn f3 [x y] (pdf-normal (sqrt (plus (sq x) (sq y))))) (view (heat-map f3 -3 3 -3 3 :x-label "x1" :y-label "x2" :z-label "pdf")) (view (heat-map f3 -3 3 -3 3 :color? false)) (defn f4 [x y] (minus (sq x) (sq y))) (view (heat-map f4 -10 10 -10 10)) (view (heat-map f4 -10 10 -10 10 :color? false)) (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (let [data [[0 5 1 2] [0 10 1.9 1] [15 0 0.5 1.5] [18 10 4.5 2.1]] diffusion (fn [x y] (sum (map #(pdf-normal (euclidean-distance [x y] (take 2 %)) :mean (nth % 2) :sd (last %)) data)))] (view (heat-map diffusion -5 20 -5 20)))
(heat-map* function x-min x-max y-min y-max & options)
(histogram x & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing the histogram of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Options: :nbins (default 10) number of bins :density (default false) if false, plots frequency, otherwise density :title (default 'Histogram') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression)
See also: view, save, add-histogram
(use '(incanter core charts stats)) (view (histogram (sample-normal 1000)))
(def hist (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :density true)) (view hist)
(def x (range -4 4 0.01)) (add-lines hist x (pdf-normal x))
(def gam-hist (histogram (sample-gamma 1000) :density true :nbins 30)) (view gam-hist) (def x (range 0 8 0.01)) (add-lines gam-hist x (pdf-gamma x))
(use 'incanter.datasets) (def iris (get-dataset :iris)) (view (histogram :Sepal.Width :data iris))
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (histogram :Petal.Length)))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing the histogram of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Options: :nbins (default 10) number of bins :density (default false) if false, plots frequency, otherwise density :title (default 'Histogram') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) See also: view, save, add-histogram Examples: (use '(incanter core charts stats)) (view (histogram (sample-normal 1000))) # plot a density histogram (def hist (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :density true)) (view hist) # add a normal density line to the plot (def x (range -4 4 0.01)) (add-lines hist x (pdf-normal x)) # plot some gamma data (def gam-hist (histogram (sample-gamma 1000) :density true :nbins 30)) (view gam-hist) (def x (range 0 8 0.01)) (add-lines gam-hist x (pdf-gamma x)) (use 'incanter.datasets) (def iris (get-dataset :iris)) (view (histogram :Sepal.Width :data iris)) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (histogram :Petal.Length))) References:
(histogram* x & options)
(line-chart categories values & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a line-chart of the given values and categories. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category. :gradient? (default false) -- use gradient on bars
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (def years (sel data :cols 0)) (def months (sel data :cols 2)) (def passengers (sel data :cols 1)) (view (line-chart years passengers :group-by months :legend true)) (view (line-chart months passengers :group-by years :legend true))
(def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def x (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (line-chart years x :group-by seasons :legend true))
(view (line-chart ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"] [10 20 30 10 40 20]))
(view (line-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true))
;; add a series label (def plot (line-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2")
(view (line-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data))
(view (line-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true :data data))
(with-data data (view (line-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true)))
(with-data (->> ($rollup :sum :passengers :year (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) ($order :year :asc)) (view (line-chart :year :passengers)))
(with-data (->> ($rollup :sum :passengers :month (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) ($order :passengers :asc)) (view (line-chart :month :passengers)))
(with-data ($rollup :sum :passengers :month (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (line-chart :month :passengers)))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a line-chart of the given values and categories. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category. :gradient? (default false) -- use gradient on bars See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (def years (sel data :cols 0)) (def months (sel data :cols 2)) (def passengers (sel data :cols 1)) (view (line-chart years passengers :group-by months :legend true)) (view (line-chart months passengers :group-by years :legend true)) (def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def x (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (line-chart years x :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view (line-chart ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"] [10 20 30 10 40 20])) (view (line-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true)) ;; add a series label (def plot (line-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2") (view (line-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data)) (view (line-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true :data data)) (with-data data (view (line-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true))) (with-data (->> ($rollup :sum :passengers :year (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) ($order :year :asc)) (view (line-chart :year :passengers))) (with-data (->> ($rollup :sum :passengers :month (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) ($order :passengers :asc)) (view (line-chart :month :passengers))) (with-data ($rollup :sum :passengers :month (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (line-chart :month :passengers))) References:
(line-chart* categories values & options)
(log-axis & options)
Create a logarithmic axis.
Note: By default, values smaller than 0.5 are rounded to 0.5 to prevent strange behavior that happens for values close to 0.
Options: :base (default 10) base of the logarithm; typically 2 or 10 :label (default none) the label of the axis :int-ticks? (default true) if true, use normal numbers instead of <base>^<exponent>, i.e. 1 instead of f.ex. 10^0.0 :smallest-value (default: 0.5) Set the smallest value represented by the axis, set to 0.0 to 'reset'
See also: set-axis
Create a logarithmic axis. Note: By default, values smaller than 0.5 are rounded to 0.5 to prevent strange behavior that happens for values close to 0. Options: :base (default 10) base of the logarithm; typically 2 or 10 :label (default none) the label of the axis :int-ticks? (default true) if true, use normal numbers instead of <base>^<exponent>, i.e. 1 instead of f.ex. 10^0.0 :smallest-value (default: 0.5) Set the smallest value represented by the axis, set to 0.0 to 'reset' See also: set-axis References:
(multi-chart & charts)
Creates a multi-chart object, which is a container that allows multiple charts to be displayed in the same frame.
This multi-chart is actually a map that contains a vector that contains multiple charts.
Creates a multi-chart object, which is a container that allows multiple charts to be displayed in the same frame. This multi-chart is actually a map that contains a vector that contains multiple charts.
(multi-chart-add mchart chart)
Appends a chart to multi-chart object.
Appends a chart to multi-chart object.
(parametric-plot function min-range max-range & options)
Returns a xy-plot object of the given parametric function over the range indicated by the min-range and max-range arguments. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Function must take 1 argument - parameter t and return point [x y].
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'min-x < x < max-x') :y-label (default 'min-y < y < max-y') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default function expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500))
See also: view, save, add-parametric, function-plot
(use '(incanter core charts))
(defn circle [t] [(cos t) (sin t)]) (view (parametric-plot circle (- Math/PI) Math/PI))
(defn spiral [t] [(* t (cos t)) (* t (sin t))]) (view (parametric-plot spiral 0 (* 6 Math/PI)))
Returns a xy-plot object of the given parametric function over the range indicated by the min-range and max-range arguments. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Function must take 1 argument - parameter t and return point [x y]. Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'min-x < x < max-x') :y-label (default 'min-y < y < max-y') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default function expression) :step-size (default (/ (- max-range min-range) 500)) See also: view, save, add-parametric, function-plot Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (defn circle [t] [(cos t) (sin t)]) (view (parametric-plot circle (- Math/PI) Math/PI)) (defn spiral [t] [(* t (cos t)) (* t (sin t))]) (view (parametric-plot spiral 0 (* 6 Math/PI)))
(parametric-plot* function min-range max-range & options)
(pie-chart categories values & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a pie-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values
Options: :title (default '') main title :legend (default false) prints legend
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(view (pie-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30]))
(view (pie-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true))
(with-data (->> (get-dataset :hair-eye-color) ($rollup :sum :count [:hair :eye])) (view $data) (view (pie-chart :hair :count :title "Hair Color")) (view (pie-chart :eye :count :title "Eye Color")))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a pie-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values Options: :title (default '') main title :legend (default false) prints legend See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (view (pie-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (pie-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true)) (with-data (->> (get-dataset :hair-eye-color) ($rollup :sum :count [:hair :eye])) (view $data) (view (pie-chart :hair :count :title "Hair Color")) (view (pie-chart :eye :count :title "Eye Color"))) References:
(pie-chart* categories values & options)
(polar-chart points & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a polar-chart of the given data. Draws shapes, points or lines on a Polar Chart. A Polar point is in the form - [x y] - where x is the degree and y is the distance the center. A line or shape is the combination or points in a sequence. E.g - [[x y] [k v] [l s]] - is a triangle. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments points -- a sequence of points to draw.
Options: :title (default '') main title :legend (default false) boolean whether or not the legend should be shown :series-label (default '') Series label
See also: add-polar, view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(def sample-plot (polar-chart [[20 45] [145 120] [90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A triangle")) (view sample-plot) (save sample-plot "polar-p.png" :width 1000)
(def sample-plot-2 (polar-chart [[90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A point") (view sample-plot-2) (save sample-plot-2 "polar-p2.png" :width 1000)
(def sample-plot-3 (polar-chart [[90 150] [130 225]] :legend true :series-label "A line") (view sample-plot-3) (save sample-plot-3 "polar-p3.png" :width 1000)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a polar-chart of the given data. Draws shapes, points or lines on a Polar Chart. A Polar point is in the form - [x y] - where x is the degree and y is the distance the center. A line or shape is the combination or points in a sequence. E.g - [[x y] [k v] [l s]] - is a triangle. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments points -- a sequence of points to draw. Options: :title (default '') main title :legend (default false) boolean whether or not the legend should be shown :series-label (default '') Series label See also: add-polar, view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (def sample-plot (polar-chart [[20 45] [145 120] [90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A triangle")) (view sample-plot) (save sample-plot "polar-p.png" :width 1000) (def sample-plot-2 (polar-chart [[90 150]] :legend true :series-label "A point") (view sample-plot-2) (save sample-plot-2 "polar-p2.png" :width 1000) (def sample-plot-3 (polar-chart [[90 150] [130 225]] :legend true :series-label "A line") (view sample-plot-3) (save sample-plot-3 "polar-p3.png" :width 1000) References:
(polar-chart* _ points & options)
(qq-plot x & options)
Returns a QQ-Plot object. Use the 'view' function to display it.
Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, a column name can be used instead of a sequence of data for argument x.
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (view (qq-plot (sample-normal 100))) (view (qq-plot (sample-exp 100))) (view (qq-plot (sample-gamma 100)))
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (qq-plot :Sepal.Length)))
Returns a QQ-Plot object. Use the 'view' function to display it. Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, a column name can be used instead of a sequence of data for argument x. References: Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (view (qq-plot (sample-normal 100))) (view (qq-plot (sample-exp 100))) (view (qq-plot (sample-gamma 100))) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (qq-plot :Sepal.Length)))
(remove-series chart series-label)
Remove an existing series speicified by series-lab. If the series does not exist it return nil
Remove an existing series speicified by series-lab. If the series does not exist it return nil
(ring-chart categories values & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a ring-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values
Options: :title (default '') main title :legend (default false) prints legend
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(view (ring-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30]))
(view (ring-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true))
(with-data (->> (get-dataset :hair-eye-color) ($rollup :sum :count [:hair :eye])) (view $data) (view (ring-chart :hair :count :title "Hair Color")) (view (ring-chart :eye :count :title "Eye Color")))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a ring-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values Options: :title (default '') main title :legend (default false) prints legend See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (view (ring-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (ring-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true)) (with-data (->> (get-dataset :hair-eye-color) ($rollup :sum :count [:hair :eye])) (view $data) (view (ring-chart :hair :count :title "Hair Color")) (view (ring-chart :eye :count :title "Eye Color"))) References:
(ring-chart* categories values & options)
(scatter-plot x y & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a scatter-plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x and y values into series. :density? (default false) -- chart will represent density instead of frequency. :nbins (default 10) -- number of bins (i.e. bars) :gradient? (default false) -- use gradient on bars
See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) ;; create some data (def mvn-samp (sample-mvn 1000 :mean [7 5] :sigma (matrix [[2 1.5] [1.5 3]])))
;; create scatter-plot of points (def mvn-plot (scatter-plot (sel mvn-samp :cols 0) (sel mvn-samp :cols 1))) (view mvn-plot)
;; add regression line to scatter plot (def x (sel mvn-samp :cols 0)) (def y (sel mvn-samp :cols 1)) (def lm (linear-model y x)) (add-lines mvn-plot x (:fitted lm))
;; use :group-by option (use '(incanter core stats datasets charts)) ;; load the :iris dataset (def iris (get-dataset :iris)) ;; plot the first two columns grouped by the fifth column (view (scatter-plot ($ :Sepal.Width iris) ($ :Sepal.Length iris) :group-by ($ :Species iris)))
(view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data (get-dataset :iris)))
(view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species :data (get-dataset :iris)))
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width)))
(with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species)))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a scatter-plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x and y values into series. :density? (default false) -- chart will represent density instead of frequency. :nbins (default 10) -- number of bins (i.e. bars) :gradient? (default false) -- use gradient on bars See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) ;; create some data (def mvn-samp (sample-mvn 1000 :mean [7 5] :sigma (matrix [[2 1.5] [1.5 3]]))) ;; create scatter-plot of points (def mvn-plot (scatter-plot (sel mvn-samp :cols 0) (sel mvn-samp :cols 1))) (view mvn-plot) ;; add regression line to scatter plot (def x (sel mvn-samp :cols 0)) (def y (sel mvn-samp :cols 1)) (def lm (linear-model y x)) (add-lines mvn-plot x (:fitted lm)) ;; use :group-by option (use '(incanter core stats datasets charts)) ;; load the :iris dataset (def iris (get-dataset :iris)) ;; plot the first two columns grouped by the fifth column (view (scatter-plot ($ :Sepal.Width iris) ($ :Sepal.Length iris) :group-by ($ :Species iris))) (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :data (get-dataset :iris))) (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species :data (get-dataset :iris))) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width))) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (scatter-plot :Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :group-by :Species))) References:
(scatter-plot* x y & options)
(scatter-plot-matrix & opts)
Returns a JFreeChart object displaying a scatter plot matrix for the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart or 'save' to write it to a file.
Use: (scatter-plot-matrix & options) (scatter-plot-matrix data & options)
Options: :data data (default $data) the data set for the plot. :title s (default "Scatter Plot Matrix"). :nbins n (default 10) number of bins (ie. bars) in histogram. :group-by grp (default nil) name of the column for grouping data. :only-first n (default 6) show only the first n most correlating columns of the data set. :only-triangle b (default false) shows only the upper triangle of the plot matrix.
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets pdf)) (view (scatter-plot-matrix (get-dataset :iris) :nbins 20 :group-by :Species )) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (scatter-plot-matrix :nbins 20 :group-by :Species ))) (view (scatter-plot-matrix (get-dataset :chick-weight) :group-by :Diet :nbins 20))
;;;Input examples for Iris ;; Input dataset examples: Incanter data repo, local file, remote file (url) (def iris (get-dataset :iris)) (def iris (read-dataset "data/iris.dat" :delim \space :header true)) ; relative to project home (def iris (read-dataset "" :delim \space :header true)) ;; Filter dataset to specific columns only (def iris ($ [:Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :Petal.Length :Petal.Width :Species] (get-dataset :iris))) (def iris (sel (get-dataset :iris) :cols [:Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :Petal.Length :Petal.Width :Species]))
;;; Scatter plot matrix examples ;; Using default options (def iris-spm (scatter-plot-matrix iris :group-by :Species)) ;; filter to metrics only, no categorical dimension for grouping (def iris-spm (scatter-plot-matrix :data ($ [:Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :Petal.Length :Petal.Width] iris)))
;; Using more options (def iris-spm (scatter-plot-matrix iris :title "Iris Scatter Plot Matrix" :bins 20 ; number of histogram bars :group-by :Species :only-first 4 ; most correlating columns :only-triangle false))
;;;Output examples ;; View on Display (view iris-spm :width 1280 :height 800) ;; Save as PDF (save-pdf iris-spm "out/iris-spm.pdf" :width 2560 :height 1600) ;; Save as PNG (save iris-spm "out/iris-spm.png" :width 2560 :height 1600)
;; Airline dataset (def airline ($ [:year :passengers :month] (read-dataset "" :header true))) (def airline-spm (scatter-plot-matrix airline :group-by :month :bins 20 :title "Airline Scatter Plot Matrix")) (view airline-spm) ;; Chick-weight dataset (view (scatter-plot-matrix (get-dataset :chick-weight) :group-by :Diet :bins 20 :title "Chick-weight Scatter Plot Matrix" ))
Returns a JFreeChart object displaying a scatter plot matrix for the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart or 'save' to write it to a file. Use: (scatter-plot-matrix & options) (scatter-plot-matrix data & options) Options: :data data (default $data) the data set for the plot. :title s (default "Scatter Plot Matrix"). :nbins n (default 10) number of bins (ie. bars) in histogram. :group-by grp (default nil) name of the column for grouping data. :only-first n (default 6) show only the first n most correlating columns of the data set. :only-triangle b (default false) shows only the upper triangle of the plot matrix. Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets pdf)) (view (scatter-plot-matrix (get-dataset :iris) :nbins 20 :group-by :Species )) (with-data (get-dataset :iris) (view (scatter-plot-matrix :nbins 20 :group-by :Species ))) (view (scatter-plot-matrix (get-dataset :chick-weight) :group-by :Diet :nbins 20)) ;;;Input examples for Iris ;; Input dataset examples: Incanter data repo, local file, remote file (url) (def iris (get-dataset :iris)) (def iris (read-dataset "data/iris.dat" :delim \space :header true)) ; relative to project home (def iris (read-dataset "" :delim \space :header true)) ;; Filter dataset to specific columns only (def iris ($ [:Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :Petal.Length :Petal.Width :Species] (get-dataset :iris))) (def iris (sel (get-dataset :iris) :cols [:Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :Petal.Length :Petal.Width :Species])) ;;; Scatter plot matrix examples ;; Using default options (def iris-spm (scatter-plot-matrix iris :group-by :Species)) ;; filter to metrics only, no categorical dimension for grouping (def iris-spm (scatter-plot-matrix :data ($ [:Sepal.Length :Sepal.Width :Petal.Length :Petal.Width] iris))) ;; Using more options (def iris-spm (scatter-plot-matrix iris :title "Iris Scatter Plot Matrix" :bins 20 ; number of histogram bars :group-by :Species :only-first 4 ; most correlating columns :only-triangle false)) ;;;Output examples ;; View on Display (view iris-spm :width 1280 :height 800) ;; Save as PDF (save-pdf iris-spm "out/iris-spm.pdf" :width 2560 :height 1600) ;; Save as PNG (save iris-spm "out/iris-spm.png" :width 2560 :height 1600) ;; Airline dataset (def airline ($ [:year :passengers :month] (read-dataset "" :header true))) (def airline-spm (scatter-plot-matrix airline :group-by :month :bins 20 :title "Airline Scatter Plot Matrix")) (view airline-spm) ;; Chick-weight dataset (view (scatter-plot-matrix (get-dataset :chick-weight) :group-by :Diet :bins 20 :title "Chick-weight Scatter Plot Matrix" ))
(scatter-plot-matrix* &
{:keys [data group-by title nbins only-first
:or {data $data
group-by nil
title "Scatter Plot Matrix"
nbins 10
only-first 6
only-triangle false}})
(set-alpha chart alpha)
Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's foreground returns the modified chart object.
Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's foreground returns the modified chart object. References:
Set the selected axis of the chart, returning the chart. (Beware: the axis' label will replace axis label set previously on the chart.)
Arguments: chart - the JFreeChart object whose axis to change dimension - depends on the plot type for plots with mutliple axes f.ex. :x or :y for an XYPlot (x is the domain axis, y the range one) axis - the axis to set, an instance of ValueAxis
See also: log-axis
Note: Not applicable to DialPlot MeterPlot PiePlot MultiplePiePlot CompassPlot WaferMapPlot SpiderWebPlot
(use '(incanter core charts))
(view (doto (function-plot #(Math/pow 10 %) 0 5) (set-axis :x (log-axis :base 10, :label "log(x)"))))
Set the selected axis of the chart, returning the chart. (Beware: the axis' label will replace axis label set previously on the chart.) Arguments: chart - the JFreeChart object whose axis to change dimension - depends on the plot type for plots with mutliple axes f.ex. :x or :y for an XYPlot (x is the domain axis, y the range one) axis - the axis to set, an instance of ValueAxis See also: log-axis Note: Not applicable to DialPlot MeterPlot PiePlot MultiplePiePlot CompassPlot WaferMapPlot SpiderWebPlot References: Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (view (doto (function-plot #(Math/pow 10 %) 0 5) (set-axis :x (log-axis :base 10, :label "log(x)"))))
(set-background-alpha chart alpha)
Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's background returns the modified chart object.
Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's background returns the modified chart object. References:
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :title (str :Test-Tittle)) set-theme-bw view)
(doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000)) set-background-default (add-histogram (sample-normal 1000 :mean 1)) view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-points (plus ($ :speed (get-dataset :cars)) 5) (plus ($ :dist (get-dataset :cars)) 10)) view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-background-default (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-function sin 0 25) view)
(doto (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars) :legend true) set-background-default view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-background-default view)
(doto (box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 1 :scale 2) :legend true) view set-background-default (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 3 :scale 2)))
(doto (bar-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-background-default (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40]))
(doto (line-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-background-default (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40]))
;; time-series-plot (def epoch 0) (defn num-years-to-milliseconds [x] (* 365 24 60 60 1000 x)) (def dates (map num-years-to-milliseconds (range 100))) (def chart1 (time-series-plot dates (range 100))) (def cw1 (view chart1)) (add-lines chart1 dates (mult 1/2 (range 100)))
(def chart2 (time-series-plot (take 10 dates) (mult 1/2 (range 10)))) (def cw2 (view chart2))
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000) :title (str :Test-Tittle)) set-theme-bw view) (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000)) set-background-default (add-histogram (sample-normal 1000 :mean 1)) view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-points (plus ($ :speed (get-dataset :cars)) 5) (plus ($ :dist (get-dataset :cars)) 10)) view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-background-default (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-function sin 0 25) view) (doto (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars) :legend true) set-background-default view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-background-default view) (doto (box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 1 :scale 2) :legend true) view set-background-default (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 3 :scale 2))) (doto (bar-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-background-default (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40])) (doto (line-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-background-default (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40])) ;; time-series-plot (def epoch 0) (defn num-years-to-milliseconds [x] (* 365 24 60 60 1000 x)) (def dates (map num-years-to-milliseconds (range 100))) (def chart1 (time-series-plot dates (range 100))) (def cw1 (view chart1)) (add-lines chart1 dates (mult 1/2 (range 100))) (def chart2 (time-series-plot (take 10 dates) (mult 1/2 (range 10)))) (def cw2 (view chart2))
(set-point-size chart
{:keys [series dataset] :or {series :all dataset 0}})
Set the point size of a scatter plot. Use series option to apply point-size to only one series.
Set the point size of a scatter plot. Use series option to apply point-size to only one series.
(set-stroke chart & options)
Styles individual points in a chart. Options: :width (default 1.0) The width of points. :dash (default 1.0) A number from which an array of floats is made and used as the dashing pattern by BasicStroke class. :series (default :all) A number representing the series to change stroke of. In case the series is set to :all, the stroke is applied to all series, else to only the specified series. :dataset (default 0) A number representing the renderer to which the basic stroke is set. :cap (default java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_ROUND) The decoration of the ends of a BasicStroke, either java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_ROUND, java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_BUTT or java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_SQUARE. :join (default java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_ROUND) The decoration applied where paths segments meet, either java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_ROUND, java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_MITER or java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_BEVEL.
Examples: (use '(incanter core charts))
(doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (set-stroke :width 4 :dash 5) view)
(doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (add-categories [:a :b :c :d] [20 5 30 15]) (set-stroke :width 4 :dash 5) (set-stroke :series 1 :width 2 :dash 10) view)
(doto (function-plot sin -10 10 :step-size 0.1) (set-stroke :width 3 :dash 5) view)
(doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (add-categories [:a :b :c :d] [20 5 30 15]) (set-stroke :series 0 :width 4 :dash 5) (set-stroke :series 1 :width 4 :dash 5 :cap java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_SQUARE))
(def sample-plot (polar-chart [[90 150] [130 225]] :legend true :series-label "A data")) (doto sample-plot (set-stroke :width 10 :series 0) view)
Styles individual points in a chart. Options: :width (default 1.0) The width of points. :dash (default 1.0) A number from which an array of floats is made and used as the dashing pattern by BasicStroke class. :series (default :all) A number representing the series to change stroke of. In case the series is set to :all, the stroke is applied to all series, else to only the specified series. :dataset (default 0) A number representing the renderer to which the basic stroke is set. :cap (default java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_ROUND) The decoration of the ends of a BasicStroke, either java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_ROUND, java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_BUTT or java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_SQUARE. :join (default java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_ROUND) The decoration applied where paths segments meet, either java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_ROUND, java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_MITER or java.awt.BasicStroke/JOIN_BEVEL. Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (set-stroke :width 4 :dash 5) view) (doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (add-categories [:a :b :c :d] [20 5 30 15]) (set-stroke :width 4 :dash 5) (set-stroke :series 1 :width 2 :dash 10) view) (doto (function-plot sin -10 10 :step-size 0.1) (set-stroke :width 3 :dash 5) view) (doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (add-categories [:a :b :c :d] [20 5 30 15]) (set-stroke :series 0 :width 4 :dash 5) (set-stroke :series 1 :width 4 :dash 5 :cap java.awt.BasicStroke/CAP_SQUARE)) (def sample-plot (polar-chart [[90 150] [130 225]] :legend true :series-label "A data")) (doto sample-plot (set-stroke :width 10 :series 0) view)
(set-stroke-color chart color & options)
Changes the color of a series in a chart. Options: :series (default 0) A number representing the series to change the color of. :dataset (default 0) A number representing the renderer to which the basic stroke is set.
Examples: (use '(incanter core charts))
(doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (set-stroke :width 4 :dash 5) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/blue) view)
(doto (xy-plot [1 2 3] [4 5 6]) (add-points [1 2 3] [4.1 5.1 6.1]) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/black :series 0) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/red :series 1))
(doto (function-plot sin -10 10 :step-size 0.1) (set-stroke :width 3 :dash 5) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/gray) view)
(def sample-plot (polar-chart [[90 150] [130 225]] :legend true :series-label "A data")) (doto sample-plot (set-stroke :width 10 :series 0) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/green) view)
Changes the color of a series in a chart. Options: :series (default 0) A number representing the series to change the color of. :dataset (default 0) A number representing the renderer to which the basic stroke is set. Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (doto (line-chart [:a :b :c :d] [10 20 5 35]) (set-stroke :width 4 :dash 5) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/blue) view) (doto (xy-plot [1 2 3] [4 5 6]) (add-points [1 2 3] [4.1 5.1 6.1]) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/black :series 0) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/red :series 1)) (doto (function-plot sin -10 10 :step-size 0.1) (set-stroke :width 3 :dash 5) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/gray) view) (def sample-plot (polar-chart [[90 150] [130 225]] :legend true :series-label "A data")) (doto sample-plot (set-stroke :width 10 :series 0) (set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/green) view)
(set-theme chart theme)
Changes the chart theme.
Arguments: chart -- an Incanter/JFreeChart object theme -- either a keyword indicating one of the built-in themes, or a JFreeChart ChartTheme object.
Built-in Themes: :default :dark
(use '(incanter core charts)) (def chart (function-plot sin -4 4)) (view chart) ;; change the theme of chart to :dark (set-theme chart :dark) ;; change it back to the default (set-theme chart :default)
;; Example using JFreeTheme (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(import '(org.jfree.chart StandardChartTheme) '(org.jfree.chart.plot DefaultDrawingSupplier) '(java.awt Color))
(def all-red-theme (doto (StandardChartTheme/createJFreeTheme) (.setDrawingSupplier (proxy [DefaultDrawingSupplier] [] (getNextPaint [] Color/red)))))
(def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers))
(def chart (bar-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true :data data))
(doto chart ;; has no effect (set-theme all-red-theme) view)
Changes the chart theme. Arguments: chart -- an Incanter/JFreeChart object theme -- either a keyword indicating one of the built-in themes, or a JFreeChart ChartTheme object. Built-in Themes: :default :dark Examples: (use '(incanter core charts)) (def chart (function-plot sin -4 4)) (view chart) ;; change the theme of chart to :dark (set-theme chart :dark) ;; change it back to the default (set-theme chart :default) ;; Example using JFreeTheme (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (import '(org.jfree.chart StandardChartTheme) '(org.jfree.chart.plot DefaultDrawingSupplier) '(java.awt Color)) (def all-red-theme (doto (StandardChartTheme/createJFreeTheme) (.setDrawingSupplier (proxy [DefaultDrawingSupplier] [] (getNextPaint [] Color/red))))) (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (def chart (bar-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true :data data)) (doto chart ;; has no effect (set-theme all-red-theme) view) References:
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000)) set-theme-bw view)
(doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000)) set-theme-bw (add-histogram (sample-normal 1000 :mean 1)) view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-points (plus ($ :speed (get-dataset :cars)) 5) (plus ($ :dist (get-dataset :cars)) 10)) view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-function sin 0 25) view)
(doto (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw view)
(doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (add-lines :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) view)
(doto (box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 1 :scale 2) :legend true) view (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 3 :scale 2)) set-theme-bw)
(doto (bar-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-theme-bw (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40]))
(doto (line-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-theme-bw (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40]))
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000)) set-theme-bw view) (doto (histogram (sample-normal 1000)) set-theme-bw (add-histogram (sample-normal 1000 :mean 1)) view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-points (plus ($ :speed (get-dataset :cars)) 5) (plus ($ :dist (get-dataset :cars)) 10)) view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (set-stroke :dash 5) (add-function sin 0 25) view) (doto (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw view) (doto (scatter-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) set-theme-bw (add-lines :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars)) view) (doto (box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 1 :scale 2) :legend true) view (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-box-plot (sample-gamma 1000 :shape 3 :scale 2)) set-theme-bw) (doto (bar-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-theme-bw (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40])) (doto (line-chart [:a :b :c] [10 20 30] :legend true) view set-theme-bw (add-categories [:a :b :c] [5 25 40]))
(set-title chart title)
Sets the main title of the plot, returns the modified chart object.
Sets the main title of the plot, returns the modified chart object. References:
(set-x-label chart label)
Sets the label of the x-axis, returns the modified chart object.
Sets the label of the x-axis, returns the modified chart object. References:
(set-x-range chart lower upper)
Sets the range of the x-axis on the given chart.
(use '(incanter core charts datasets))
(def chart (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars))) (view chart) (set-x-range chart 10 20)
Sets the range of the x-axis on the given chart. Examples: (use '(incanter core charts datasets)) (def chart (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars))) (view chart) (set-x-range chart 10 20)
(set-y-label chart label)
Sets the label of the y-axis, returns the modified chart object.
Sets the label of the y-axis, returns the modified chart object. References:
(set-y-range chart lower upper)
Sets the range of the y-axis on the given chart.
(use '(incanter core charts datasets))
(def chart (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars))) (view chart) (set-y-range chart 10 60)
Sets the range of the y-axis on the given chart. Examples: (use '(incanter core charts datasets)) (def chart (xy-plot :speed :dist :data (get-dataset :cars))) (view chart) (set-y-range chart 10 60)
(slider updater-fn slider-values)
(slider updater-fn slider-values slider-label)
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts))
(def pdf-chart (function-plot pdf-normal -3 3)) (view pdf-chart) (add-function pdf-chart pdf-normal -3 3)
(let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (slider #(set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :sd %)]) (range 0.1 10 0.1)))
(let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (slider #(set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :sd %)]) (range 0.1 10 0.1) "sd"))
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (def pdf-chart (function-plot pdf-normal -3 3)) (view pdf-chart) (add-function pdf-chart pdf-normal -3 3) (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (slider #(set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :sd %)]) (range 0.1 10 0.1))) (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (slider #(set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :sd %)]) (range 0.1 10 0.1) "sd"))
(sliders [& slider-bindings] body)
Creates one slider control for each of the given sequence bindings. Each slider calls the given expression when manipulated.
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts))
;; manipulate a normal pdf (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (def pdf-chart (xy-plot)) (view pdf-chart) (sliders [mean (range -3 3 0.1) stdev (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :mean mean :sd stdev)])))
;; manipulate a gamma pdf (let [x (range 0 20 0.1)] (def pdf-chart (xy-plot)) (view pdf-chart) (sliders [scale (range 0.1 10 0.1) shape (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-gamma x :scale scale :shape shape)])))
;; find the start values of a non-linear model function (use '(incanter core charts datasets)) ;; create model function used in the following data-sorcery post: ;;
(defn f [theta x] (let [[b1 b2 b3] theta] (div (exp (mult (minus b1) x)) (plus b2 (mult b3 x)))))
(with-data (get-dataset :chwirut) (view $data) (def chart (scatter-plot ($ :x) ($ :y))) (view chart) (add-lines chart ($ :x) (f [0 0.01 0] ($ :x)))
;; manipulate the model line to find some good start values.
;; give the index of the line data (i.e. 1) to set-data.
(let [x ($ :x)]
(sliders [b1 (range 0 2 0.01)
b2 (range 0.01 2 0.01)
b3 (range 0 2 0.01)]
(set-data chart [x (f [b1 b2 b3] x)] 1))))
Creates one slider control for each of the given sequence bindings. Each slider calls the given expression when manipulated. Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) ;; manipulate a normal pdf (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (def pdf-chart (xy-plot)) (view pdf-chart) (sliders [mean (range -3 3 0.1) stdev (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :mean mean :sd stdev)]))) ;; manipulate a gamma pdf (let [x (range 0 20 0.1)] (def pdf-chart (xy-plot)) (view pdf-chart) (sliders [scale (range 0.1 10 0.1) shape (range 0.1 10 0.1)] (set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-gamma x :scale scale :shape shape)]))) ;; find the start values of a non-linear model function (use '(incanter core charts datasets)) ;; create model function used in the following data-sorcery post: ;; (defn f [theta x] (let [[b1 b2 b3] theta] (div (exp (mult (minus b1) x)) (plus b2 (mult b3 x))))) (with-data (get-dataset :chwirut) (view $data) (def chart (scatter-plot ($ :x) ($ :y))) (view chart) (add-lines chart ($ :x) (f [0 0.01 0] ($ :x))) ;; manipulate the model line to find some good start values. ;; give the index of the line data (i.e. 1) to set-data. (let [x ($ :x)] (sliders [b1 (range 0 2 0.01) b2 (range 0.01 2 0.01) b3 (range 0 2 0.01)] (set-data chart [x (f [b1 b2 b3] x)] 1))))
(sliders* f [& slider-values])
(sliders* f [& slider-values] [& slider-labels])
Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts))
(let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (do (def pdf-chart (xy-plot x (pdf-normal x :mean -3 :sd 0.1))) (view pdf-chart) (sliders* #(set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :mean %1 :sd %2)]) [(range -3 3 0.1) (range 0.1 10 0.1)] ["mean" "sd"])))
sliders* Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (let [x (range -3 3 0.1)] (do (def pdf-chart (xy-plot x (pdf-normal x :mean -3 :sd 0.1))) (view pdf-chart) (sliders* #(set-data pdf-chart [x (pdf-normal x :mean %1 :sd %2)]) [(range -3 3 0.1) (range 0.1 10 0.1)] ["mean" "sd"])))
(stacked-area-chart categories values & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing an stacked-area-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label :legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category.
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (stacked-area-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (stacked-area-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data))
(with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (stacked-area-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (stacked-area-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png")
(def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (stacked-area-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true))
(view (stacked-area-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"]))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing an stacked-area-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label :legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category. See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (stacked-area-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (stacked-area-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data)) (with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (stacked-area-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (stacked-area-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png") (def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (stacked-area-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view (stacked-area-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"])) References:
(stacked-area-chart* categories values & options)
(stacked-bar-chart categories values & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing an stacked-bar-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values
Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label :legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category.
See also: view and save
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
(with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (stacked-bar-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (stacked-bar-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data))
(with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (stacked-bar-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true)))
(def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (stacked-bar-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png")
(def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (stacked-bar-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true))
(view (stacked-bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (stacked-bar-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"]))
;; add a series label (def plot (stacked-bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2")
(view (stacked-bar-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing an stacked-bar-chart of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Arguments: categories -- a sequence of categories values -- a sequence of numeric values Options: :title (default '') main title :x-label (default 'Categories') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label :legend (default false) prints legend :vertical (default true) the orientation of the plot :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the values into series within each category. See also: view and save Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts datasets)) (with-data (get-dataset :co2) (view (stacked-bar-chart :Type :uptake :title "CO2 Uptake" :group-by :Treatment :x-label "Grass Types" :y-label "Uptake" :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers)) (view (stacked-bar-chart :year :passengers :group-by :month :legend true :data data)) (with-data (get-dataset :airline-passengers) (view (stacked-bar-chart :month :passengers :group-by :year :legend true))) (def data (get-dataset :austres)) (view data) (def plot (stacked-bar-chart :year :population :group-by :quarter :legend true :data data)) (view plot) (save plot "/tmp/austres_plot.png" :width 1000) (view "file:///tmp/austres_plot.png") (def seasons (mapcat identity (repeat 3 ["winter" "spring" "summer" "fall"]))) (def years (mapcat identity (repeat 4 [2007 2008 2009]))) (def values (sample-uniform 12 :integers true :max 100)) (view (stacked-bar-chart years values :group-by seasons :legend true)) (view (stacked-bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30])) (view (stacked-bar-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20] :legend true :group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"])) ;; add a series label (def plot (stacked-bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [10 20 30] :legend true :series-label "s1")) (view plot) (add-categories plot ["a" "b" "c"] [5 25 40] :series-label "s2") (view (stacked-bar-chart (sample "abcdefghij" :size 10 :replacement true) (sample-uniform 10 :max 50) :legend true)) References:
(stacked-bar-chart* categories values & options)
(time-series-plot x y & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a time series plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Sequence passed in for the x axis should be number of milliseconds from the epoch (1 January 1970).
Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data as arguments to xy-plot. :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default y expression) :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x and y values into series.
See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines
(use '(incanter core stats charts)) (require '[clj-time.core :refer [date-time]])
;; plot numbers against years starting with 1900 (def dates (map #(-> (date-time (+ 1900 %)) .getMillis) (range 100))) (def y (range 100)) (view (time-series-plot dates y :x-label "Year"))
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a time series plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Sequence passed in for the x axis should be number of milliseconds from the epoch (1 January 1970). Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data as arguments to xy-plot. :title (default '') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default y expression) :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x and y values into series. See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) (require '[clj-time.core :refer [date-time]]) ;; plot numbers against years starting with 1900 (def dates (map #(-> (date-time (+ 1900 %)) .getMillis) (range 100))) (def y (range 100)) (view (time-series-plot dates y :x-label "Year")) References:
(time-series-plot* x y & options)
(trace-plot x & options)
Returns a trace-plot object, use the 'view' function to display it.
Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, a column name can be used instead of a sequence of data for argument x. :title (default 'Trace Plot') main title :x-label (default 'Iteration') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label (default 'Value')
Examples: (use '(incanter core datasets stats bayes charts)) (def ols-data (to-matrix (get-dataset :survey))) (def x (sel ols-data (range 0 2313) (range 1 10))) (def y (sel ols-data (range 0 2313) 10)) (def sample-params (sample-model-params 5000 (linear-model y x :intercept false))) (view (trace-plot (:var sample-params)))
(view (trace-plot (sel (:coefs sample-params) :cols 0)))
Returns a trace-plot object, use the 'view' function to display it. Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, a column name can be used instead of a sequence of data for argument x. :title (default 'Trace Plot') main title :x-label (default 'Iteration') :y-label (default 'Value') :series-label (default 'Value') Examples: (use '(incanter core datasets stats bayes charts)) (def ols-data (to-matrix (get-dataset :survey))) (def x (sel ols-data (range 0 2313) (range 1 10))) (def y (sel ols-data (range 0 2313) 10)) (def sample-params (sample-model-params 5000 (linear-model y x :intercept false))) (view (trace-plot (:var sample-params))) (view (trace-plot (sel (:coefs sample-params) :cols 0)))
(xy-plot x y & options)
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a xy-plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file.
Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data as arguments to xy-plot. :title (default 'XY Plot') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x and y values into series. :points (default false) includes point-markers :auto-sort (default true) sort data by x
See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines
(use '(incanter core stats charts))
;; plot the cosine function (def x (range -1 5 0.01)) (def y (cos (mult 2 Math/PI x))) (view (xy-plot x y))
;; plot gamma pdf with different parameters (def x2 (range 0 20 0.1)) (def gamma-plot (xy-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 1 :scale 2) :legend true :title "Gamma PDF" :y-label "Density")) (view gamma-plot) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 3 :scale 2)) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 5 :scale 1)) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 9 :scale 0.5))
;; use :group-by option (use '(incanter core charts datasets))
(with-data (get-dataset :chick-weight) (view (xy-plot :Time :weight :group-by :Chick)))
;; see INCANTER_HOME/examples/probability_plots.clj for more examples of plots
Returns a JFreeChart object representing a xy-plot of the given data. Use the 'view' function to display the chart, or the 'save' function to write it to a file. Options: :data (default nil) If the :data option is provided a dataset, column names can be used instead of sequences of data as arguments to xy-plot. :title (default 'XY Plot') main title :x-label (default x expression) :y-label (default 'Frequency') :legend (default false) prints legend :series-label (default x expression) :group-by (default nil) -- a vector of values used to group the x and y values into series. :points (default false) includes point-markers :auto-sort (default true) sort data by x See also: view, save, add-points, add-lines Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts)) ;; plot the cosine function (def x (range -1 5 0.01)) (def y (cos (mult 2 Math/PI x))) (view (xy-plot x y)) ;; plot gamma pdf with different parameters (def x2 (range 0 20 0.1)) (def gamma-plot (xy-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 1 :scale 2) :legend true :title "Gamma PDF" :y-label "Density")) (view gamma-plot) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 2 :scale 2)) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 3 :scale 2)) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 5 :scale 1)) (add-lines gamma-plot x2 (pdf-gamma x2 :shape 9 :scale 0.5)) ;; use :group-by option (use '(incanter core charts datasets)) (with-data (get-dataset :chick-weight) (view (xy-plot :Time :weight :group-by :Chick))) ;; see INCANTER_HOME/examples/probability_plots.clj for more examples of plots References:
(xy-plot* x y & options)
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