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Namespace for vectorz-clj core.matrix implementation. Loading this namespace either directly or indirectly is required to enable the :vectorz implementation for core.matrix.

Namespace for vectorz-clj core.matrix implementation. Loading this namespace either 
directly or indirectly is required to enable the :vectorz implementation for core.matrix.
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(amatrix-coerce x)
(amatrix-coerce m x)

Coerces an argument x to an AMatrix instance

Coerces an argument x to an AMatrix instance
sourceraw docstring


(amatrix-coerce* m)
(amatrix-coerce* target m)

Coerces any numerical array to an AMatrix instance. May broadcast to the shape of an optional target if necessary. Does not guarantee a new copy - may return same data.

Coerces any numerical array to an AMatrix instance.
May broadcast to the shape of an optional target if necessary.
Does *not* guarantee a new copy - may return same data.
sourceraw docstring


(avector-coerce x)
(avector-coerce m x)

Coerces an argument x to an AVector instance, of the same size as m

Coerces an argument x to an AVector instance, of the same size as m
sourceraw docstring


(avector-coerce* m)
(avector-coerce* target m)

Coerces any numerical array to an AVector instance. May broadcast to the shape of an optional target if necessary. Does not guarantee a new copy - may return same data.

Coerces any numerical array to an AVector instance.
May broadcast to the shape of an optional target if necessary.
Does *not* guarantee a new copy - may return same data.
sourceraw docstring


(double-coerce x)

Macro to coerce to a primitive double value. Works on numbers and 0d arrays.

Macro to coerce to a primitive double value. Works on numbers and 0d arrays.
sourceraw docstring




(int-array-coerce m)

Coerces an arbitrary object to an int array

Coerces an arbitrary object to an int array
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(tag-symbol tag form)


(vectorz-clone x)

Coerces the argument to a new (cloned) vectorz INDArray

Coerces the argument to a new (cloned) vectorz INDArray
sourceraw docstring


(vectorz-coerce x)
(vectorz-coerce target x)

Coerces the argument to a vectorz INDArray. Broadcasts to the shape of an optional target if provided.

Coerces the argument to a vectorz INDArray. Broadcasts to the shape of an optional target if provided.
sourceraw docstring


(vectorz-coerce* p)

Function to attempt conversion to a Vectorz INDArray object. Should work on any core.matrix numerical array or scalar. Does not guarantee a new copy - may return same data.

Function to attempt conversion to a Vectorz INDArray object. Should work on any core.matrix
numerical array or scalar. Does *not* guarantee a new copy - may return same data.
sourceraw docstring


(vectorz-scale m a)

Scales a vectorz array, return a new scaled array

Scales a vectorz array, return a new scaled array
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(vectorz-type? tag)


(vectorz? a)

Returns true if v is a vectorz class (i.e. an instance of mikera.arrayz.INDArray)

Returns true if v is a vectorz class (i.e. an instance of mikera.arrayz.INDArray)
sourceraw docstring


(with-broadcast-clone [a b] & body)

Executes body with a broadcasted clone of a and a broadcasted INDArray version of b. Returns the broadcasted clone of a.

Executes body with a broadcasted clone of a and a broadcasted INDArray version of b. 
Returns the broadcasted clone of a.
sourceraw docstring


(with-broadcast-coerce [a b] & body)

Executes body with a and a coerced INDArray version of b. Returns result of body.

Executes body with a and a coerced INDArray version of b. Returns result of body.
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(with-clone [sym exp] & body)

Executes the body with a cloned version of the specfied symbol/expression binding. Returns the cloned object.

Executes the body with a cloned version of the specfied symbol/expression binding. Returns the cloned object.
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(with-indexes [syms ixs] & body)

Executes body after binding int indexes from the given indexing object

Executes body after binding int indexes from the given indexing object
sourceraw docstring


(with-keys available required)


(with-vectorz-clone [sym exp] & body)

Executes the body with a cloned version of the specfied symbol/expression binding. Returns the cloned object.

Executes the body with a cloned version of the specfied symbol/expression binding. Returns the cloned object.
sourceraw docstring

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