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Pico ORM, when simple data require simple data management.

How to? (short version)

(ns example
    [cellar.core :as db]
    [cellar.config :as cfg]))

;; providing db settings
  {:classname   "org.h2.Driver"
   :subprotocol "h2:mem"
   :subname     "demo;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"
   :user        "sa"
   :password    ""})

;; creating a new table
(db/deftable cellar-shelves
             [[:id "BIGINT"]
              [:shelve-height "BIGINT"]
              [:shelve-content "VARCHAR(64)"]])
;; OR
(db/deftable cellar-shelves
             {:id             "BIGINT"
              :shelve-height  "BIGINT"
              :shelve-content "VARCHAR(64)"})
;; OR
(db/deftable cellar-shelves
             {:id             :bigint
              :shelve-height  :bigint
              :shelve-content :varchar64})

;; inserting new record
(db/insert! :cellar-shelves
            {:id             1
             :shelve-height  2
             :shelve-content "One small lib"})
;; => {:id 1 :shelve-height 2 :shelve-content "One small lib"}

;; let's check if new record exists
(db/exists? :cellar-shelves {:id 1})
;; => true ; indeed, it was just created

(db/update! :cellar-shelves
            {:shelve-height 3}
            {:id 1})
;; => 1 ; only one record was updated

(db/delete! :cellar-shelves
            {:id 1})
;; => 1 ; only one record was deleted


There are plenty of ORM's out there, but mostly they are much larger. For small, close to pet-projects, it is overkill to use anything larger, than this ORM.

Mainly it is designed and created for my private pet-projects.

What's the deal with -foo> and <foo-

Code notations of this project:

  • -foo> - alias for set foo
  • <foo- - alias for get foo
  • -foo - private function
  • foo! - state altering function
  • foo!! - heavy state altering function
underscore is never used!

Future plans

  1. Add table specific columns and values transformers
  2. Batch insert/delete
  3. Fields emitting fn's
  4. Add '?', '!', '*' support

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