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(flatten-params params)

Flatten a nested map into a flat map with dotted keys, handling arrays correctly for Stripe API.

Flatten a nested map into a flat map with dotted keys, handling arrays correctly for Stripe API.
sourceraw docstring


(format-expand expand)

Format the expand parameter for Stripe API requests.

This function converts a list of fields to expand into the format required by Stripe's API.


  • expand: A list or string of fields to expand.

Returns: A map with the formatted expand parameters.

Format the expand parameter for Stripe API requests.

This function converts a list of fields to expand into the format required by Stripe's API.

- `expand`: A list or string of fields to expand.

A map with the formatted expand parameters.
sourceraw docstring


(format-headers headers)

Format a map of headers for Stripe API requests.

This function converts a map of headers with keywords as keys into a map with properly formatted header strings.


  • headers: A map of headers with keywords as keys.

Returns: A map with properly formatted header strings.

Format a map of headers for Stripe API requests.

This function converts a map of headers with keywords as keys into a map with
properly formatted header strings.

- `headers`: A map of headers with keywords as keys.

A map with properly formatted header strings.
sourceraw docstring


(keyword-to-header k)

Convert a keyword to a properly formatted header string.

This function converts a keyword (e.g., :stripe-account) into a header string (e.g., "Stripe-Account") required by Stripe's API.


  • k: A keyword representing the header.

Returns: A string formatted as a header.

Convert a keyword to a properly formatted header string.

This function converts a keyword (e.g., :stripe-account) into a header string
(e.g., "Stripe-Account") required by Stripe's API.

- `k`: A keyword representing the header.

A string formatted as a header.
sourceraw docstring

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