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Support functions for working with histories. This provides two things you need for writing efficient checkers:

  1. A dedicated Op defrecord which speeds up the most commonly accessed fields and reduces memory footprint.

  2. A History datatype which generally works like a vector, but also supports efficient fetching of operations by index, mapping back and forth between invocations and completions, efficient lazy map/filter, fusable concurrent reduce/fold, and a dependency-oriented task executor.


Create operations with the op function. Unlike most defrecords, we pretty-print these as if they were maps--we print a LOT of them.

(require '[jepsen.history :as h]) (def o (h/op {:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :read, :value [:x nil], :index 0, :time 0})) (pprint o) ; {:process 0, ; :type :invoke, ; :f :read, ; :value [:x nil], ; :index 0, ; :time 0}

We provide a few common functions for interacting with operations:

(invoke? o) ; true (client-op? o) ; true (info? o) ; false

And of course you can use fast field accessors here too:

(.process o) ; 0


Given a collection of operations, create a history like so:

(def h (h/history [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :read} {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :read, :value 5}]))

history automatically lifts maps into Ops if they aren't already, and adds indices (sequential) and times (-1) if you omit them. There are options to control how indices are added; see history for details.

(pprint h) ; [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil, :index 0, :time -1} ; {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :read, :value 5, :index 1, :time -1}]

If you need to convert these back to plain-old maps for writing tests, use as-maps.

(h/as-maps h) ; [{:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil} ; {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read, :value 5}]

Histories work almost exactly like vectors (though you can't assoc or conj into them).

(count h) ; 2 (nth h 1) ; {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read, :value 5} (map :type h) ; [:invoke :ok]

But they have a few extra powers. You can get the Op with a particular :index regardless of where it is in the collection.

(h/get-index h 0) ; {:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil}

And you can find the corresponding invocation for a completion, and vice-versa:

(h/invocation h {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read, :value 5}) ; {:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil}

(h/completion h {:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil}) ; {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read, :value 5}

We call histories where the :index fields are 0, 1, 2, ... 'dense', and other histories 'sparse'. With dense histories, get-index is just nth. Sparse histories are common when you're restricting yourself to just a subset of the history, like operations on clients. If you pass sparse indices to (history ops), then ask for an op by index, it'll do a one-time fold over the ops to find their indices, then cache a lookup table to make future lookups fast.

(def h (history [{:index 3, :process 0, :type :invoke, :f :cas, :value [7 8]}])) (h/dense-indices? h) ; false (get-index h 3) ; {:index 3, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :cas, :value [7 8]}

Let's get a slightly more involved history. This one has a concurrent nemesis crashing while process 0 writes 3.

(def h (h/history [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :write, :value 3} {:process :nemesis, :type :info, :f :crash} {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :write, :value 3} {:process :nemesis, :type :info, :f :crash}]))

Of course we can filter this to just client operations using regular seq operations...

(filter h/client-op? h) ; [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :write, :value 3, :index 0, :time -1} ; {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :write, :value 3, :index 2, :time -1}]

But jepsen.history also exposes a more efficient version:

(h/filter h/client-op? h) ; [{:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3} ; {:index 2, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}]

There are also shortcuts for common filtering ops: client-ops, invokes, oks, infos, and so on.

(def ch (h/client-ops h)) (type ch) ; jepsen.history.FilteredHistory

Creating a filtered history is O(1), and acts as a lazy view on top of the underlying history. Like clojure.core/filter, it materializes elements as needed. Unlike Clojure's filter, it does not (for most ops) cache results in memory, so we can work with collections bigger than RAM. Instead, each seq/reduce/fold/etc applies the filtering function to the underlying history on-demand.

When you ask for a count, or to fetch operations by index, or to map between invocations and completions, a FilteredHistory computes a small, reduced data structure on the fly, and caches it to make later operations of the same type fast.

(count ch) ; Folds over entire history to count how many match the predicate ; 2 (count ch) ; Cached

; (h/completion ch (first ch)) ; Folds over history to pair up ops, caches {:index 2, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}

; (h/get-index ch 2) ; No fold required; underlying history does get-index {:index 2, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}

Similarly, h/map constructs an O(1) lazy view over another history. These compose just like normal Clojure map/filter, and all share structure with the underlying history.


All histories support reduce, clojure.core.reducers/fold, Tesser's tesser, and jepsen.history.fold/fold. All four mechanisms are backed by a jepsen.history.fold Folder, which allows concurrent folds to be joined together on-the-fly and executed in fewer passes over the underlying data. Reducers, Tesser, and history folds can also be executed in parallel.

Histories created with map and filter share the folder of their underlying history, which means that two threads analyzing different views of the same underlying history can have their folds joined into a single pass automatically. This should hopefully be invisible to users, other than making things Automatically Faster.

If you filter a history to a small subset of operations, or are comfortable working in-memory, it may be sensible to materialize a history. Just use (vec h) to convert a history a plain-old Clojure vector again.


Analyzers often perform several independent reductions over a history, and then compute new values based on those previous reductions. You can of course use future for this, but histories also come with a shared, dependency-aware threadpool executor for executing compute-bound concurrent tasks. All histories derived from the same history share the same executor, which means multiple checkers can launch tasks on it without launching a bazillion threads. For instance, we might need to know if a history includes crashes:

(def first-crash (h/task h find-first-crash [] (->> h (h/filter (comp #{:crash} :f)) first)))

Like futures, deref'ing a task yields its result, or throws.

@first-crash {:index 1, :time -1, :type :info, :process :nemesis, :f :crash, :value nil}

Unlike futures, tasks can express dependencies on other tasks:

(def ops-before-crash (h/task h writes [fc first-crash] (let [i (:index first-crash)] (into [] (take-while #(< (:index %) i)) h))))

This task won't run until first-crash has completed, and receives the result of the first-crash task as its argument.

@ops-before-crash ; [{:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}]

See jepsen.history.task for more details.

Support functions for working with histories. This provides two things you
need for writing efficient checkers:

1. A dedicated Op defrecord which speeds up the most commonly accessed
fields and reduces memory footprint.

2. A History datatype which generally works like a vector, but also supports
efficient fetching of operations by index, mapping back and forth between
invocations and completions, efficient lazy map/filter, fusable concurrent
reduce/fold, and a dependency-oriented task executor.

## Ops

Create operations with the `op` function. Unlike most defrecords, we
pretty-print these as if they were maps--we print a LOT of them.

  (require '[jepsen.history :as h])
  (def o (h/op {:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :read, :value [:x nil],
                :index 0, :time 0}))
  (pprint o)
  ; {:process 0,
  ;  :type :invoke,
  ;  :f :read,
  ;  :value [:x nil],
  ;  :index 0,
  ;  :time 0}

We provide a few common functions for interacting with operations:

  (invoke? o)    ; true
  (client-op? o) ; true
  (info? o)      ; false

And of course you can use fast field accessors here too:

  (.process o) ; 0

## Histories

Given a collection of operations, create a history like so:

  (def h (h/history [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :read}
                     {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :read, :value 5}]))

`history` automatically lifts maps into Ops if they aren't already, and adds
indices (sequential) and times (-1) if you omit them. There are options to
control how indices are added; see `history` for details.

  (pprint h)
  ; [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil, :index 0, :time -1}
  ;  {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :read, :value 5, :index 1, :time -1}]

If you need to convert these back to plain-old maps for writing tests, use

  (h/as-maps h)
  ; [{:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil}
  ;  {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read, :value 5}]

Histories work almost exactly like vectors (though you can't assoc or conj
into them).

  (count h)
  ; 2
  (nth h 1)
  ; {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read, :value 5}
  (map :type h)
  ; [:invoke :ok]

But they have a few extra powers. You can get the Op with a particular :index
regardless of where it is in the collection.

  (h/get-index h 0)
  ; {:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil}

And you can find the corresponding invocation for a completion, and

  (h/invocation h {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read,
                   :value 5})
  ; {:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil}

  (h/completion h {:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :read, :value nil})
  ; {:index 1, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :read, :value 5}

We call histories where the :index fields are 0, 1, 2, ... 'dense', and other
histories 'sparse'. With dense histories, `get-index` is just `nth`. Sparse
histories are common when you're restricting yourself to just a subset of the
history, like operations on clients. If you pass sparse indices to `(history
ops)`, then ask for an op by index, it'll do a one-time fold over the ops to
find their indices, then cache a lookup table to make future lookups fast.

  (def h (history [{:index 3, :process 0, :type :invoke, :f :cas,
                    :value [7 8]}]))
  (h/dense-indices? h)
  ; false
  (get-index h 3)
  ; {:index 3, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :cas, :value [7 8]}

Let's get a slightly more involved history. This one has a concurrent nemesis
crashing while process 0 writes 3.

  (def h (h/history
           [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :write, :value 3}
            {:process :nemesis, :type :info, :f :crash}
            {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :write, :value 3}
            {:process :nemesis, :type :info, :f :crash}]))

Of course we can filter this to just client operations using regular seq

  (filter h/client-op? h)
  ; [{:process 0, :type :invoke, :f :write, :value 3, :index 0, :time -1}
  ;  {:process 0, :type :ok, :f :write, :value 3, :index 2, :time -1}]

But `jepsen.history` also exposes a more efficient version:

  (h/filter h/client-op? h)
  ; [{:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}
  ;  {:index 2, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}]

There are also shortcuts for common filtering ops: `client-ops`, `invokes`,
`oks`, `infos`, and so on.

  (def ch (h/client-ops h))
  (type ch)
  ; jepsen.history.FilteredHistory

Creating a filtered history is O(1), and acts as a lazy view on top of the
underlying history. Like `clojure.core/filter`, it materializes elements as
needed. Unlike Clojure's `filter`, it does not (for most ops) cache results
in memory, so we can work with collections bigger than RAM. Instead, each
seq/reduce/fold/etc applies the filtering function to the underlying history

When you ask for a count, or to fetch operations by index, or to map between
invocations and completions, a FilteredHistory computes a small, reduced data
structure on the fly, and caches it to make later operations of the same type

  (count ch) ; Folds over entire history to count how many match the predicate
  ; 2
  (count ch) ; Cached

  ; (h/completion ch (first ch)) ; Folds over history to pair up ops, caches
  {:index 2, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}

  ; (h/get-index ch 2) ; No fold required; underlying history does get-index
  {:index 2, :time -1, :type :ok, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}

Similarly, `h/map` constructs an O(1) lazy view over another history. These
compose just like normal Clojure `map`/`filter`, and all share structure with
the underlying history.

### Folds

All histories support `reduce`, `clojure.core.reducers/fold`, Tesser's
`tesser`, and `jepsen.history.fold/fold`. All four mechanisms are backed by
a `jepsen.history.fold` Folder, which allows concurrent folds to be joined
together on-the-fly and executed in fewer passes over the underlying data.
Reducers, Tesser, and history folds can also be executed in parallel.

Histories created with `map` and `filter` share the folder of their
underlying history, which means that two threads analyzing different views of
the same underlying history can have their folds joined into a single pass
automatically. This should hopefully be invisible to users, other than making
things Automatically Faster.

If you filter a history to a small subset of operations, or are comfortable
working in-memory, it may be sensible to materialize a history. Just use
`(vec h)` to convert a history a plain-old Clojure vector again.

### Tasks

Analyzers often perform several independent reductions over a history, and
then compute new values based on those previous reductions. You can of course
use `future` for this, but histories also come with a shared,
dependency-aware threadpool executor for executing compute-bound concurrent
tasks. All histories derived from the same history share the same executor,
which means multiple checkers can launch tasks on it without launching a
bazillion threads. For instance, we might need to know if a history includes

  (def first-crash (h/task h find-first-crash []
    (->> h (h/filter (comp #{:crash} :f)) first)))

Like futures, deref'ing a task yields its result, or throws.

  {:index 1, :time -1, :type :info, :process :nemesis, :f :crash,
   :value nil}

Unlike futures, tasks can express *dependencies* on other tasks:

  (def ops-before-crash (h/task h writes [fc first-crash]
    (let [i (:index first-crash)]
      (into [] (take-while #(< (:index %) i)) h))))

This task won't run until first-crash has completed, and receives the result
of the first-crash task as its argument.

  ; [{:index 0, :time -1, :type :invoke, :process 0, :f :write, :value 3}]

See `jepsen.history.task` for more details.
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(add-dense-indices ops)

Adds sequential indices to a series of operations. Throws if there are existing indices that wouldn't work with this.

Adds sequential indices to a series of operations. Throws if there are
existing indices that wouldn't work with this.
sourceraw docstring


(as-maps ops)

Turns a collection of Ops back into plain old Clojure maps. Helpful for writing tests.

Turns a collection of Ops back into plain old Clojure maps. Helpful for
writing tests.
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(assert-complete op)

Throws if something is not a completion. Otherwise returns op.

Throws if something is not a completion. Otherwise returns op.
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(assert-indices ops)

Ensures every op has an :index field. Throws otherwise.

Ensures every op has an :index field. Throws otherwise.
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(assert-invoke+ op)

Throws if something is not an invocation, or, for non-client operations, an info. Otherwise returns op.

Throws if something is not an invocation, or, for non-client operations, an
info. Otherwise returns op.
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(cancel-task this task)

Cancels a task on the this history's task executor. Returns task.

Cancels a task on the this history's task executor. Returns
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(catch-task history task-name & args)

A helper for launching new catch tasks. Takes a history, a symbol for your catch task's name, optional data, and a binding vector of [arg-name task], followed by a body. Wraps body in a function and submits it as a new catch task to the history's executor.

(catch-task history oh-no [err some-task] (handle err ...))

A helper for launching new catch tasks. Takes a history, a symbol for your
catch task's name, optional data, and a binding vector of [arg-name task],
followed by a body. Wraps body in a function and submits it as a new catch
task to the history's executor.

  (catch-task history oh-no [err some-task]
(handle err ...))
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(catch-task-call this name dep f)
(catch-task-call this name data dep f)

Adds a catch task to this history which handles errors on the given dep. See jepsen.history.task/catch!.

Adds a catch task to this history which handles errors on
the given dep. See jepsen.history.task/catch!.
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(client-op? op)

Is this an operation from a client? e.g. does it have an integer process.

Is this an operation from a client? e.g. does it have an integer process.
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(client-ops history)

Filters a history to just clients.

Filters a history to just clients.
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(completion history invocation)

Takes an invocation operation belonging to this history, and returns the operation which invoked it, or nil if none did.

Takes an invocation operation belonging to this history, and
returns the operation which invoked it, or nil if none did.
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(dense-history ops)
(dense-history ops {:keys [dense-indices?] :as options})

A dense history has indexes 0, 1, 2, ..., and can encode its pair index in an int array. You can provide a history, or a vector (or any IPersistentVector), or a reducible, in which case the reducible is materialized to a vector. Options are:

:have-indices? If true, these ops already have :index fields. :already-ops? If true, these ops are already Op records. :dense-indices? If true, indices are already dense, and need not be checked.

If given a history without indices, adds them.

A dense history has indexes 0, 1, 2, ..., and can encode its pair index in
an int array. You can provide a history, or a vector (or any
IPersistentVector), or a reducible, in which case the reducible is
materialized to a vector. Options are:

  :have-indices?  If true, these ops already have :index fields.
  :already-ops?   If true, these ops are already Op records.
  :dense-indices? If true, indices are already dense, and need not be

If given a history without indices, adds them.
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(dense-history-pair-index folder)

Given a folder of ops, computes an array mapping indexes back and forth for a dense history of ops. For non-client operations, we map pairs of :info messages back and forth.

Given a folder of ops, computes an array mapping indexes back and forth for
a dense history of ops. For non-client operations, we map pairs of :info
messages back and forth.
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(dense-indices? history)

Returns true if indexes in this history are 0, 1, 2, ...

Returns true if indexes in this history are 0, 1, 2, ...
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(ensure-pair-index history)

Ensures the pair index exists. Helpful when you want to use the pair index during a fold, because loading the pair index itself would require another fold pass. Returns history.

Ensures the pair index exists. Helpful when you want to
use the pair index during a fold, because loading the pair
index itself would require another fold pass. Returns
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(executor this)

Returns the history's task executor. See jepsen.history.task for details. All histories descending from the same history (e.g. via map or filter) share the same task executor.

Returns the history's task executor. See jepsen.history.task for
details. All histories descending from the same history
(e.g. via map or filter) share the same task executor.
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(fail? op)

Is this op a failure?

Is this op a failure?
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(fails history)

Filters a history to just :fail ops

Filters a history to just :fail ops
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(filter f history)

Specialized, lazy form of clojure.core/filter which acts on histories and returns histories. Wraps the given history in a new one which only has operations passing (pred op).

A filtered history inherits the task executor of the original.

Specialized, lazy form of clojure.core/filter which acts on histories and
returns histories. Wraps the given history in a new one which only has
operations passing (pred op).

A filtered history inherits the task executor of the original.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-f f-or-fs history)

Filters to a specific :f. Or, given a set, a set of :fs.

Filters to a specific :f. Or, given a set, a set of :fs.
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A fold which computes an int array of all the indexes in a filtered history.

A fold which computes an int array of all the indexes in a filtered
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(fold history fold)

Executes a fold on this history. See history.fold/fold for details.

Executes a fold on this history. See history.fold/fold for details.
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(get-index history index)

Returns the operation with the given index in this history, or nil if that operation is not present. For densely indexed histories, this is just like nth. For sparse histories, it may not be the nth op!

Returns the operation with the given index in this history, or
nil if that operation is not present. For densely indexed
histories, this is just like `nth`. For sparse histories, it may
not be the nth op!
sourceraw docstring


(has-f? f-or-fs)

Constructs a function which takes ops and returns true if the op has the given :f, or, given a set, any of the given :fs.

Constructs a function which takes ops and returns true if the op has the
given :f, or, given a set, any of the given :fs.
sourceraw docstring


(history ops)
(history ops {:keys [dense-indices? have-indices?] :as options})

Just make a history out of something. Figure it out. Options are:

:have-indices? If true, these ops already have :index fields. :already-ops? If true, these ops are already Op records. :dense-indices? If true, indices are already dense.

With :dense-indices?, we'll assume indices are dense and construct a dense history. With have-indices? we'll use existing indices and construct a sparse history. Without either, we examine the first op and guess: if it has no :index, we'll assign sequential ones and construct a dense history. If the first op does have an :index, we'll use the existing indices and construct a sparse history.

Operations with missing :time fields are given :time -1.

Just make a history out of something. Figure it out. Options are:

  :have-indices?  If true, these ops already have :index fields.
  :already-ops?   If true, these ops are already Op records.
  :dense-indices? If true, indices are already dense.

With :dense-indices?, we'll assume indices are dense and construct a dense
history. With have-indices? we'll use existing indices and construct a sparse
history. Without either, we examine the first op and guess: if it has no
:index, we'll assign sequential ones and construct a dense history. If the
first op does have an :index, we'll use the existing indices and construct a
sparse history.

Operations with missing :time fields are given :time -1.
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(info? op)

Is this op an informational message?

Is this op an informational message?
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(infos history)

Filters a history to just :info ops.

Filters a history to just :info ops.
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(invocation history completion)

Takes a completion operation and returns the operation which invoked it, or nil if none did.

Takes a completion operation and returns the operation which
invoked it, or nil if none did.
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(invoke? op)

Is this op an invocation?

Is this op an invocation?
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(invokes history)

Filters a history to just invocations.

Filters a history to just invocations.
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(map f history)

Specialized, lazy form of clojure.core/map which acts on histories themselves. Wraps the given history in a new one which has its operations transformed by (f op). Applies f on every access to an op. This is faster when you intend to traverse the history only a few times, or when you want to keep memory consumption low.

f is assumed to obey a few laws, but we don't enforce them, in case it turns out to be useful to break these rules later. It should return operations just like its inputs, and with the same :index, so that pairs are preserved. It should also be injective on processes, so that it preserves the concurrency structure of the original. If you violate these rules, get-index, invocation, and completion will likely behave strangely.

A mapped history inherits the same task executor as the original history.

Specialized, lazy form of clojure.core/map which acts on histories
themselves. Wraps the given history in a new one which has its operations
transformed by (f op). Applies f on every access to an op. This is faster
when you intend to traverse the history only a few times, or when you want to
keep memory consumption low.

f is assumed to obey a few laws, but we don't enforce them, in case it turns
out to be useful to break these rules later. It should return operations just
like its inputs, and with the same :index, so that pairs are preserved. It
should also be injective on processes, so that it preserves the concurrency
structure of the original. If you violate these rules, get-index, invocation,
and completion will likely behave strangely.

A mapped history inherits the same task executor as the original history.
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(ok? op)

Is this op OK?

Is this op OK?
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(oks history)

Filters a history to just :ok ops

Filters a history to just :ok ops
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(op op)

Constructs an operation. With one argument, expects a map, and turns that map into an Op record, which is somewhat faster to work with. If op is already an Op, returns it unchanged.

Ops must have an index. Ops may be missing a :time; if so, we give them time -1.

Constructs an operation. With one argument, expects a map, and turns that
map into an Op record, which is somewhat faster to work with. If op is
already an Op, returns it unchanged.

Ops *must* have an index. Ops may be missing a :time; if so, we give them
time -1.
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(Op->map op)

Turns an Op back into a plain old map

Turns an Op back into a plain old map
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(op? op)

Is this op an Op defrecord?

Is this op an Op defrecord?
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(pair-index history index)

Given an index, returns the index of that operation's corresponding invocation or completion. -1 means no match.

Given an index, returns the index of that operation's
corresponding invocation or completion. -1 means no match.
sourceraw docstring


A fold which builds a pair index, as an IntMap.

A fold which builds a pair index, as an IntMap.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-task-args args)

Helper for task and catch-task which parses varargs and extracts the data, dep names, dep tasks, and body.

Helper for task and catch-task which parses varargs and extracts the data,
dep names, dep tasks, and body.
sourceraw docstring


(possible history)

Filters a history to just :ok or :info ops

Filters a history to just :ok or :info ops
sourceraw docstring


(pprint-kv out k v)
(pprint-kv out k v last?)

Helper for pretty-printing op fields.

Helper for pretty-printing op fields.
sourceraw docstring


(preprocess-ops ops)
(preprocess-ops ops {:keys [have-indices? already-ops?]})

When we prepare a history around some operations, we need to ensure they have indexes, belong to indexed collections, and so on. This takes a collection of ops, and optionally an option map, and returns processed ops. These ops are guaranteed to:

  • Have :index fields
  • Have :time fields
  • Be Op records
  • Be in a Clojure Indexed collection

Options are:

:have-indices? If true, these ops already have :index fields. :already-ops? If true, these ops are already Op records.

When we prepare a history around some operations, we need to ensure they
have indexes, belong to indexed collections, and so on. This takes a
collection of ops, and optionally an option map, and returns processed ops.
These ops are guaranteed to:

- Have :index fields
- Have :time  fields
- Be Op records
- Be in a Clojure Indexed collection

Options are:

  :have-indices?  If true, these ops already have :index fields.
  :already-ops?   If true, these ops are already Op records.
sourceraw docstring


(remove f history)

Inverse of filter

Inverse of filter
sourceraw docstring


(sparse-history ops)
(sparse-history ops options)

Constructs a sparse history backed by the given collection of ops. Options:

:have-indices? If true, these ops already have :index fields. :already-ops? If true, these ops are already Op records.

Adds dense indices if the ops don't already have their own indexes.

Constructs a sparse history backed by the given collection of ops. Options:

  :have-indices?  If true, these ops already have :index fields.
  :already-ops?   If true, these ops are already Op records.

Adds dense indices if the ops don't already have their own indexes.
sourceraw docstring


A fold which computes the by-index IntMap, taking op indexes to collection indexes.

A fold which computes the by-index IntMap, taking op indexes to collection
sourceraw docstring


(strip-indices ops)

Strips off indices from a history, returning a sequence of plain maps. Helpful for writing tests.

Strips off indices from a history, returning a sequence of plain maps.
Helpful for writing tests.
sourceraw docstring


(strip-times ops)

Strips off times from a history, returning a sequence of plain maps. Helpful for writing tests.

Strips off times from a history, returning a sequence of plain maps. Helpful
for writing tests.
sourceraw docstring


(task history task-name & args)

A helper macro for launching new tasks. Takes a history, a symbol for your task name, optional data, a binding vector of names to dependency tasks you'd like to depend on, and a single-arity argument vector, and a body. Wraps body in a function and submits it to the task executor.

(task history find-anomalies [] ... go do stuff)

(task history furthermore [as find-anomalies] ... do stuff with as)

(task history data-task {:custom :data} [as anomalies, f furthermore] ... do stuff with as and f)

A helper macro for launching new tasks. Takes a history, a symbol for your
task name, optional data, a binding vector of names to dependency tasks you'd
like to depend on, and a single-arity argument vector, and a body. Wraps body
in a function and submits it to the task executor.

  (task history find-anomalies []
     ... go do stuff)

  (task history furthermore [as find-anomalies]
    ... do stuff with as)

  (task history data-task {:custom :data} [as anomalies, f furthermore]
    ... do stuff with as and f)
sourceraw docstring


(task-call this name f)
(task-call this name deps f)
(task-call this name data deps f)

Launches a Task on this history's task executor. Use this to perform parallel, compute-bound processing of a history in a dependency tree--for instance, to perform multiple folds over a history at the same time. See jepsen.history.task/submit! for details.

Launches a Task on this history's task executor. Use this to
perform parallel, compute-bound processing of a history in a
dependency tree--for instance, to perform multiple folds over a
history at the same time. See jepsen.history.task/submit! for
sourceraw docstring


(tesser history tesser-fold)

Executes a Tesser fold on this history. See history.fold/tesser for details.

Executes a Tesser fold on this history. See history.fold/tesser for
sourceraw docstring

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