Clojure wrapper for Apache Flink
[io.kosong.flink/flink-clojure "0.1.0"]
(require '[io.kosong.flink.clojure.core :as fk])
(import 'org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment)
(def env (StreamExecutionEnvironment/getExecutionEnvironment))
(fk/register-clojure-types env)
(def word-count-data
["To be, or not to be,--that is the question:--"
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer"
(def tokenizer
{:fn :flat-map
:returns (fk/type-info-of [])
:flatMap (fn [this line collector]
(doseq [word (-> line .toLowerCase (.split "\\W+"))]
(.collect collector [word 1])))}))
(def counter
{:fn :reduce
:returns (fk/type-info-of [])
:reduce (fn [this [word-1 count-1] [word-2 count-2]]
[word-1 (+ count-1 count-2)])}))
(def word-selector
{:fn :key-selector
:returns (fk/type-info-of String)
:getKey (fn [this [word count]]
(-> env
(.fromCollection word-count-data)
(.flatMap tokenizer)
(.keyBy word-selector)
(.reduce counter)
(.execute env "Word Count")
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