(ns example
[tenet.response :as r]
[tenet.response.http :as http]))
;; Defaults
(r/error? nil) ;; => false
(r/error? 42) ;; => false
(r/error? ::error) ;; => false
;; By default, only keyword `:tenet.response/error`, `Throwable` and `js/Error` is considered an error.
;; keyword
(r/error? ::r/error) ;; => true
;; throwable
(r/error? (ex-info "boom!" {})) ;; => true
;; vector using the hiccup syntax
(r/error? [::r/error "Something went wrong"]) ;; => true
;; Custom errors
(r/error? :example/error) ;; => false
;; Add a custom error kind to the error registry
(r/derive :example/error) ;; => :example/error
(r/error? :example/error) ;; => true
;; Remove a custom error kind from the error registry
(r/underive :example/error) ;; => :example/error
;; Responses
(declare valid? explain exists? insert!)
;; In this example, we do not require our library, as we can construct the responses without helpers
(defn create-user!
(not (valid? user)) [:user/invalid (explain user)] ;; returns a response that the given data is not valid
(exists? user) [:user/exists user] ;; returns a response that the email is occupied
(let [profile (insert! user)]
[:user/created profile]) ;; returns a response that a new user has been created
(catch Exception e
[:user/not-created e] ;; returns a response indicating that there was a problem writing data to the database
;; But we have to register our error kinds
(r/derive :user/invalid) ;; => :user/invalid
(r/derive :user/exists) ;; => :user/exists
(r/derive :user/not-created) ;; => :user/not-created
(r/error? [:user/exists {:user/id 42}]) ;; => true
(r/kind [:user/exists {:user/id 42}]) ;; => :user/exists
;; If necessary, you can change the kind of error to make the correct context
(->> [:db/conflict {:user/id 42}]
(r/as :user/exists)) ;; => [:user/exists {:user/id 42}]
;; Http responses
;; With a unified approach to response management, we can easily add mappings to HTTP responses
(http/status 42) ;; => 200
(http/status [:user/exists {:user/id 42}]) ;; => 200
;; By default,
;; - all unknown non-error response kinds have the status - 200 OK
;; - all error response kinds have the status - 500 Internal Server Error
;; But we have to add our custom mappings
(http/derive :user/exists ::http/conflict) ;; => :user/exists
(http/status [:user/exists {:user/id 42}]) ;; => 409
;; Namespace `tenet.response.http` contains `wrap-status-middleware' - perhaps this middleware will be useful for you