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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of



  • All dependencies have been upgraded to the latest available versions.
  • configurati.core/env-source has been renamed to configurati.core/environ-source to better reflect how it sources configuration.


  • configurati.core/env-source has been re-introduced as a source that is based solely on environment variables.
  • A parameter constructor function has been added to allow declaring parameters outside of configuration specification and configuration definitions.
  • define-configuration-specification and define-configuration have been deprecated in favour of the new configuration-specification and configuration constructor functions.
  • Equality has been implemented for all sources.

0.5.6 — 2023-06-12


  • All dependencies have been upgraded to the latest available versions.


  • When using a custom boolean parameter type, with a default of true and providing an override via a map source, false values were being ignored. This has now been resolved.

0.5.5 — 2022-02-09


  • The json-parsing-middleware now uses io.logicblocks/jason for its JSON parsing instead of cheshire.

0.5.4 — 2020-11-20


  • Configuration sources now allow middleware to be applied to them allowing parameter keys to be transformed before they are passed to the source as well as parameter values to be transformed before they are returned. See configurati.core/with-middleware for details.
  • Middleware implementations for parsing JSON parameter values and comma separated parameter values are now included.
  • Parameters definitions now accept a :validator option, which can be a function or a clojure.spec spec, used to validate the parameter value on resolve.
  • Configurations can now have transformations defined on them, allowing the resolved configuration map to be arbitrarily transformed before being returned.


  • The default type for parameters is now :any preventing configurati from performing any conversion on the resolved parameter value.

0.5.2 — 2019-10-05


  • configurati is now released under the io.logicblocks organisation.

0.5.1 — 2019-10-03


  • configurati is now released under the logicblocks organisation.

0.5.0 — 2019-10-03


  • Configuration definitions can now be merged.


  • Key functions are now scoped to configuration specifications.

0.4.0 - 2017-06-15

Initial release

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