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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of


6.0.0 — 2023-06-09


  • This library was forked from jimmythompson/halboy
  • The clj-http base HTTP client is now the default HTTP client.
  • The halboy.navigator/discover function now allows query params to be provided via a new three argument signature.
  • All dependencies have been updated to their latest versions.


  • Navigator instances can now focus on embedded resources allowing navigation to be continued in the context of the embedded resource, via the halboy.navigator/focus function.

5.1.2 — 2023-01-01


  • If a navigation response indicates a redirect but there is no URL in a Location header, a more descriptive error is now thrown.


  • A new HTTP client based on clj-http has now been introduced, the default HTTP client based on http-kit has been cloned to HttpKitHttpClient.


  • As part of the introduction of clj-http, the default HTTP client has now been deprecated pending a move to the clj-http client as the default in version 6.0.0.

5.1.1 — 2020-11-20


  • halboy.resource/get-href now correctly handles vectors of hrefs.

5.1.0 — 2019-04-29


  • If a non-JSON response body is received after a navigation, a more descriptive error is now thrown.

5.0.0 — 2019-02-21


  • Resources no longer add links, embedded resources or properties when their value is nil.

4.0.0 — 2018-08-12


  • Prior to this version, the query parameter map passed to the underlying HTTP client received a map with String keys and values of the type passed to the navigator function. In this release, all values are converted to Strings or lists of Strings to better support URI templating. If tests of code that use halboy make use of http-kit.fake they may need to be updated to match the new query parameter format.
  • navigator now fully supports URI templates as defined in RFC6570 (level 4).

3.1.2 - 2018-08-09


  • navigator now allows multiple templated query parameters in templated hrefs.

3.1.1 - 2018-08-02


  • navigator now supports HTTP HEAD requests.

3.1.0 - 2018-06-11


  • You can now pass a String when creating a resource and the full self link will be created for you.
  • You can now create resources with multiple hrefs for the same link name.

3.0.0 - 2018-02-14


  • You can now specify your own JSON HTTP client.
  • You can now pass global request options through to the embedded HTTP client.


  • resource/get-links has been renamed to resource/links.
  • navigator/options has been renamed to navigator/settings.

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Toby Clemson, Circle CI & Jakob Durstberger
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