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Hypermedia functions for ring routers.


Add the following to your project.clj file:

[io.logicblocks/hype "2.0.0"]



hype currently provides support for:

  • generating paths or URLs,
  • including URI template parameters, and
  • converting between paths and URLs.

hype includes built in backends for bidi and reitit and includes extension points allowing other routers to be supported.


(require '[ring.mock.request :as ring-mock])
(require '[hype.core :as hype])
(require '[reitit.core :as reitit])
(require '[bidi.bidi :as bidi])

(def request (ring-mock/request "GET" "https://localhost:8080/help"))

;; general
(hype/base-url request)
; => "https://localhost:8080"

(hype/absolute-path->absolute-url request "/articles/index.html")
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles"

;; reitit
(def router
    [["/" :index]
      ["" :articles]
       ["" :article]
       ["/sections/:section-id" :article-section]]]]))

(reitit/routes router)

;; or

;; bidi
(def router
   [["/" :index]
    ["/articles" :articles]
    [["/articles/" :article-id]
     [["" :article]
      [["/sections/" :section-id] :article-section]]]]])

;; then

(hype/absolute-path-for router :index)
; => "/"

(hype/absolute-path-for router :article
  {:path-params {:article-id 10}})
; => "/articles/10"

(hype/absolute-path-for router :article
  {:path-template-params {:article-id :article-id}})
; => "/articles/{articleId}"

(hype/absolute-path-for router :articles
  {:query-params          {:latest         true
                           :sort-direction "descending"}
   :query-template-params [:per-page :page]})
; => "/articles?latest=true&sortDirection=descending{&perPage,page}"

(hype/absolute-url-for request router :index)
; => "https://localhost:8080/"

(hype/absolute-url-for request router :article
  {:path-template-params       {:article-id :articleID}
   :path-template-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/{articleID}"

(hype/absolute-url-for request router :article
  {:path-params           {:article-id 10}
   :query-template-params [:include-author :include-images]})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/10{?includeAuthor,includeImages}"

(hype/absolute-url-for request router :articles
  {:query-params                {:latest         true
                                 :sort-direction "descending"}
   :query-param-key-fn          clojure.core/identity
   :query-template-params       [:per-page :page]
   :query-template-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles?latest=true&sort-direction=descending{&per-page,page}"

See the Getting Started guide for more details.


Copyright © 2023 LogicBlocks Maintainers

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

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