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(with-logger dependencies)

Returns a mixin which adds the logger at :logger in the provided dependencies map to the resource under key :logger.

The logger must be an implementation of [[cartus.core/Logger]]. If the dependency map does not contain a value for key :logger, a [[cartus.null/NullLogger]] will be added instead.

The logger is used by other mixins (such as [[liberator.mixin.hal.core/with-exception-handler]]) when they need to perform any logging.

Returns a mixin which adds the logger at `:logger` in the provided
dependencies map to the resource under key `:logger`.

The logger must be an implementation of [[cartus.core/Logger]]. If the
dependency map does not contain a value for key `:logger`, a
[[cartus.null/NullLogger]] will be added instead.

The logger is used by other mixins (such as
[[liberator.mixin.hal.core/with-exception-handler]]) when they need to
perform any logging.
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