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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • This library has been renamed to
  • Rather than providing a message for the ping response body, now a :body key can be provided, either as data or a function of context returning data, used as the properties on the resulting ping resource.
  • Rather than handler accepting an options map, it now accepts an overrides map, used as the most specific definition map when building the resource. As such, anything that would normally go into a liberator resource definition map can be provided.

0.1.2 — 2020-03-29


  • The ping resource now has a HAL response body, including links to self and discovery.

0.1.1 — 2020-03-22


  • Populated with all releases to date.

0.1.1-SNAPSHOT — 2020-03-22

Released without

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Toby Clemson & Circle CI
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