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Provides an HTTP endpoint check function for salutem.

Packaged in a separate module, salutem.check-fns.http-endpoint versioned in lock step with salutem.core.

Provides an HTTP endpoint check function for salutem.

Packaged in a separate module, `salutem.check-fns.http-endpoint` versioned
in lock step with `salutem.core`.
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(failure-reason exception)

Determines the failure reason associated with an exception.

This failure reason function, the default used by the check function, uses a reason of :threw-exception for all exceptions other than:

for which the reason is :timed-out.

In the case that this default behaviour is insufficient, an alternative failure reason function can be passed to http-endpoint-check-fn using the :failure-reason-fn option.

Determines the failure reason associated with an exception.

This failure reason function, the default used by the check function, uses a
reason of `:threw-exception` for all exceptions other than:

  * [org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException](
  * [](
  * [](
    when the exception message includes "Timeout"

for which the reason is `:timed-out`.

In the case that this default behaviour is insufficient, an alternative
failure reason function can be passed to [[http-endpoint-check-fn]] using the
`:failure-reason-fn` option.
raw docstring


(http-endpoint-check-fn url)
  {:keys [method body headers query-params opts connection-request-timeout
          connection-timeout socket-timeout successful-response-fn
          response-result-fn failure-reason-fn exception-result-fn]})

Returns a check function for the HTTP endpoint identified by the provided URL.

Accepts the following options in the option map:

  • :method: a keyword representing the method used to check the endpoint (one of :get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :options, :copy, :move or :patch) or a function of context that will return such a keyword; defaults to :get.
  • :body: an object representing the body sent to the endpoint on check execution (supporting anything clj-http will accept) or a function of context that will return such an object; defaults to nil.
  • :headers: a map of headers to be sent to the endpoint on check execution (as supported by clj-http) or a function of context that will return such a map; defaults to nil.
  • :query-params: a map of query parameters to be sent to the endpoint on check execution (as supported by clj-http) or a function of context that will return such a map; defaults to nil.
  • :opts: a map of additional query options (as supported by clj-http) or a function of context that will return such a map; defaults to {:throw-exceptions false} since we want response success to be deduced by the :response-result-fn rather than treating unsuccessful statuses as exceptions; note that any timeouts passed in this query options map are ignored and should be set using :connection-request-timeout, :connection-timeout and :socket-timeout.
  • :connection-request-timeout: the [[salutem.core/duration]] to wait when obtaining a connection from the connection manager before considering the request failed; defaults to 5 seconds.
  • :connection-timeout: the [[salutem.core/duration]] to wait when establishing an HTTP connection before considering the request failed; defaults to 5 seconds.
  • :socket-timeout: the [[salutem.core/duration]] to wait while streaming response data since the last data was received before considering the request failed; defaults to 5 seconds.
  • :successful-response-fn: a function of context and the response from a request to the endpoint, returning true if the response was successful, false otherwise; by default uses successful?.
  • :response-result-fn: a function, of context and the response from a request to the endpoint, used to produce a result for the check; by default, a healthy result is returned if the response is successful according to :successful-response-fn, otherwise an unhealthy result is returned.
  • :failure-reason-fn: a function, of context and an exception, to determine the reason for a failure; by default uses failure-reason.
  • :exception-result-fn: a function, of context and an exception, used to produce a result for the check in the case that an exception is thrown; by default, an unhealthy result is returned including a :salutem/reason entry with the reason derived by :failure-reason-fn and a :salutem/exception entry containing the thrown exception.

Additionally, if the URL parameter is instead a function, it will be called with the context map at check execution time in order to obtain the endpoint URL.

If the returned check function is invoked with a context map including a :logger key with a cartus.core/Logger value, the check function will emit a number of log events whilst executing.

Returns a check function for the HTTP endpoint identified by the provided

Accepts the following options in the option map:

  - `:method`: a keyword representing the method used to check the endpoint
    (one of `:get`, `:head`, `:post`, `:put`, `:delete`, `:options`, `:copy`,
    `:move` or `:patch`) or a function of context that will return such a
    keyword; defaults to `:get`.
  - `:body`: an object representing the body sent to the endpoint on check
    execution (supporting anything [`clj-http`](
    will accept) or a function of context that will return such an object;
    defaults to `nil`.
  - `:headers`: a map of headers to be sent to the endpoint on check
    execution (as supported by [`clj-http`](
    or a function of context that will return such a map; defaults to
  - `:query-params`: a map of query parameters to be sent to the endpoint on
    check execution (as supported by [`clj-http`](
    or a function of context that will return such a map; defaults to
  - `:opts`: a map of additional query options (as supported by
    [`clj-http`]( or a function of
    context that will return such a map; defaults to
    `{:throw-exceptions false}` since we want response success to be deduced
    by the `:response-result-fn` rather than treating unsuccessful statuses
    as exceptions; note that any timeouts passed in this query options map are
    ignored and should be set using `:connection-request-timeout`,
    `:connection-timeout` and `:socket-timeout`.
  - `:connection-request-timeout`: the [[salutem.core/duration]] to wait
    when obtaining a connection from the connection manager before
    considering the request failed; defaults to 5 seconds.
  - `:connection-timeout`: the [[salutem.core/duration]] to wait when
    establishing an HTTP connection before considering the request failed;
    defaults to 5 seconds.
  - `:socket-timeout`: the [[salutem.core/duration]] to wait while streaming
    response data since the last data was received before considering the
    request failed; defaults to 5 seconds.
  - `:successful-response-fn`: a function of context and the response from a
    request to the endpoint, returning true if the response was successful,
    false otherwise; by default uses [[successful?]].
  - `:response-result-fn`: a function, of context and the response from a
    request to the endpoint, used to produce a result for the check; by
    default, a healthy result is returned if the response is successful
    according to `:successful-response-fn`, otherwise an unhealthy result is
  - `:failure-reason-fn`: a function, of context and an exception, to
    determine the reason for a failure; by default uses [[failure-reason]].
  - `:exception-result-fn`: a function, of context and an exception, used to
    produce a result for the check in the case that an exception is thrown;
    by default, an unhealthy result is returned including a `:salutem/reason`
    entry with the reason derived by `:failure-reason-fn` and a
    `:salutem/exception` entry containing the thrown exception.

  Additionally, if the URL parameter is instead a function, it will be called
  with the context map at check execution time in order to obtain the
  endpoint URL.

  If the returned check function is invoked with a context map including a
  `:logger` key with a
  value, the check function will emit a number of log events whilst
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(successful? {:keys [status]})

Returns true if the provided response has a successful status, false otherwise.

This response success function, the default used by the check function, treats status codes of 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307 and 308 as successful.

In the case that this default behaviour is insufficient, an alternative response success function can be passed to http-endpoint-check-fn using the :successful-response-fn option.

Returns true if the provided response has a successful status, false

This response success function, the default used by the check function,
treats status codes of 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 300, 301, 302,
303, 304, 307 and 308 as successful.

In the case that this default behaviour is insufficient, an alternative
response success function can be passed to [[http-endpoint-check-fn]] using
the `:successful-response-fn` option.
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