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If true, then the routing table is printed to the console at startup, and when it changes.

Defaults to [[dev-mode?]].

If true, then the routing table is printed to the console at startup, and when it changes.

Defaults to [[dev-mode?]].
sourceraw docstring


(decode-query-part string)

Decodes one key or value of URL-encoded UTF-8 characters in a URL query string.

Decodes one key or value of URL-encoded UTF-8 characters in a URL
query string.
sourceraw docstring


(encode-query-part string)

Encodes one key or value for a UTF-8 URL-encoded query string. Encodes space as +.

Encodes one key or value for a UTF-8 URL-encoded query string.
Encodes space as +.
sourceraw docstring


(expand-routes route-spec)

Given a value (the route specification), produce and return a routing table, a seq of verbose routing maps. The routing table can then be converted to a [[Router]] using a number of routing algorithms.

A route specification is any type that satisfies ExpandableRoutes; this includes Clojure vectors, maps, and sets (for terse, table, and verbose routes).

Ensures the integrity of expanded routes (even if they've already been checked):

  • Constraints are correctly ordered (most specific to least specific)
  • Route names are unique
Given a value (the route specification), produce and return a routing table,
a seq of verbose routing maps. The routing table can then be converted
to a [[Router]] using a number of routing algorithms.

A route specification is any type that satisfies [[ExpandableRoutes]];
this includes Clojure vectors, maps, and sets (for terse, table, and verbose routes).

Ensures the integrity of expanded routes (even if they've already been checked):

- Constraints are correctly ordered (most specific to least specific)
- Route names are unique
sourceraw docstring


A protocol extended onto types that can be used to convert instances into a seq of verbose route maps, the routing table.

Built-in implementations map vectors to [[terse-routes]], sets to [[table-routes]], and maps to [[map-routes->vec-routes]].

A protocol extended onto types that can be used to convert instances into a seq of verbose route maps,
the routing table.

Built-in implementations map vectors to [[terse-routes]],
sets to [[table-routes]], and maps to [[map-routes->vec-routes]].


(-expand-routes expandable-route-spec)

Generate and return the routing table from a given expandable form of routing data.

Generate and return the routing table from a given expandable
form of routing data.
sourceraw docstring


(form-action-for-routes routes & default-options)

Like 'url-for-routes' but the returned function returns a map with the keys :action, the URL string; and :method, the HTTP verb as a lower-case string. Also, the :method-param is :_method by default, so HTTP verbs other than GET and POST will be converted to POST with the actual verb in the query string.

Like 'url-for-routes' but the returned function returns a map with the keys
:action, the URL string; and :method, the HTTP verb as a lower-case
string. Also, the :method-param is :_method by default, so HTTP
verbs other than GET and POST will be converted to POST with the
actual verb in the query string.
sourceraw docstring


(method-param query-param-or-param-path)

Returns an interceptor that smuggles HTTP verbs through a value in the request. Must come after the interceptor that populates that value (e.g. query-params or body-params).

query-param-or-param-path may be one of two things:

  • The parameter inside :query-params where the verb will reside.
  • A complete path to a value elsewhere in the request, such as [:query-params :_method] or [:body-params "_method"]

The path [:query-params :_method] is used by default.

Returns an interceptor that smuggles HTTP verbs through a value in
the request. Must come *after* the interceptor that populates that
value (e.g. query-params or body-params).

query-param-or-param-path may be one of two things:

- The parameter inside :query-params where the verb will
- A complete path to a value elsewhere in the request, such as
  [:query-params :_method] or [:body-params "_method"]

The path [:query-params :_method] is used by default.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-param-map m)


(parse-path-params request)


(parse-query-params request)


(parse-query-string string & options)

Parses URL query string (not including the leading '?') into1 a map. options are key-value pairs, valid options are:

:key-fn Function to call on parameter keys (after URL decoding), returns key for the map, default converts to a keyword.

:value-fn Function to call on the key (after passing through key-fn) and parameter value (after URL decoding), returns value for the map, default does nothing.

Parses URL query string (not including the leading '?') into1 a map.
options are key-value pairs, valid options are:

   :key-fn    Function to call on parameter keys (after URL
              decoding), returns key for the map, default converts
              to a keyword.

   :value-fn  Function to call on the key (after passing through
              key-fn) and parameter value (after URL decoding),
              returns value for the map, default does nothing.
sourceraw docstring


An Interceptor which URL-decodes path parameters. The path parameters are in the :request map as :path-parameters.

This will only operate once per interceptor chain execution, even if it appears multiple times; this prevents failures in existing applications that upgrade to Pedestal 0.6.0, as prior releases incorrectly failed to parse path parameters. Existing applications that upgrade may have this interceptor in some routes, which could yield runtime exceptions and request failures if the interceptor is executed twice.

An Interceptor which URL-decodes path parameters.
The path parameters are in the :request map as :path-parameters.

This will only operate once per interceptor chain execution, even if
it appears multiple times; this prevents failures in existing applications
that upgrade to Pedestal 0.6.0, as prior releases incorrectly failed to
parse path parameters. Existing applications that upgrade may have
this interceptor in some routes, which could yield runtime exceptions
and request failures if the interceptor is executed twice.
sourceraw docstring

(print-routes expanded-routes)

Prints a route table (from expand-routes) in an easier to read format.

Prints a route table (from [[expand-routes]]) in an easier to read format.
sourceraw docstring


An interceptor which parses query-string parameters from an HTTP request into a map. Keys in the map are query-string parameter names, as keywords, and values are strings. The map is assoc'd into the request at :query-params.

An interceptor which parses query-string parameters from an
HTTP request into a map. Keys in the map are query-string parameter
names, as keywords, and values are strings. The map is assoc'd into
the request at :query-params.
sourceraw docstring


(router routing-table)
(router routing-table router-type)

Given the expanded routing table and, optionally, what kind of router to construct, creates and returns a router interceptor.

router-type may be a keyword identifying a known implementation (see router-implementations), or function that accepts a routing table, and returns a [[Router]].

The default router type is :map-tree, which is the fastest built-in router; however, if the expanded routes contain path parameters or wildcards, the result is equivalent to the slower :prefix-tree implementation.

Given the expanded routing table and, optionally, what kind of router to construct,
creates and returns a router interceptor.

router-type may be a keyword identifying a known implementation (see [[router-implementations]]), or function
that accepts a routing table, and returns a [[Router]].

The default router type is :map-tree, which is the fastest built-in router;
however, if the expanded routes contain path parameters or wildcards,
the result is equivalent to the slower :prefix-tree implementation.
sourceraw docstring


Maps from the common router implementations (:map-tree, :prefix-tree, or :linear-search) to a router constructor function (which accepts expanded routes, and returns a Router instance).

Maps from the common router implementations (:map-tree, :prefix-tree, or :linear-search) to a router
constructor function (which accepts expanded routes, and returns a Router instance).
sourceraw docstring



(router-spec routing-table router-ctor)

Given a routing-table (usually, via expand-routes and a routing contructor functions, returns an interceptor which attempts to match each route against a :request in context. For the first route that matches, it will:

  • enqueue the matched route's interceptors
  • associate the route into the context as key :route
  • associate a map of :path-params into the :request

If no route matches, returns the context with :route nil.

Given a routing-table (usually, via [[expand-routes]] and a routing contructor
  functions, returns an interceptor which attempts to match each route against
  a :request in context. For the first route that matches, it will:

  - enqueue the matched route's interceptors
  - associate the route into the context as key :route
  - associate a map of :path-params into the :request

If no route matches, returns the context with :route nil.


(routes-from route-spec-expr)

Wraps around an expression that provides the routing specification.

In production mode (the default) evaluates to the expression, unchanged.

In development mode (see [[dev-mode?]]), evaluates to a function that, when invoked, returns the expression passed through expand-routes; this is to support a REPL workflow. This works in combination with the extension of RouterSpecification onto Fn, which requires that the returned routing specification be expanded.

Further, when the expression is a non-local symbol, it is assumed to identify a Var holding the unexpanded routing specification; to avoid capturing the Var's value, the expansion de-references the named Var before passing it to expand-routes.

Wraps around an expression that provides the routing specification.

In production mode (the default) evaluates to the expression, unchanged.

In development mode (see [[dev-mode?]]), evaluates to a function that, when invoked, returns the expression
passed through [[expand-routes]]; this
is to support a REPL workflow. This works in combination with the extension of [[RouterSpecification]]
onto Fn, which requires that the returned routing specification be expanded.

Further, when the expression is a non-local symbol, it is assumed to identify a Var holding the unexpanded routing specification;
to avoid capturing the Var's value, the expansion de-references the named Var before passing it to expand-routes.
sourceraw docstring


(try-routing-for routing-table router-type path verb)

Used for testing; constructs a router from the routing-table and router-type and performs routing on the provided path and verb (e.g., :get or :post).

Returns the matched route (a map from the routing table), or nil if routing was unsuccessful.

Used for testing; constructs a router from the routing-table and router-type and performs routing
on the provided path and verb (e.g., :get or :post).

Returns the matched route (a map from the routing table), or nil if routing was unsuccessful.
sourceraw docstring


(url-for route-name & options)

Used by an invoked interceptor (including a handler function) to generate URLs based on a known route name (from the routing specification), and additional data.

This uses a hidden dynamic variable, so it can only be invoked from request processing threads, and only after the routing interceptor has routed the request.

The available options are as described in url-for-routes.

Used by an invoked interceptor (including a handler function)
to generate URLs based on a known route name (from the routing specification),
and additional data.

This uses a hidden dynamic variable, so it can only be invoked
from request processing threads, and only *after* the routing interceptor has routed
the request.

The available options are as described in [[url-for-routes]].
sourceraw docstring


(url-for-routes routes & default-options)

Returns a function that generates URL routes (as strings) from the routes table. The returned function has the signature:

    [route-name & options]

Where options are key-value pairs:

:app-nameStringApplication name specified for this route
:requestMapThe original request; it will be merged into the generated link
:paramsMapA map of all parameters; any params not used as path parameters will be added to the query string
:path-paramsMapA map of path parameters only
:strict-path-params?BooleanWhen true will throw an exception if all path-params aren't fulfilled for the URL
:query-paramsMapA map of query-string parameters only
:method-paramKeywordNames the query-string parameter in which to place the HTTP method name (used when not :get or :post)
:contextvariedString, function that returns a string, or symbol that resolves to a function; specifies root context for the URL
:fragmentStringThe fragment part of the URL
:absolute?BooleanTrue to force an absolute URL
:scheme:http or :httpsUsed to override the scheme portion of the URL
:hostStringUsed to override the host portion of the URL
:portIntegerUsed to override the port in the URL

In addition, you may supply default-options to the 'url-for-routes' function, which are merged with the options supplied to the returned function.

Returns a function that generates URL routes (as strings) from the
routes table. The returned function has the signature:

    [route-name & options]

Where `options` are key-value pairs:

Key           | Value           | Description
---           |---              |---
:app-name     | String          | Application name specified for this route
:request      | Map             | The original request; it will be merged into the generated link
:params       | Map             | A map of all parameters; any params not used as path parameters will be added to the query string
:path-params  | Map             | A map of path parameters only
:strict-path-params? | Boolean  | When true will throw an exception if all path-params aren't fulfilled for the URL
:query-params | Map             | A map of query-string parameters only
:method-param | Keyword         | Names the query-string parameter in which to place the HTTP method name (used when not :get or :post)
:context      | varied          | String, function that returns a string, or symbol that resolves to a function; specifies root context for the URL
:fragment     | String          | The fragment part of the URL
:absolute?    | Boolean         | True to force an absolute URL
:scheme       | :http or :https | Used to override the scheme portion of the URL
:host         | String          | Used to override the host portion of the URL
:port         | Integer         | Used to override the port in the URL

In addition, you may supply default-options to the 'url-for-routes'
function, which are merged with the options supplied to the returned
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