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Singleton wrappers and helpers for phone-number.

Singleton wrappers and helpers for phone-number.
raw docstring


DEPRECATED: Please use phone-number.locale/by-val-vec.

DEPRECATED: Please use `phone-number.locale/by-val-vec`.
sourceraw docstring


DEPRECATED: Please use phone-number.locale/by-val-vec.

DEPRECATED: Please use `phone-number.locale/by-val-vec`.
sourceraw docstring




(char-ranges->set & ranges)

Returns a set of characters defined as a collection of collections with start and stop character, e.g.: [\A \Z][\0 \9]

Returns a set of characters defined as a collection of collections with start and
stop character, e.g.: [\A \Z][\0 \9]
sourceraw docstring


(count-digits n)


(fmap-k f m)
(fmap-k f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive keys during calls to it) and generates a map with values updated by the results returned by the function. When the third argument is given it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using the original map. This may be helpful when we want to avoid merging the results with another map.

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first
argument (passing successive keys during calls to it) and generates a map with
values updated by the results returned by the function. When the third argument is
given it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using the
original map. This may be helpful when we want to avoid merging the results with
another map.
sourceraw docstring


(fmap-v f m)
(fmap-v f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive values during calls to it) and generates a map with values updated by the results returned by the function. When the third argument is given it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using the original map. This may be helpful when we want to avoid merging the results with another map.

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first
argument (passing successive values during calls to it) and generates a map with
values updated by the results returned by the function. When the third argument is
given it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using the
original map. This may be helpful when we want to avoid merging the results with
another map.
sourceraw docstring


(gen-digits num)
(gen-digits num rng)

Generates the given number of random digits and converts all into a single string. When the second argument is present it should be an instance of random number generator used to get the digits.

Generates the given number of random digits and converts all into a single string.
When the second argument is present it should be an instance of random number
generator used to get the digits.
sourceraw docstring


(gen-is k f)

For the given keyword k and function name f uses gen-is-sexp to generate predicate function definitions.

For the given keyword k and function name f uses gen-is-sexp to generate predicate
function definitions.
sourceraw docstring


(gen-ises coll f)

Takes a collection of keywords (evaluated) and a function expressed as a symbol (not evaluated) and generates bunch of function definitions using gen-is-sexp.

Takes a collection of keywords (evaluated) and a function expressed as a symbol (not
evaluated) and generates bunch of function definitions using gen-is-sexp.
sourceraw docstring




(get-rand-int n)
(get-rand-int n rng)

Like rand-int but optionally uses random number generator.

Like rand-int but optionally uses random number generator.
sourceraw docstring


(get-rand-nth v)
(get-rand-nth v rng)

Returns a random element of the given vector. When the second argument is present it should be an instance of random number generator used to get the random position.

Returns a random element of the given vector. When the second argument is present it
should be an instance of random number generator used to get the random position.
sourceraw docstring


(inferred-contains? coll k)

Just like the contains? but if the keyword is namespace-qualified it also checks if the collection contains the same keyword as its key but without a namespace.

Just like the contains? but if the keyword is namespace-qualified it also checks if
the collection contains the same keyword as its key but without a namespace.
sourceraw docstring


(inferred-get coll k)
(inferred-get coll k default)

Just like the get function but if the keyword is namespace-qualified it first attempts to look for the value associated with it. If that fails it uses the variant of the keyword without any namespace.

Just like the get function but if the keyword is namespace-qualified it first
attempts to look for the value associated with it. If that fails it uses the
variant of the keyword without any namespace.
sourceraw docstring




(lazy-iterator-seq coll)
(lazy-iterator-seq coll iter)

Returns a lazy sequence as an interface to the given iterable Java object.

Returns a lazy sequence as an interface to the given iterable Java object.
sourceraw docstring


(map-of-sets-invert m)

Like clojure.set/map-invert but for map of sets (as values) to preserve all possible values (as keys of newly created map).

Like `clojure.set/map-invert` but for map of sets (as values) to preserve all
possible values (as keys of newly created map).
sourceraw docstring


(ns-infer ns-name k)
(ns-infer ns-name k use-infer)

Takes a string of namespace name and a keyword. If the given keyword is not namespace-qualified it returns a new keyword with the given namespace added. If the given keyword is already equipped with a namespace it returns it.

Takes a string of namespace name and a keyword. If the given keyword is not
namespace-qualified it returns a new keyword with the given namespace added. If the
given keyword is already equipped with a namespace it returns it.
sourceraw docstring


(random-digits-len x iteration shrink-now)
(random-digits-len x iteration shrink-now rng)

For 0 or 1 it returns its argument. For other positive numbers it returns a random natural number from 1 to this number (inclusive) in 50% cases. In other 50% cases it returns its argument.

For 0 or 1 it returns its argument. For other positive numbers it returns a random
natural number from 1 to this number (inclusive) in 50% cases. In other 50% cases
it returns its argument.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-empty-vals m)

Removes empty values from a map.

Removes empty values from a map.
sourceraw docstring






(try-null & body)

Evaluates body and if NullPointerException exception is caught it returns nil. Otherwise it returns the value of last expression in the body.

Evaluates body and if NullPointerException exception is caught it returns
nil. Otherwise it returns the value of last expression in the body.
sourceraw docstring


(try-parse & body)

Evaluates body and if NumberParseException or NumberFormatException exception is caught it returns nil.

Evaluates body and if NumberParseException or NumberFormatException exception is
caught it returns nil.
sourceraw docstring


(try-parse-or-false & body)

Evaluates body and if NumberParseException or NumberFormatException exception is caught it returns false.

Evaluates body and if NumberParseException or NumberFormatException exception is
caught it returns false.
sourceraw docstring


(valid-locale? locale-specification)

DEPRECATED: Please use phone-number.locale/valid?.

DEPRECATED: Please use `phone-number.locale/valid?`.
sourceraw docstring


(when-not-empty val & body)

Evaluates body when the given value is a non-empty collection.

Evaluates body when the given value is a non-empty collection.
sourceraw docstring


(with-not-empty obj)

Returns the collection if it's not empty. Otherwise returns nil.

Returns the collection if it's not empty. Otherwise returns `nil`.
sourceraw docstring

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