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The phone-number library is an interface to the Libphonenumber with some extra sugar. It allows to validate, inspect and generate phone numbers.


To use phone-number in your project, add the following to dependencies section of project.clj or build.boot:

[io.randomseed/phone-number "8.13.6-2"]

For deps.edn add the following as an element of a map under :deps or :extra-deps key:

io.randomseed/phone-number {:mvn/version "8.13.6-2"}

You can also download JAR from Clojars.

Additionally you can use (in your development profile) if you want to utilize specs and spec-integrated generators provided by the phone-number:

org.clojure/spec.alpha {:mvn/version "0.2.194"}
org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}

Phone number

A phone number is an abstract that can be a string, an integer number (with the accompanying region specification), a specially crafted map or a PhoneNumber object (which is the internal representation).

For regular operations (like validating a single number or searching for phone numbers in strings) it is enough to use data we already have (like a string or a map).

However, when the performance is important and there is a number of different operations to be executed on a single phone number it is advised to explicitly convert the number to its internal representation using the phone-number.core/number function:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(let [n (phone/number "+44 29 2018 3133")]                         …)
(let [n (phone/number     "29 2018 3133" :phone-number.region/gb)] …)
(let [n (phone/number        2920183133  :phone-number.region/gb)] …)

Phone number as an argument

Other forms of a phone number that are acceptable as arguments by most of the functions this library provides include:

  • strings ("+44 29 2018 3133"),
  • natural numbers (2920183133),
  • maps:
    • with PhoneNumber object:
{:phone-number/number #<Phonenumber$PhoneNumber@3edea9e6>}
* with region code and national number format:  
{:phone-number/region :gb
 :phone-number.format/national "2920183133"}
* with calling code and national number format:  
{:phone-number/calling-code 44
 :phone-number.format/national "2920183133"}
* with international number format:  
{:phone-number.format/international "+44 2920183133"}

Note that in case of natural numbers the additional region information is required (most of the functions will accept it as their second calling argument).


If your program processes a lot of phone numbers and your strategy is to keep them in a native format (a result of calling phone-number.core/number) then be aware that by default all PhoneNumber objects created will have raw input stored internally. This will affect comparison in a way that the object representing a number +442920183133 will not be equal to the object representing the same number but with spaces (+44 2920 183 133). This is due to equality test based on, among others, raw input values which are used to generate the hash code of each object.

To work around that you have 2 choices:

  • Use phone-number.core/number-noraw on input data to parse numbers without preserving raw inputs.
  • Use phone-number.core/number-noraw on existing objects to create raw-input-free copies.

Optionally, phone-number.core/number-optraw may be used too, specifically in processing pipelines, in order to preserve raw input only when a created object is initialized with the existing one (an instance of PhoneNumber). In case of other argument types the protocol method behaves like number-noraw.

Namespace inference

In the examples above some regions were set using namespace-qualified keywords and some were not. This is due to namespace inference when it comes to specifying phone number properties that are expressed as keywords.

When the dynamic variable phone-number.core/*inferred-namespaces* is set to true (which is the default setting) all functions that require keyword arguments will automatically enrich simple keywords to be namespace-qualified. That affects:

  • region codes (e.g. :pl becomes :phone-number.region/pl),
  • number types (e.g. :mobile becomes :phone-number.type/mobile),
  • number formats (e.g. :international becomes :phone-number.format/international),
  • time zone formats (e.g. :short becomes

Phone number properties

To get some specific property of a phone number use one of the functions grouped in phone-number.core namespace.

There is also the info function that produces a map with most of the properties:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(phone/info "+44 29 2018 3133")

{:phone-number/country-code               44,
 :phone-number/geographical?              true,
 :phone-number/location                   "Cardiff",
 :phone-number/possible?                  true,
 :phone-number/region                     :phone-number.region/gb,
 :phone-number/dialing-region             :phone-number.region/gb,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/derived?    true,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/defaulted?  false,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/valid-for?  true,
 :phone-number/type                       :phone-number.type/fixed-line,
 :phone-number/valid?                     true,
 :phone-number.format/e164                "+442920183133",
 :phone-number.format/international       "+44 29 2018 3133",
 :phone-number.format/national            "029 2018 3133",
 :phone-number.format/raw-input           "+44 29 2018 3133",
 :phone-number.format/rfc3966             "tel:+44-29-2018-3133", ("Greenwich Mean Time"),              ("Europe/London"),"GMT"),
 :phone.number.short/possible?            false,
 :phone.number.short/valid?               false}

The info function (like most of the functions operating on phone numbers) takes an additional, second argument which should be a region code. It is used only when the given phone number was expressed in a format that cannot provide such information (a string without calling code, a natural number, a map without any entry containing region or calling code).

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(phone/info "0491 570 006" :phone-number.region/au)

{:phone-number/calling-code               61,
 :phone-number/carrier                    "Telstra",
 :phone-number/geographical?              false,
 :phone-number/possible?                  true,
 :phone-number/region                     :phone-number.region/au,
 :phone-number/dialing-region             :phone-number.region/au,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/derived?    true,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/defaulted?  false,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/valid-for?  true,
 :phone-number/type                       :phone-number.type/mobile,
 :phone-number/valid?                     true,
 :phone-number.format/e164                "+61491570006",
 :phone-number.format/international       "+61 491 570 006",
 :phone-number.format/national            "0491 570 006",
 :phone-number.format/raw-input           "0491 570 006",
 :phone-number.format/rfc3966             "tel:+61-491-570-006", ("Central Australia Time"
                                          "Australian Central Western Time"
                                          "Lord Howe Time"
                                          "Western Australia Time"
                                          "Eastern Australia Time"
                                          "Christmas Island Time"
                                          "Cocos Islands Time"),               ("Australia/Adelaide"
                                           "Indian/Cocos"), ("ACT"
 :phone.number.short/possible?            false,
 :phone.number.short/valid?               false}

It is worth to note that the time zone information was presented in English (being the default locale for the system). That behavior can be changed with a third, optional argument, which should be a java.util.Locale instance or a value that can be converted to it (a string, a keyword, a symbol).

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(phone/info "0491 570 006" :au :pl)

{:phone-number/calling-code               61,
 :phone-number/carrier                    "Telstra",
 :phone-number/geographical?              false,
 :phone-number/possible?                  true,
 :phone-number/region                     :phone-number.region/au,
 :phone-number/dialing-region             :phone-number.region/au,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/derived?    true,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/defaulted?  false,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/valid-for?  true,
 :phone-number/type                       :phone-number.type/mobile,
 :phone-number/valid?                     true,
 :phone-number.format/e164                "+61491570006",
 :phone-number.format/international       "+61 491 570 006",
 :phone-number.format/national            "0491 570 006",
 :phone-number.format/raw-input           "0491 570 006",
 :phone-number.format/rfc3966             "tel:+61-491-570-006",  ("Czas środkowoaustralijski"
                                           "Czas środkowo-zachodnioaustralijski"
                                           "Lord Howe"
                                           "Czas zachodnioaustralijski"
                                           "Czas wschodnioaustraliski"
                                           "Christmas Island Time"
                                           "Cocos Islands Time"),               ("Australia/Adelaide"
                                           "Indian/Cocos"), ("ACT"
 :phone.number.short/possible?            false,
 :phone.number.short/valid?               false}

Short phone numbers

There is a special class of phone numbers called short numbers. These include all of the special, short phone numbers used mostly for emergency purposes but also for local services (like taxis). In the examples above we could see the keys belonging to the :phone-number.short/ namespace which are describing short number properties. If the number is not a short number the information map will only contain :phone-number.short/valid? and :phone-number.short/possible? keys.

Short number example:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(phone/info "997" :pl)

{:phone-number/calling-code             48,
 :phone-number/geographical?            false,
 :phone-number/possible?                false,
 :phone-number/region                   :phone-number.region/pl,
 :phone-number/dialing-region           :phone-number.region/pl,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/derived?   true,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/defaulted? false,
 :phone-number.dialing-region/valid-for? true,
 :phone-number/type                      :phone-number.type/unknown,
 :phone-number/valid?                    false,
 :phone-number.format/e164               "+48997",
 :phone-number.format/international      "+48 997",
 :phone-number.format/national           "997",
 :phone-number.format/raw-input          "997",
 :phone-number.format/rfc3966            "tel:+48-997",
 :phone-number.short/carrier-specific?   false,
 :phone-number.short/cost                :phone-number.cost/toll-free,
 :phone-number.short/emergency?           true,
 :phone-number.short/possible?            true,
 :phone-number.short/sms-service?         false,
 :phone-number.short/to-emergency?        true,
 :phone-number.short/valid?               true}

Phone number types

Some functions will require phone number type to be given. In is easy to get all the supported types via global variable:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])



Note that :phone-number.type/unknown is valid as a property but not valid as an argument.

Region codes

Region code is alphabetic, two-letter keyword that allows phone-number functions to create, generate and match phone numbers. It is also used for reporting.

Region codes can be translated to country calling codes which can be observed in international phone number notations (with the plus sign in front of the number). For example the region code :pl (or phone-number.region/pl) will be represented as +48 country code prefix.

It is possible to get all of the supported region codes with the phone-number.core/regions global variable.

Dialing region codes

Dialing region code (a.k.a calling region code) is a region code that some of the functions use as a supplementary information to establish certain properties of a number. Semantically it describes where the call is made from (what is its origin).

It is common to use dialing region when testing or validating short phone numbers since their properties depend on the originating region. For example the number 112 is a valid short number (see the :phone-number.short/valid? key in an info map) when dialed from Poland but not from USA.

Dialing region codes may be passed directly to functions that make use of it (and that is the first and prioritized way to obtain this information) but they can also be taken from the global dynamic variable phone-number.core/*default-dialing-region*. If the phone number is in a form of a map with :phone-number/dialing-region key present then a value associated with it will be tried before (but only if this property is not derived nor defaulted).

In case of phone-number.core/info and phone-number.core/short-info there is another source of getting a dialing region code which is by derivation from a region code of the number. It is tried when there is no dialing region passed as an argument, no default dialing region set and no dialing region read from a map (if a phone number is a map). The derivation is enabled by default but can be controlled using the phone-number.core/*info-dialing-region-derived* dynamic variable.

The value of dialing region will affect all of the calculated properties of the checked number that depend on it but not the one returned by the phone-number.core/valid? function. In its case one have to use ternary variant for the dialing region to be taken into consideration (even passing nil to make the function use the default). The reason behind it is that it is very rare need to test a regular number for validity with a different dialing region. In the majority of cases the returned value will be false and it could be a potential point of failure (or misunderstanding), especially when some default dialing region is present.

Calling codes

Calling code is a prefix number used to create regional or global phone number assignation. There are two types of calling codes supported:

  • country calling codes (that can be derived from region codes),
  • global network calling codes that are independent of regions.

It is possible for a phone number to have a calling code (which is a global one) but not a region code.

There are just a few functions that calling codes can be used with directly. In such cases they are expressed as positive, natural numbers.

To get the calling code of a phone number use the phone-number.core/calling-code function.


Phone numbers can be presented in different formats. To get all possible formats use the phone-number.core/formats global variable:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])



To get the phone number representation in a specific format use the phone-number.core/format function:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(phone/format "+442920183133" :rfc3966)


Time zone formats

Some phone numbers can be indirectly associated with time zones (via geographical locations of the lines or carrier's local offices locations). To get all possible formats of time zones use the phone-number.core/tz-formats global variable:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])



To get time zone information for a phone number in a specified format use the phone-number.core/time-zones function:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(phone/time-zones "+442920183133" nil :full)

("Greenwich Mean Time")

We can observe that the result is a collection of strings. That's because some phone numbers can be assigned to more than one time zone.


To validate a phone number use the following functions:

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])

(phone/valid? 8081570001 :gb)      ; => true
(phone/valid? "+448081570001")     ; => true
(phone/valid? 8081570001 :pl)      ; => false
(phone/valid? "8081570001")        ; => false

(phone/possible? "8081570001")     ; => false
(phone/possible? "8081570001" :gb) ; => true
(phone/possible? "8081570001" :pl) ; => true

Additionally there are variants for short numbers:

Samples generation

To generate samples of phone numbers with optional predicates controlling the properties of data use the phone-number.core/generate function. It tries to get the most probable samples (having the most digits randomized yet meeting the given criteria) with optional deterministic factor (random seed).

There are also phone number generators associated with many of the existing specs that make use of this function.

(require '[phone-number.core :as phone])


{:phone-number/info {:phone-number/country-code              213,
                     :phone-number/geographical?             false,
                     :phone-number/possible?                 true,
                     :phone-number/region                    :phone-number.region/dz,
                     :phone-number/dialing-region            :phone-number.region/dz,
                     :phone-number.dialing-region/derived?   true,
                     :phone-number.dialing-region/defaulted? false,
                     :phone-number.dialing-region/valid-for? false,
                     :phone-number/type                      :phone-number.type/unknown,
                     :phone-number/valid?                    false,
                     :phone-number.format/e164               "+213181525997",
                     :phone-number.format/international      "+213 181525997",
                     :phone-number.format/national           "181525997",
                     :phone-number.format/rfc3966            "tel:+213-181525997",
                     :phone.number.short/possible?           false,
                     :phone.number.short/valid?              false},
 :phone-number/number             #<Phonenumber$PhoneNumber@3edea9e6>,
 :phone-number.sample/digits      ["+213" nil "181525997"],
 :phone-number.sample/hits        10,
 :phone-number.sample/max-samples 1000,
 :phone-number.sample/random-seed 7521527664400716800,
 :phone-number.sample/samples     11}

(require [phone-number.spec       :as spec]
         [clojure.spec.alpha      :as    s]
         [clojure.spec.gen.alpha  :as  gen])

(gen/generate (s/gen :phone-number/valid))

{:phone-number/info               #delay[{:status :pending, :val nil} 0x3810d15d],
 :phone-number/number             #<Phonenumber$PhoneNumber@79cc08fb>,
 :phone-number.sample/digits      ["+7" nil "937627908"],
 :phone-number.sample/hits        11,
 :phone-number.sample/max-samples 150,
 :phone-number.sample/random-seed 7581363778716192180,
 :phone-number.sample/samples     27}

(gen/generate (s/gen (s/and :phone-number/possible :phone-number/invalid)))

{:phone-number/info               #delay[{:status :pending, :val nil} 0x41c0e225],
 :phone-number/number             #<Phonenumber$PhoneNumber@36a74c18>,
 :phone-number.sample/digits      ["+84" nil "0270454"],
 :phone-number.sample/hits        8,
 :phone-number.sample/max-samples 200,
 :phone-number.sample/random-seed -9105741821593959780,
 :phone-number.sample/samples     12}


Copyright © 2020–2023 Paweł Wilk

Phone-number is copyrighted software owned by Paweł Wilk ( You may redistribute and/or modify this software as long as you comply with the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (version 3).

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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