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(as-of db timepoint)

Returns the database state at given point in time (you may use either java.util.Date or transaction ID as long).

Returns the database state at given point in time (you may use either java.util.Date or transaction ID as long).
sourceraw docstring


(connect config)

Connects to a datahike database via configuration. For more information on the configuration refer to the docs.

The configuration for a connection is a subset of the Datahike configuration with only the store necessary: :store.

:store defines the backend configuration as hash-map with mandatory key: :backend and store dependent keys.

Per default Datahike ships with :mem and :file backend.

The default configuration: {:store {:backend :mem :id "default"}}


Connect to default in-memory configuration: (connect)

Connect to a database with persistent store: (connect {:store {:backend :file :path "/tmp/example"}})

Connects to a datahike database via configuration. For more information on the configuration refer to the [docs](

The configuration for a connection is a subset of the Datahike configuration with only the store necessary: `:store`.

`:store` defines the backend configuration as hash-map with mandatory key: `:backend` and store dependent keys.

Per default Datahike ships with `:mem` and `:file` backend.

The default configuration:
 `{:store {:backend :mem :id "default"}}`


Connect to default in-memory configuration:

Connect to a database with persistent store:
 `(connect {:store {:backend :file :path "/tmp/example"}})`
sourceraw docstring


(create-database config & deprecated-opts)

Creates a database via configuration. For more information on the configuration refer to the docs.

The configuration is a hash-map with keys: :store, :initial-tx, :keep-history?, :schema-flexibility, :index

  • :store defines the backend configuration as hash-map with mandatory key: :backend and store dependent keys. Per default Datahike ships with :mem and :file backend.
  • :initial-tx defines the first transaction into the database, often setting default data like the schema.
  • :keep-history? is a boolean that toggles whether Datahike keeps historical data.
  • :schema-flexibility can be set to either :read or :write setting the validation method for the data.
  • :read validates the data when your read data from the database, :write validates the data when you transact new data.
  • :index defines the data type of the index. Available are :datahike.index/hitchhiker-tree, :datahike.index/persistent-set (only available with in-memory storage)
  • :name defines your database name optionally, if not set, a random name is created

Default configuration has in-memory store, keeps history with write schema flexibility, and has no initial transaction: {:store {:backend :mem :id "default"} :keep-history? true :schema-flexibility :write}


; create an empty database: (create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :name "my-favourite-database"})

; Datahike has a strict schema validation (schema-flexibility :write) policy by default, that only allows transaction of data that has been pre-defined by a schema. ; You may influence this behaviour using the :schema-flexibility attribute: (create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :schema-flexibility :read})

; By storing historical data in a separate index, datahike has the capability of querying data from any point in time. ; You may control this feature using the :keep-history? attribute: (create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :keep-history? false})

; Initial data after creation may be added using the :initial-tx attribute, which in this example adds a schema: (create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :initial-tx [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db.cardinality/one}]})

Creates a database via configuration. For more information on the configuration refer to the [docs](

The configuration is a hash-map with keys: `:store`, `:initial-tx`, `:keep-history?`, `:schema-flexibility`, `:index`

- `:store` defines the backend configuration as hash-map with mandatory key: `:backend` and store dependent keys.
  Per default Datahike ships with `:mem` and `:file` backend.
- `:initial-tx` defines the first transaction into the database, often setting default data like the schema.
- `:keep-history?` is a boolean that toggles whether Datahike keeps historical data.
- `:schema-flexibility` can be set to either `:read` or `:write` setting the validation method for the data.
- `:read` validates the data when your read data from the database, `:write` validates the data when you transact new data.
- `:index` defines the data type of the index. Available are `:datahike.index/hitchhiker-tree`, `:datahike.index/persistent-set` (only available with in-memory storage)
- `:name` defines your database name optionally, if not set, a random name is created

Default configuration has in-memory store, keeps history with write schema flexibility, and has no initial transaction:
{:store {:backend :mem :id "default"} :keep-history? true :schema-flexibility :write}


; create an empty database:
(create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :name "my-favourite-database"})

; Datahike has a strict schema validation (schema-flexibility `:write`) policy by default, that only allows transaction of data that has been pre-defined by a schema.
; You may influence this behaviour using the `:schema-flexibility` attribute:
(create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :schema-flexibility :read})

; By storing historical data in a separate index, datahike has the capability of querying data from any point in time.
; You may control this feature using the `:keep-history?` attribute:
(create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :keep-history? false})

; Initial data after creation may be added using the `:initial-tx` attribute, which in this example adds a schema:
(create-database {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"} :initial-tx [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db.cardinality/one}]})
sourceraw docstring


(database-exists? config)

Checks if a database exists given a configuration URI or hash map. Usage:

(database-exists? {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"}})

Checks if a database exists given a configuration URI or hash map.

  (database-exists? {:store {:backend :mem :id "example"}})
sourceraw docstring


(datoms db index)
(datoms db index c1)
(datoms db index c1 c2)
(datoms db index c1 c2 c3)
(datoms db index c1 c2 c3 c4)

Index lookup. Returns a sequence of datoms (lazy iterator over actual DB index) which components (e, a, v) match passed arguments.

Datoms are sorted in index sort order. Possible index values are: :eavt, :aevt, :avet.


; find all datoms for entity id == 1 (any attrs and values)
; sort by attribute, then value
(datoms db :eavt 1)
; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :friends 2]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :name "Ivan"])

; find all datoms for entity id == 1 and attribute == :likes (any values)
; sorted by value
(datoms db :eavt 1 :likes)
; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"])

; find all datoms for entity id == 1, attribute == :likes and value == "pizza"
(datoms db :eavt 1 :likes "pizza")
; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"])

; find all datoms for attribute == :likes (any entity ids and values)
; sorted by entity id, then value
(datoms db :aevt :likes)
; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

; find all datoms that have attribute == `:likes` and value == `"pizza"` (any entity id)
; `:likes` must be a unique attr, reference or marked as `:db/index true`
(datoms db :avet :likes "pizza")
; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

; find all datoms sorted by entity id, then attribute, then value
(datoms db :eavt) ; => (...)

Useful patterns:

; get all values of :db.cardinality/many attribute
(->> (datoms db :eavt eid attr) (map :v))

; lookup entity ids by attribute value
(->> (datoms db :avet attr value) (map :e))

; find all entities with a specific attribute
(->> (datoms db :aevt attr) (map :e))

; find “singleton” entity by its attr
(->> (datoms db :aevt attr) first :e)

; find N entities with lowest attr value (e.g. 10 earliest posts)
(->> (datoms db :avet attr) (take N))

; find N entities with highest attr value (e.g. 10 latest posts)
(->> (datoms db :avet attr) (reverse) (take N))


  • Index lookup is usually more efficient than doing a query with a single clause.
  • Resulting iterator is calculated in constant time and small constant memory overhead.
  • Iterator supports efficient first, next, reverse, seq and is itself a sequence.
  • Will not return datoms that are not part of the index (e.g. attributes with no :db/index in schema when querying :avet index).
    • :eavt and :aevt contain all datoms.
    • :avet only contains datoms for references, :db/unique and :db/index attributes.
Index lookup. Returns a sequence of datoms (lazy iterator over actual DB index) which components (e, a, v) match passed arguments.

Datoms are sorted in index sort order. Possible `index` values are: `:eavt`, `:aevt`, `:avet`.


    ; find all datoms for entity id == 1 (any attrs and values)
    ; sort by attribute, then value
    (datoms db :eavt 1)
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :friends 2]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :name "Ivan"])

    ; find all datoms for entity id == 1 and attribute == :likes (any values)
    ; sorted by value
    (datoms db :eavt 1 :likes)
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"])

    ; find all datoms for entity id == 1, attribute == :likes and value == "pizza"
    (datoms db :eavt 1 :likes "pizza")
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"])

    ; find all datoms for attribute == :likes (any entity ids and values)
    ; sorted by entity id, then value
    (datoms db :aevt :likes)
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

    ; find all datoms that have attribute == `:likes` and value == `"pizza"` (any entity id)
    ; `:likes` must be a unique attr, reference or marked as `:db/index true`
    (datoms db :avet :likes "pizza")
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

    ; find all datoms sorted by entity id, then attribute, then value
    (datoms db :eavt) ; => (...)

Useful patterns:

    ; get all values of :db.cardinality/many attribute
    (->> (datoms db :eavt eid attr) (map :v))

    ; lookup entity ids by attribute value
    (->> (datoms db :avet attr value) (map :e))

    ; find all entities with a specific attribute
    (->> (datoms db :aevt attr) (map :e))

    ; find “singleton” entity by its attr
    (->> (datoms db :aevt attr) first :e)

    ; find N entities with lowest attr value (e.g. 10 earliest posts)
    (->> (datoms db :avet attr) (take N))

    ; find N entities with highest attr value (e.g. 10 latest posts)
    (->> (datoms db :avet attr) (reverse) (take N))


- Index lookup is usually more efficient than doing a query with a single clause.
- Resulting iterator is calculated in constant time and small constant memory overhead.
- Iterator supports efficient `first`, `next`, `reverse`, `seq` and is itself a sequence.
- Will not return datoms that are not part of the index (e.g. attributes with no `:db/index` in schema when querying `:avet` index).
  - `:eavt` and `:aevt` contain all datoms.
  - `:avet` only contains datoms for references, `:db/unique` and `:db/index` attributes.
sourceraw docstring


(db conn)

Returns the current state of the database you may interact with.

Returns the current state of the database you may interact with.
sourceraw docstring


(db-with db tx-data)

Applies transaction to an immutable db value, returning new immutable db value. Same as (:db-after (with db tx-data)).

Applies transaction to an immutable db value, returning new immutable db value. Same as `(:db-after (with db tx-data))`.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-database config)

Deletes a database given a database configuration. Storage configuration :store is mandatory. For more information refer to the docs

Deletes a database given a database configuration. Storage configuration `:store` is mandatory.
For more information refer to the [docs](
sourceraw docstring


(entity db eid)

Retrieves an entity by its id from database. Entities are lazy map-like structures to navigate DataScript database content.

For eid pass entity id or lookup attr:

(entity db 1)
(entity db [:unique-attr :value])

If entity does not exist, nil is returned:

(entity db -1) ; => nil

Creating an entity by id is very cheap, almost no-op, as attr access is on-demand:

(entity db 1) ; => {:db/id 1}

Entity attributes can be lazily accessed through key lookups:

(:attr (entity db 1)) ; => :value
(get (entity db 1) :attr) ; => :value

Cardinality many attributes are returned sequences:

(:attrs (entity db 1)) ; => [:v1 :v2 :v3]

Reference attributes are returned as another entities:

(:ref (entity db 1)) ; => {:db/id 2}
(:ns/ref (entity db 1)) ; => {:db/id 2}

References can be walked backwards by prepending _ to name part of an attribute:

(:_ref (entity db 2)) ; => [{:db/id 1}]
(:ns/_ref (entity db 2)) ; => [{:db/id 1}]

Reverse reference lookup returns sequence of entities unless attribute is marked as :db/component:

(:_component-ref (entity db 2)) ; => {:db/id 1}

Entity gotchas:

  • Entities print as map, but are not exactly maps (they have compatible get interface though).
  • Entities are effectively immutable “views” into a particular version of a database.
  • Entities retain reference to the whole database.
  • You can’t change database through entities, only read.
  • Creating an entity by id is very cheap, almost no-op (attributes are looked up on demand).
  • Comparing entities just compares their ids. Be careful when comparing entities taken from differenct dbs or from different versions of the same db.
  • Accessed entity attributes are cached on entity itself (except backward references).
  • When printing, only cached attributes (the ones you have accessed before) are printed. See [[touch]].
Retrieves an entity by its id from database. Entities are lazy map-like structures to navigate DataScript database content.

For `eid` pass entity id or lookup attr:

    (entity db 1)
    (entity db [:unique-attr :value])

If entity does not exist, `nil` is returned:

    (entity db -1) ; => nil

Creating an entity by id is very cheap, almost no-op, as attr access is on-demand:

    (entity db 1) ; => {:db/id 1}

Entity attributes can be lazily accessed through key lookups:

    (:attr (entity db 1)) ; => :value
    (get (entity db 1) :attr) ; => :value

Cardinality many attributes are returned sequences:

    (:attrs (entity db 1)) ; => [:v1 :v2 :v3]

Reference attributes are returned as another entities:

    (:ref (entity db 1)) ; => {:db/id 2}
    (:ns/ref (entity db 1)) ; => {:db/id 2}

References can be walked backwards by prepending `_` to name part of an attribute:

    (:_ref (entity db 2)) ; => [{:db/id 1}]
    (:ns/_ref (entity db 2)) ; => [{:db/id 1}]

Reverse reference lookup returns sequence of entities unless attribute is marked as `:db/component`:

    (:_component-ref (entity db 2)) ; => {:db/id 1}

Entity gotchas:

- Entities print as map, but are not exactly maps (they have compatible get interface though).
- Entities are effectively immutable “views” into a particular version of a database.
- Entities retain reference to the whole database.
- You can’t change database through entities, only read.
- Creating an entity by id is very cheap, almost no-op (attributes are looked up on demand).
- Comparing entities just compares their ids. Be careful when comparing entities taken from differenct dbs or from different versions of the same db.
- Accessed entity attributes are cached on entity itself (except backward references).
- When printing, only cached attributes (the ones you have accessed before) are printed. See [[touch]].
sourceraw docstring


(entity-db entity)

Returns a db that entity was created from.

Returns a db that entity was created from.
sourceraw docstring


(filter db pred)

Returns a view over database that has same interface but only includes datoms for which the (pred db datom) is true. Can be applied multiple times.

Filtered DB gotchas:

  • All operations on filtered database are proxied to original DB, then filter pred is applied.
  • Not cached. You pay filter penalty every time.
  • Supports entities, pull, queries, index access.
  • Does not support hashing of DB.
  • Does not support with and db-with.
Returns a view over database that has same interface but only includes datoms for which the `(pred db datom)` is true. Can be applied multiple times.

Filtered DB gotchas:

- All operations on filtered database are proxied to original DB, then filter pred is applied.
- Not cached. You pay filter penalty every time.
- Supports entities, pull, queries, index access.
- Does not support hashing of DB.
- Does not support [[with]] and [[db-with]].
sourceraw docstring


(history db)

Returns the full historical state of the database you may interact with.

Returns the full historical state of the database you may interact with.
sourceraw docstring


(is-filtered x)

Returns true if this database was filtered using filter, false otherwise.

Returns `true` if this database was filtered using [[filter]], `false` otherwise.
sourceraw docstring


(load-entities conn tx-data)

Load entities directly

Load entities directly
sourceraw docstring


(pull db selector eid)

Fetches data from database using recursive declarative description. See

Unlike entity, returns plain Clojure map (not lazy).


(pull db [:db/id, :name, :likes, {:friends [:db/id :name]}] 1)
; => {:db/id   1,
;     :name    "Ivan"
;     :likes   [:pizza]
;     :friends [{:db/id 2, :name "Oleg"}]
Fetches data from database using recursive declarative description. See [](

Unlike [[entity]], returns plain Clojure map (not lazy).


    (pull db [:db/id, :name, :likes, {:friends [:db/id :name]}] 1)
    ; => {:db/id   1,
    ;     :name    "Ivan"
    ;     :likes   [:pizza]
    ;     :friends [{:db/id 2, :name "Oleg"}]
sourceraw docstring


(pull-many db selector eids)

Same as pull, but accepts sequence of ids and returns sequence of maps.


(pull-many db [:db/id :name] [1 2])
; => [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan"}
;     {:db/id 2, :name "Oleg"}]
Same as [[pull]], but accepts sequence of ids and returns sequence of maps.


(pull-many db [:db/id :name] [1 2])
; => [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan"}
;     {:db/id 2, :name "Oleg"}]
sourceraw docstring


(q query & inputs)

Executes a datalog query. See


(q '[:find ?value
     :where [_ :likes ?value]]
; => #{["fries"] ["candy"] ["pie"] ["pizza"]}
Executes a datalog query. See [](


(q '[:find ?value
     :where [_ :likes ?value]]
; => #{["fries"] ["candy"] ["pie"] ["pizza"]}
sourceraw docstring


(release conn)

Releases a database connection

Releases a database connection
sourceraw docstring


(seek-datoms db index)
(seek-datoms db index c1)
(seek-datoms db index c1 c2)
(seek-datoms db index c1 c2 c3)
(seek-datoms db index c1 c2 c3 c4)

Similar to datoms, but will return datoms starting from specified components and including rest of the database until the end of the index.

If no datom matches passed arguments exactly, iterator will start from first datom that could be considered “greater” in index order.


(seek-datoms db :eavt 1)
; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :friends 2]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
;     #datahike/Datom [1 :name "Ivan"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

(seek-datoms db :eavt 1 :name)
; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :name "Ivan"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

(seek-datoms db :eavt 2)
; => (#datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

; no datom [2 :likes "fish"], so starts with one immediately following such in index
(seek-datoms db :eavt 2 :likes "fish")
; => (#datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])
Similar to [[datoms]], but will return datoms starting from specified components and including rest of the database until the end of the index.

If no datom matches passed arguments exactly, iterator will start from first datom that could be considered “greater” in index order.


    (seek-datoms db :eavt 1)
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :friends 2]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "fries"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :likes "pizza"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [1 :name "Ivan"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

    (seek-datoms db :eavt 1 :name)
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [1 :name "Ivan"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

    (seek-datoms db :eavt 2)
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [2 :likes "candy"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])

    ; no datom [2 :likes "fish"], so starts with one immediately following such in index
    (seek-datoms db :eavt 2 :likes "fish")
    ; => (#datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pie"]
    ;     #datahike/Datom [2 :likes "pizza"])
sourceraw docstring


(since db timepoint)

Returns the database state since a given point in time (you may use either java.util.Date or a transaction ID as long). Be aware: the database contains only the datoms that were added since the date.

Returns the database state since a given point in time (you may use either java.util.Date or a transaction ID as long).
Be aware: the database contains only the datoms that were added since the date.
sourceraw docstring


(tempid part)
(tempid part x)

Allocates and returns an unique temporary id (a negative integer). Ignores part. Returns x if it is specified.

Exists for Datomic API compatibility. Prefer using negative integers directly if possible.

Allocates and returns an unique temporary id (a negative integer). Ignores `part`. Returns `x` if it is specified.

Exists for Datomic API compatibility. Prefer using negative integers directly if possible.
sourceraw docstring


(transact conn tx-data)

Applies transaction the underlying database value and atomically updates connection reference to point to the result of that transaction, new db value. Returns transaction report, a map:

 { :db-before ...       ; db value before transaction
   :db-after  ...       ; db value after transaction
   :tx-data   [...]     ; plain datoms that were added/retracted from db-before
   :tempids   {...}     ; map of tempid from tx-data => assigned entid in db-after
   :tx-meta   tx-meta } ; the exact value you passed as `tx-meta`

Note! conn will be updated in-place and is not returned from transact.


; add a single datom to an existing entity (1)
(transact conn [[:db/add 1 :name "Ivan"]])

; retract a single datom
(transact conn [[:db/retract 1 :name "Ivan"]])

; retract single entity attribute
(transact conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute 1 :name]])

; retract all entity attributes (effectively deletes entity)
(transact conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity 1]])

; create a new entity (`-1`, as any other negative value, is a tempid
; that will be replaced with DataScript to a next unused eid)
(transact conn [[:db/add -1 :name "Ivan"]])

; check assigned id (here `*1` is a result returned from previous `transact` call)
(def report *1)
(:tempids report) ; => {-1 296}

; check actual datoms inserted
(:tx-data report) ; => [#datahike/Datom [296 :name "Ivan"]]

; tempid can also be a string
(transact conn [[:db/add "ivan" :name "Ivan"]])
(:tempids *1) ; => {"ivan" 297}

; reference another entity (must exist)
(transact conn [[:db/add -1 :friend 296]])

; create an entity and set multiple attributes (in a single transaction
; equal tempids will be replaced with the same unused yet entid)
(transact conn [[:db/add -1 :name "Ivan"]
                 [:db/add -1 :likes "fries"]
                 [:db/add -1 :likes "pizza"]
                 [:db/add -1 :friend 296]])

; create an entity and set multiple attributes (alternative map form)
(transact conn [{:db/id  -1
                  :name   "Ivan"
                  :likes  ["fries" "pizza"]
                  :friend 296}])

; update an entity (alternative map form). Can’t retract attributes in
; map form. For cardinality many attrs, value (fish in this example)
; will be added to the list of existing values
(transact conn [{:db/id  296
                  :name   "Oleg"
                  :likes  ["fish"]}])

; ref attributes can be specified as nested map, that will create netsed entity as well
(transact conn [{:db/id  -1
                  :name   "Oleg"
                  :friend {:db/id -2
                           :name "Sergey"}])
; reverse attribute name can be used if you want created entity to become
; a value in another entity reference
(transact conn [{:db/id  -1
                  :name   "Oleg"
                  :_friend 296}])
; equivalent to
(transact conn [{:db/id  -1, :name   "Oleg"}
                 {:db/id 296, :friend -1}])
; equivalent to
(transact conn [[:db/add  -1 :name   "Oleg"]
                 {:db/add 296 :friend -1]])
Applies transaction the underlying database value and atomically updates connection reference to point to the result of that transaction, new db value.
Returns transaction report, a map:

     { :db-before ...       ; db value before transaction
       :db-after  ...       ; db value after transaction
       :tx-data   [...]     ; plain datoms that were added/retracted from db-before
       :tempids   {...}     ; map of tempid from tx-data => assigned entid in db-after
       :tx-meta   tx-meta } ; the exact value you passed as `tx-meta`

Note! `conn` will be updated in-place and is not returned from [[transact]].


    ; add a single datom to an existing entity (1)
    (transact conn [[:db/add 1 :name "Ivan"]])

    ; retract a single datom
    (transact conn [[:db/retract 1 :name "Ivan"]])

    ; retract single entity attribute
    (transact conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute 1 :name]])
    ; retract all entity attributes (effectively deletes entity)
    (transact conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity 1]])

    ; create a new entity (`-1`, as any other negative value, is a tempid
    ; that will be replaced with DataScript to a next unused eid)
    (transact conn [[:db/add -1 :name "Ivan"]])

    ; check assigned id (here `*1` is a result returned from previous `transact` call)
    (def report *1)
    (:tempids report) ; => {-1 296}

    ; check actual datoms inserted
    (:tx-data report) ; => [#datahike/Datom [296 :name "Ivan"]]

    ; tempid can also be a string
    (transact conn [[:db/add "ivan" :name "Ivan"]])
    (:tempids *1) ; => {"ivan" 297}

    ; reference another entity (must exist)
    (transact conn [[:db/add -1 :friend 296]])

    ; create an entity and set multiple attributes (in a single transaction
    ; equal tempids will be replaced with the same unused yet entid)
    (transact conn [[:db/add -1 :name "Ivan"]
                     [:db/add -1 :likes "fries"]
                     [:db/add -1 :likes "pizza"]
                     [:db/add -1 :friend 296]])

    ; create an entity and set multiple attributes (alternative map form)
    (transact conn [{:db/id  -1
                      :name   "Ivan"
                      :likes  ["fries" "pizza"]
                      :friend 296}])
    ; update an entity (alternative map form). Can’t retract attributes in
    ; map form. For cardinality many attrs, value (fish in this example)
    ; will be added to the list of existing values
    (transact conn [{:db/id  296
                      :name   "Oleg"
                      :likes  ["fish"]}])

    ; ref attributes can be specified as nested map, that will create netsed entity as well
    (transact conn [{:db/id  -1
                      :name   "Oleg"
                      :friend {:db/id -2
                               :name "Sergey"}])
    ; reverse attribute name can be used if you want created entity to become
    ; a value in another entity reference
    (transact conn [{:db/id  -1
                      :name   "Oleg"
                      :_friend 296}])
    ; equivalent to
    (transact conn [{:db/id  -1, :name   "Oleg"}
                     {:db/id 296, :friend -1}])
    ; equivalent to
    (transact conn [[:db/add  -1 :name   "Oleg"]
                     {:db/add 296 :friend -1]])
sourceraw docstring


(transact! conn tx-data tx-meta)

The same as transact but returns Future to be realized.

The same as [[transact]] but returns Future to be realized.
sourceraw docstring


(with db tx-data)
(with db tx-data tx-meta)

Same as transact, but applies to an immutable database value. Returns transaction report (see transact).

Same as [[transact]], but applies to an immutable database value. Returns transaction report (see [[transact]]).
sourceraw docstring

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