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Datahike supports two types of distributed access, distribution of data or distribution of computation. Distribution of data means that each Datahike runtime can access stores in the distributed index space (DIS), while distribution of computation means that clients send requests to be evaluated to be processed by a server on a remote runtime.

Network topology

Distributed index space (DIS)

Datahike has a similar memory model to Datomic, which is built on distributed persistent indices. But while Datomic requires active connections to its transactor, Datahike works with lightweight connections that do not require communication by default.

In case where you do not need to write to a database, only read from it, e.g. a database that a 3rd party provides you access to, it is sufficient to have read access rights to the store, no setup of a server or additional steps are needed to join against the indices of this external database!

Note: This allows you to massively shard databases. A good design pattern is to create a separate database for a set of facts that you need to consistently update together, e.g. one database per business client.

Single writer

If you want to provide distributed write access to databases you need to setup a server as described in the section at the end. Datahike then centralizes all write operations and state changes to the database on this single machine, while all read operations still can happen locally on as many machines as have access to the distributed konserve store (e.g. shared filesystem, JDBC, S3, etc.). The benefit of the single writer is that it provides strong linearization guarantees for transactions, i.e. strong consistency. This memory model is also supported by the CLI, babashka and libdatahike clients.

The client setup is simple, you just add a :writer entry in the configuration for your database, e.g.

{:store  {:backend :file :scope "" :path "/shared/filesystem/store"}
 :keep-history?      true
 :schema-flexibility :read
 :writer             {:backend :datahike-server
                      :url     "http://localhost:4444"
                      :token   "securerandompassword"}}

You can now use the normal datahike.api as usual and all operations changing a database, e.g. create-database, delete-database and transact are sent to the server while all other calls are executed locally.

AWS lambda

An example setup to run Datahike distributed in AWS lambda without a server can be found here. It configures a singleton lambda for write operations while reader lambdas can be run multiple times and scale out. This setup can be upgraded later to use dedicated servers through EC2 instances.

Distribution of compute

Datahike supports sending all requests to a server. This has the benefit that the server will do all the computation and its caches will be shared between different clients. The disadvantage is that you cannot easily share information in process, e.g. call your own functions or closures in queries without deploying them to the server first.

Remote procedure calls (RPCs)

The remote API has the same call signatures as datahike.api and is located in datahike.api.client. Except for listening and with all functionality is supported. Given a server is setup (see below), you can interact with it by adding :remote-peer to the config you would otherwise with datahike.api:

{:store  {:backend :mem :id "distributed-datahike"}
 :keep-history?      true
 :schema-flexibility :read
 :remote-peer        {:backend :datahike-server
                      :url     "http://localhost:4444"
                      :token   "securerandompassword"}}

The API will return lightweight remote pointers that follow the same semantics as datahike.api, but do not support any of Datahike's local functionality, i.e. you can only use them with this API.

Combined distribution

Note that you can combine both data accesses, i.e. run a set of servers sharing a single writer among themselves, while they all serve a large set of outside clients through RPCs.

Setup datahike.http.server

To build it locally you only need to clone the repository and run bb http-server-uber to create the jar. The server can then be run with java -jar datahike-http-server-VERSION.jar path/to/config.edn.

The edn configuration file looks like:

{:port     4444
 :level    :debug
 :dev-mode true
 :token    "securerandompassword"}

Port sets the port to run the HTTP server under, level sets the log-level. dev-mode deactivates authentication during development and if token is provided then you need to send this token as the HTTP header "token" to authenticate.

The server exports a swagger interface on the port and can serialize requests in transit-json, edn and JSON with jsonista tagged literals. The server exposes all referentially transparent calls (that don't change given their arguments) as GET requests and all requests that depend on input information as POST requests. All arguments in both cases are sent as a list in the request body.

Extended configuration

CORS headers can be set, e.g. with adding

 :access-control-allow-origin [#"http://localhost" #"http://localhost:8080"]

The server also experimentally supports HTTP caching for GET requests, e.g. by adding

 :cache {:get {:max-age 3600}}

This should be beneficially in case your HTTP client or proxy supports efficient caching and you often run the same queries many times on different queries (e.g. to retrieve a daily context in an app against a database only changes with low frequency.)

JSON support

The remote API supports JSON with embedded tagged literals. There are two extensions for convenience provided (please provide feedback or explore better options if you have ideas!).

Provided you are sending HTTP requests to a datahike-server you can put the following JSON argument arrays into each method body. You have to provide the "token" in the header if you use authentication.

POST to "/create-database"

["{:schema-flexibility :read}"]

Note that here you can pass the configuration as an edn string, which is more concise. If you want to speak JSON directly you would pass

[{"schema-flexibility": ["!kw", "read"]}]

"!kw" annotates a tagged literal here and encodes that "read" is an edn keyword.

The resulting configuration will look like (with random DB name):

cfg = {
  "keep-history?": true,
  "search-cache-size": 10000,
  "index": [
  "store": {
    "id": "wiggly-field-vole",
    "scope": "",
    "backend": [
  "store-cache-size": 1000,
  "attribute-refs?": false,
  "writer": {
    "backend": [
  "crypto-hash?": false,
  "remote-peer": null,
  "schema-flexibility": [
  "branch": [

You can now use this cfg to connect to this database:

POST to "/connect"


The result will look like:

conn = ["!datahike/Connection",[[["!kw","mem"],"","wiggly-field-vole"],["!kw","db"]]]

Finally let's add some data to the database:

POST to "/transact"

[conn, [{"name": "Peter", "age": 42}]]

The result is a comprehensive transaction record (feel free to ignore the details):

    "db-before": [
        "store-id": [
        "commit-id": [
        "max-eid": 1,
        "max-tx": 536870913
    "db-after": [
        "store-id": [
        "commit-id": [
        "max-eid": 2,
        "max-tx": 536870914
    "tx-data": [
    "tempids": {
      "db/current-tx": 536870914
    "tx-meta": {
      "db/txInstant": [
      "db/commitId": [

Note that you can extract the snapshots of the database db-before and db-after the commit as well as the facts added to the database as tx-data.

To retrieve the current database for your connection use

POST to "/db"


The result looks like:

db = [
    "store-id": [
    "commit-id": [
    "max-eid": 2,
    "max-tx": 536870914

You can query this database with the query endpoint. We recommend again using a string to denote the query DSL instead of direct JSON encoding unless you want to manipulate the queries in JSON programmatically.

GET from "/q"

["[:find ?n ?a :where [?e :name ?n] [?e :age ?a]]", db]

The result set is


You can also pass strings for pull expressions and to pass configurations to delete-database and database-exists.

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