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(append store key elem)
(append store key elem opts)

Append the Element to the log at the given key or create a new append log there. This operation only needs to write the element and pointer to disk and hence is useful in write-heavy situations.

Append the Element to the log at the given key or create a new append log there.
This operation only needs to write the element and pointer to disk and hence is useful in write-heavy situations.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc store key val)
(assoc store key val opts)

Associates the key-vec to the value, any missing collections for the key-vec (nested maps and vectors) are newly created.

Associates the key-vec to the value, any missing collections for
the key-vec (nested maps and vectors) are newly created.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-in store key-vec val)
(assoc-in store key-vec val opts)

Associates the key-vec to the value, any missing collections for the key-vec (nested maps and vectors) are newly created.

Associates the key-vec to the value, any missing collections for
the key-vec (nested maps and vectors) are newly created.
sourceraw docstring


(bassoc store key val)
(bassoc store key val opts)

Copies given value (InputStream, Reader, File, byte[] or String on JVM, Blob in JavaScript) under key in the store.

Copies given value (InputStream, Reader, File, byte[] or String on
JVM, Blob in JavaScript) under key in the store.
sourceraw docstring


(bget store key locked-cb)
(bget store key locked-cb opts)

Calls locked-cb with a platform specific binary representation inside the lock, e.g. wrapped InputStream on the JVM and Blob in JavaScript. You need to properly close/dispose the object when you are done!

You have to do all work in locked-cb, e.g.

(fn [{is :input-stream}] (let [tmp-file (io/file "/tmp/my-private-copy")] (io/copy is tmp-file)))

Calls locked-cb with a platform specific binary representation inside
the lock, e.g. wrapped InputStream on the JVM and Blob in
JavaScript. You need to properly close/dispose the object when you
are done!

You have to do all work in locked-cb, e.g.

(fn [{is :input-stream}]
  (let [tmp-file (io/file "/tmp/my-private-copy")]
    (io/copy is tmp-file)))
sourceraw docstring


(dissoc store key)
(dissoc store key opts)

Removes an entry from the store.

Removes an entry from the store. 
sourceraw docstring


(exists? store key)
(exists? store key opts)

Checks whether value is in the store.

Checks whether value is in the store.
sourceraw docstring


(get store key)
(get store key not-found)
(get store key not-found opts)

Returns the value stored described by key. Returns nil if the key is not present, or the not-found value if supplied.

Returns the value stored described by key. Returns nil if the key
is not present, or the not-found value if supplied.
sourceraw docstring


(get-in store key-vec)
(get-in store key-vec not-found)
(get-in store key-vec not-found opts)

Returns the value stored described by key. Returns nil if the key is not present, or the not-found value if supplied.

Returns the value stored described by key. Returns nil if the key
is not present, or the not-found value if supplied.
sourceraw docstring


(get-lock {:keys [locks] :as _store} key)


(get-meta store key)
(get-meta store key not-found)
(get-meta store key not-found opts)

Returns the value stored described by key. Returns nil if the key is not present, or the not-found value if supplied.

Returns the value stored described by key. Returns nil if the key
is not present, or the not-found value if supplied.
sourceraw docstring


(go-locked store key & code)


(keys store)
(keys store opts)

Return a channel that will yield all top-level keys currently in the store.

Return a channel that will yield all top-level keys currently in the store.
sourceraw docstring


(locked store key & code)


(log store key)
(log store key opts)

Loads the whole append log stored at key.

Loads the whole append log stored at key.
sourceraw docstring


(reduce-log store key reduce-fn acc)
(reduce-log store key reduce-fn acc opts)

Loads the append log and applies reduce-fn over it.

Loads the append log and applies reduce-fn over it.
sourceraw docstring


(update store key fn)
(update store key fn opts)

Updates a position described by key by applying up-fn and storing the result atomically. Returns a vector [old new] of the previous value and the result of applying up-fn (the newly stored value).

Updates a position described by key by applying up-fn and storing
the result atomically. Returns a vector [old new] of the previous
value and the result of applying up-fn (the newly stored value).
sourceraw docstring


(update-in store key-vec up-fn)
(update-in store key-vec up-fn opts)

Updates a position described by key-vec by applying up-fn and storing the result atomically. Returns a vector [old new] of the previous value and the result of applying up-fn (the newly stored value).

Updates a position described by key-vec by applying up-fn and storing
the result atomically. Returns a vector [old new] of the previous
value and the result of applying up-fn (the newly stored value).
sourceraw docstring


(wait lock)

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