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A thin wrapper around the official Java library for Sentry.


(require '[sentry-clj.core :as sentry])

; you can initialize Sentry manually by providing a DSN in the code (as shown below),
; or use one of the other configuration options (such as environment variables) described
; in the Java SDK documentation (which will automatically initialize Sentry the first
; time you attempt to send an event):
(sentry/init! "")

  (catch Exception e
    (sentry/send-event {:throwable e})))

Supported event keys

  • :breadcrumbs - a collection of Breadcrumb maps. See below.
  • :checksum-for - a String whose checksum should be associated with the event.
  • :checksum - a String which is the checksum for the event, if you're doing your own checksumming.
  • :culprit - a String or a StackTraceElement which identifies the so-called culprit. This is not very well documented at Sentry, but here is an example of how they use the String variant in a Ruby application.
  • :environment - a String which identifies the environment.
  • :event-id - a UUID to identify the event. Autogenerated if not specified.
  • :extra - a map with Keyword or String keys (or anything for which clojure.core/name can be invoked) and values which can be JSON-ified. If :throwable is given, this will automatically include its ex-data.
  • :fingerprint - a sequence of Strings that Sentry should use as a fingerprint.
  • :interfaces - a map with Keyword or String keys and values that can be JSON-ified. See the Sentry documentation on interfaces for information on the expected format.
  • :level - a Keyword. One of :debug, :info, :warning, :error, :fatal. Probably most useful in conjunction with :message if you need to report an exceptional condition that's not an exception.
  • :logger - a String which identifies the logger.
  • :message - a String. This is a different message than that of a Throwable.
  • :platform - a String which identifies the platform.
  • :release - a String which identifies the release.
  • :server-name - a String which identifies the server name.
  • :tags - a map with Keyword or String keys (or anything for which clojure.core/name can be invoked) and values which can be coerced to Strings with clojure.core/str.
  • :throwable - a Throwable object. Sentry's bread and butter.
  • :timestamp - something that can be coerced to an inst using clj-time's to-date coercion


Read more about breadcrumbs at

When an event has a :breadcrumbs key, each element of the value collection should be a map. Supported keys of the map are:

  • :type - A String
  • :timestamp - something that can be coerced to an inst using clj-time's to-date coercion
  • :level - a String
  • :message - a String
  • :category - a String
  • :data - a map with String keys and String values


Copyright © 2016 Coda Hale, Sentry

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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