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(add-jetty-integration pure-integration

The function creates a map usable by luminus-jetty It includes the following functions:

:on-connect :on-error :on-text :on-close :on-bytes

The arguments are as follows:

  • Sends a message to a given channel. the :close? and should-close are optional.
  • If present and set to true the channel will be closed after the message is sent.

(defn socket-send! [channel ^String message :close? ^Boolean should-close]) ==> electric-socket.spec/socket-send!

  • Immediately close the channel

(defn socket-close! [channel]) ==> electric-socket.spec/socket-close!

  • Updates an entity in a given broker (redis?) using namespace and broker-key to locate it.
  • The update function gets the old value (possibly nil) and boolean indicating if there was a retry on the way (conflicts?).
  • Should return the new value as a map, or :swap/delete if the entry should be deleted or :swap/abort if no changes are needed.

(defn broker-update-entity [^String namespace ^String broker-key (fn [old-value retried?] -> either a map or one in #{:swap/abort, :swap/delete})]) ==> electric-socket.spec/broker-update-entity

  • Subscribes to all the messages arriving from namespace / broker key combination. The handler receives just the message.

(defn broker-subscribe [^String namespace ^String broker-key (fn [^String message])]) ==> electric-socket.spec/broker-subscribe

  • Publishes a message to namespace and broker-key, which can be subscribed to by other instances of the backend.

(defn broker-publish-message [^String namespace ^String broker-key ^String message]) ==> electric-socket.spec/broker-publish-message

  • Processes side effects of certain actions as defined in the integration part of the documentation.
  • Often used for DB transactions that should be performed in certain scenarios.

(defn process-side-effects [side-effects]) ==> electric-socket.spec/process-side-effects

  • Logs some diagnostic messages

(defn logger [& strings]) ==> electric-socket.spec/logger

  • Allows for exception collection and possibly upload to some exception analysing service (Sentry?)

(defn error-handler [^Throwable error ^String description]) ==> electric-socket.spec/error-handler

The pure-integration argument is a map with the following keys (all function arguments must be pure!):

:name - The namespace used by our integration. Useful when communicating with the broker. :path - The path associated with websocket service

:initial-authorisation - A function that receives channel and a map with initial message coming from websocket. Returns either a map to be associated with the connection - channel data (and later passed to all the other functions) or failjure/failed? value representing error to be sent to the user.

:broker-key-fn - A function that receives a channel and the channel data. Returns a key to be used on all the broker connections for this connection.

:broker-authorisation - A function that takes channel, channel data and broker data associated with this connection (through broker-key-fn) and returns a map with the required actions to be taken by electric socket after its execution is complete.

                    :channel-data - a map containing updated channel data. ES is expected to replace it.
                    :broker-data - a map containing updated broker data. ES is expected to replace it. It can be also :swap/abort or :swap/delete
                                   to either not replace the broker data or completely purge it. 
                    :websocket-response - a map to be sent back over websocket or failjure/failed? indicating an error during authorisation.
                    :broker-messages - a list of maps containing at least two fields: target (String) and message (map). 
                                       Target is a unique identifier of the recipient, message is a mesage to be delivered.
                    :should-close? - If set to yes the connection will be terminated (useful for failed authorisation)
                    :side-effects - Any side effects to be processed by side effects processor (see above)
                    :error-namespace - (optional) Used for internationalisation, can be the language error should be presented in.

:process-websocket-message - A function that takes a channel, map with a message, channel data and broker data. Assumes the connection is active and successfully authenticated. The return value comprises of:

                    :channel-data - a map containing updated channel data. ES is expected to replace it.
                    :broker-data - a map containing updated broker data. ES is expected to replace it. It can be also :swap/abort or :swap/delete
                                   to either not replace the broker data or completely purge it. 
                    :websocket-response - a map to be sent back over websocket or failjure/failed? indicating an error. 
                                          We can still keep the connection going after error if needed.
                    :broker-messages - a list of maps containing at least two fields: target (String) and message (map). 
                                       Target is a unique identifier of the recipient, message is a mesage to be delivered.
                    :should-close? - If set to yes the connection will be terminated (useful for ending connection)
                    :side-effects - Any side effects to be processed by side effects processor (see above)
                    :error-namespace - (optional) Used for internationalisation, can be the language error should be presented in.

:process-broker-message - A function that takes a channel, map with a broker message, channel data and broker data. Assumes the connection is active and successfully authenticated. The return value comprises of:

                    :channel-data - a map containing updated channel data. ES is expected to replace it.
                    :broker-data - a map containing updated broker data. ES is expected to replace it. It can be also :swap/abort or :swap/delete
                                   to either not replace the broker data or completely purge it. 
                    :websocket-response - a map to be sent back over websocket or failjure/failed? indicating an error.
                                          We can still keep the connection going after error if needed.
                    :broker-messages - a list of maps containing at least two fields: target (String) and message (map). 
                                       Target is a unique identifier of the recipient, message is a mesage to be delivered.
                    :should-close? - If set to yes the connection will be terminated (useful for ending connection)
                    :side-effects - Any side effects to be processed by side effects processor (see above)
                    :error-namespace - (optional) Used for internationalisation, can be the language error should be presented in.

:on-close - A function that takes channel, channel-data and broker-data and produces new broker data and broker messages analogically to functions above. It is being called only when connection is being closed.

The function creates a map usable by luminus-jetty
 It includes the following functions:


The arguments are as follows:

* Sends a message to a given channel. the :close? and should-close are optional.
* If present and set to true the channel will be closed after the message is sent.

(defn socket-send! [channel ^String message :close? ^Boolean should-close])  ==> electric-socket.spec/socket-send!

* Immediately close the channel

(defn socket-close! [channel]) ==> electric-socket.spec/socket-close!

* Updates an entity in a given broker (redis?) using namespace and broker-key to locate it. 
* The update function gets the old value (possibly nil) and boolean indicating if there was a retry on the way (conflicts?). 
* Should return the new value as a map, or :swap/delete if the entry should be deleted or :swap/abort if no changes are needed.

(defn broker-update-entity [^String namespace ^String broker-key (fn [old-value retried?] -> either a map or one in #{:swap/abort, :swap/delete})]) ==>  electric-socket.spec/broker-update-entity

* Subscribes to all the messages arriving from namespace / broker key combination. The handler receives just the message.

(defn broker-subscribe [^String namespace ^String broker-key (fn [^String message])]) ==> electric-socket.spec/broker-subscribe

* Publishes a message to namespace and broker-key, which can be subscribed to by other instances of the backend.

(defn broker-publish-message [^String namespace ^String broker-key ^String message])  ==> electric-socket.spec/broker-publish-message

* Processes side effects of certain actions as defined in the integration part of the documentation. 
* Often used for DB transactions that should be performed in certain scenarios.

(defn process-side-effects [side-effects]) ==> electric-socket.spec/process-side-effects

* Logs some diagnostic messages

(defn logger [& strings]) ==> electric-socket.spec/logger

* Allows for exception collection and possibly upload to some exception analysing service (Sentry?)

(defn error-handler [^Throwable error ^String description]) ==> electric-socket.spec/error-handler


The pure-integration argument is a map with the following keys (all function arguments must be pure!):

:name - The namespace used by our integration. Useful when communicating with the broker.
:path - The path associated with websocket service

:initial-authorisation - A function that receives channel and a map with initial message coming from websocket. 
                         Returns either a map to be associated with the connection - channel data (and later passed to all the other functions) or 
                         failjure/failed? value representing error to be sent to the user.

:broker-key-fn - A function that receives a channel and the channel data. Returns a key to be used on all the broker connections for this connection.

:broker-authorisation - A function that takes channel, channel data and broker data associated with this connection (through broker-key-fn) 
                        and returns a map with the required actions to be taken by electric socket after its execution is complete. 
                        :channel-data - a map containing updated channel data. ES is expected to replace it.
                        :broker-data - a map containing updated broker data. ES is expected to replace it. It can be also :swap/abort or :swap/delete
                                       to either not replace the broker data or completely purge it. 
                        :websocket-response - a map to be sent back over websocket or failjure/failed? indicating an error during authorisation.
                        :broker-messages - a list of maps containing at least two fields: target (String) and message (map). 
                                           Target is a unique identifier of the recipient, message is a mesage to be delivered.
                        :should-close? - If set to yes the connection will be terminated (useful for failed authorisation)
                        :side-effects - Any side effects to be processed by side effects processor (see above)
                        :error-namespace - (optional) Used for internationalisation, can be the language error should be presented in.

:process-websocket-message - A function that takes a channel, map with a message, channel data and broker data.
                             Assumes the connection is active and successfully authenticated.
                             The return value comprises of:
                        :channel-data - a map containing updated channel data. ES is expected to replace it.
                        :broker-data - a map containing updated broker data. ES is expected to replace it. It can be also :swap/abort or :swap/delete
                                       to either not replace the broker data or completely purge it. 
                        :websocket-response - a map to be sent back over websocket or failjure/failed? indicating an error. 
                                              We can still keep the connection going after error if needed.
                        :broker-messages - a list of maps containing at least two fields: target (String) and message (map). 
                                           Target is a unique identifier of the recipient, message is a mesage to be delivered.
                        :should-close? - If set to yes the connection will be terminated (useful for ending connection)
                        :side-effects - Any side effects to be processed by side effects processor (see above)
                        :error-namespace - (optional) Used for internationalisation, can be the language error should be presented in.

:process-broker-message - A function that takes a channel, map with a broker message, channel data and broker data.
                             Assumes the connection is active and successfully authenticated.
                             The return value comprises of:
                        :channel-data - a map containing updated channel data. ES is expected to replace it.
                        :broker-data - a map containing updated broker data. ES is expected to replace it. It can be also :swap/abort or :swap/delete
                                       to either not replace the broker data or completely purge it. 
                        :websocket-response - a map to be sent back over websocket or failjure/failed? indicating an error.
                                              We can still keep the connection going after error if needed.
                        :broker-messages - a list of maps containing at least two fields: target (String) and message (map). 
                                           Target is a unique identifier of the recipient, message is a mesage to be delivered.
                        :should-close? - If set to yes the connection will be terminated (useful for ending connection)
                        :side-effects - Any side effects to be processed by side effects processor (see above)
                        :error-namespace - (optional) Used for internationalisation, can be the language error should be presented in.

 :on-close            - A function that takes channel, channel-data and broker-data and produces new broker data and broker messages 
                        analogically to functions above. It is being called only when connection is being closed.
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