(get-scoping-queries entities-by-name scoping-defintion push?)
(get-scoping-queries entities-by-name
{:keys [tags necessary-tags]})
Takes: entities-by-name, parsed (and validated) EDN of scoping rules, push? config map, with optional keys:
A typical invocation looks like this: (get-scoping-queries entities-by-name validated-scope push?))) (get-scoping-queries entities-by-name validated-scope push? {:tags #{:RAEmployee.ofOwner} :necessary-tags #{:RAEmployee.ofOwner :RAOwner.me}}}))) Returns a map with tags and queries generated to obtain entities for indicated user: {:RAEmployee.ofOwner [:find ?RAEmployee-ofOwner :in $ [?user ...] :where [?user :app/uuid ?G__33023] [(= ?G__33024 ?G__33023)] [?RAOwner-me :RAOwner/internalUserId ?G__33024] [?RAEmployee-ofOwner :RAEmployee/owner ?RAOwner-me]]} ...
Takes: entities-by-name, parsed (and validated) EDN of scoping rules, push? config map, with optional keys: - tags, a set of tags which queries are requested (if not provided all tags are taken by default) - necessary-tags, a set of tags which are required for scoping selected tags, calculated with tree obtained from scope_dependeny/get-minimum-scoping-sets if not provided queries for all tags will be calculated and result will be filtered according to tags param A typical invocation looks like this: (get-scoping-queries entities-by-name validated-scope push?))) (get-scoping-queries entities-by-name validated-scope push? {:tags #{:RAEmployee.ofOwner} :necessary-tags #{:RAEmployee.ofOwner :RAOwner.me}}}))) Returns a map with tags and queries generated to obtain entities for indicated user: {:RAEmployee.ofOwner [:find ?RAEmployee-ofOwner :in $ [?user ...] :where [?user :app/uuid ?G__33023] [(= ?G__33024 ?G__33023)] [?RAOwner-me :RAOwner/internalUserId ?G__33024] [?RAEmployee-ofOwner :RAEmployee/owner ?RAOwner-me]]} ...
(reduce-entities scoped-entities)
Takes what 'scope' produces and aggregates all the entity types (so :NOUser.me and :NOUser.peer become :NOUser with unified ids)
Takes what 'scope' produces and aggregates all the entity types (so :NOUser.me and :NOUser.peer become :NOUser with unified ids)
(reorder-rules remaining-rules final-tags)
(reorder-rules remaining-rules result next-matches final-tags)
(reverse-scoping-query scoping-rule)
Input: Single scoping query (one value of map returned by get-scoping-queries) This query efficiently answers question "As a user, which entities can I access?". Example input: [:find ?RAEmployee-ofOwner :in $ [?user ...] :where [?user :app/uuid ?G__33024] [?RAOwner-me :RAOwner/internalUserId ?G__33024] [?RAEmployee-ofOwner :RAEmployee/owner ?RAOwner-me]]
Output: Single scoping query. This query efficiently answers question "Which users can access this entity?". Example output: [:find ?user :in $ [?RAEmployee-ofOwner ...] :where [?RAEmployee-ofOwner :RAEmployee/owner ?RAOwner-me] [?RAOwner-me :RAOwner/internalUserId ?G__33024] [?user :app/uuid ?G__33024]]
Input: Single scoping query (one value of map returned by get-scoping-queries) This query efficiently answers question "As a user, which entities can I access?". Example input: [:find ?RAEmployee-ofOwner :in $ [?user ...] :where [?user :app/uuid ?G__33024] [?RAOwner-me :RAOwner/internalUserId ?G__33024] [?RAEmployee-ofOwner :RAEmployee/owner ?RAOwner-me]] Output: Single scoping query. This query efficiently answers question "Which users can access this entity?". Example output: [:find ?user :in $ [?RAEmployee-ofOwner ...] :where [?RAEmployee-ofOwner :RAEmployee/owner ?RAOwner-me] [?RAOwner-me :RAOwner/internalUserId ?G__33024] [?user :app/uuid ?G__33024]]
(scope config snapshot user entities-by-name scoping-defintion push?)
(scope config snapshot user entities-by-name scoping-defintion push? tags)
Takes config map, a snapshot, a user object from DB, entities-by-name and the parsed EDN of rules, push? and optional set of tags to scope. If set of tags to scope is not provided all tags are scoped. A typical invocation looks like this: (scope config (d/db db/conn) user entities-by-name (clojure.edn/read-string (slurp "resources/model/pull-scope.edn")) false) (scope config (d/db db/conn) user entities-by-name (clojure.edn/read-string (slurp "resources/model/pull-scope.edn")) false #{:NOUuser.me :NOLanguage.mine})
Returns a map with db ids, something like: {:NOUser.me #{11122, 1222} :user #{2312312}}
Takes config map, a snapshot, a user object from DB, entities-by-name and the parsed EDN of rules, push? and optional set of tags to scope. If set of tags to scope is not provided all tags are scoped. A typical invocation looks like this: (scope config (d/db db/conn) user entities-by-name (clojure.edn/read-string (slurp "resources/model/pull-scope.edn")) false) (scope config (d/db db/conn) user entities-by-name (clojure.edn/read-string (slurp "resources/model/pull-scope.edn")) false #{:NOUuser.me :NOLanguage.mine}) Returns a map with db ids, something like: {:NOUser.me #{11122, 1222} :user #{2312312}}
(scope-selected-tags-with-tree config
Takes: a snapshot, a user object from DB, entities-by-name, parsed (and validated) EDN of scoping rules, scoping-sets, a map of sets indiacting which tags must be scoped per tag calculated with scope_dependency/get-minimum-scoping-sets tags, set of desired tags.
It is advised to calculacte scoping sets once and pass the result. A typical invocation looks like this: (scope-selected-tags-with-tree config (d/db db/conn) user entities-by-name validated-scope scoping-sets #{:RARestaurant.ofOwner})))
Returns a map with db ids, something like: {:RAOwner.me #{11122, 1222} :user #{2312312}}
Takes: a snapshot, a user object from DB, entities-by-name, parsed (and validated) EDN of scoping rules, scoping-sets, a map of sets indiacting which tags must be scoped per tag calculated with scope_dependency/get-minimum-scoping-sets tags, set of desired tags. It is advised to calculacte scoping sets once and pass the result. A typical invocation looks like this: (scope-selected-tags-with-tree config (d/db db/conn) user entities-by-name validated-scope scoping-sets #{:RARestaurant.ofOwner}))) Returns a map with db ids, something like: {:RAOwner.me #{11122, 1222} :user #{2312312}}
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