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(build-dependency-tree scoping)

Reads scoping and builds tree which describes dependency between tags each edge represents a dependency: if tag B has ingoing edge from tag A it means that tag A is present in tag's B constraint if tag A has outgoing edge to B it means that tag B has tag A in its constraints {tagB {:constraints [= :field tagA]}} <=> A -> B edges are represent as map of sets: tag #{set of in/out going edges}, roots are stored in set returns a tuple [ingoing edges, outgoing edges, roots (where root is a tag with :user/uuid in its constraints)]

Reads scoping and builds tree which describes dependency between tags
each edge represents a dependency:
if tag B has ingoing edge from tag A it means that tag A is present in tag's B constraint
if tag A has outgoing edge to B it means that tag B has tag A in its constraints
{tagB {:constraints [= :field tagA]}} <=> A -> B
edges are represent as map of sets: tag #{set of in/out going edges}, roots are stored in set
returns a tuple [ingoing edges, outgoing edges, roots (where root is a tag with :user/uuid in its constraints)]
sourceraw docstring


(get-minimum-scoping-sets scoping)

Given a scoping returns map of sets which has tags as key and each set keeps tags required for scoping that tag

Given a scoping
returns map of sets which has tags as key and each set keeps
tags required for scoping that tag
sourceraw docstring

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