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(->batch-result batch-size prefix-table?)


(->rows-seq xs mapper cleanup)

Convert a sequence of JSON strings to a lazy sequence of maps. The cleanup function is called when the sequence is exhausted.

Convert a sequence of JSON strings to a lazy sequence of maps.
The cleanup function is called when the sequence is exhausted.
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(append-row-to-file writer row)

Append a row to a file as a JSON string.

Append a row to a file as a JSON string.
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(convert-values types row)

Convert the values in a row to the appropriate types.

Convert the values in a row to the appropriate types.
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(execute-statement {:keys [connection statement options prefix-table? timeout]
                    :or {options {} prefix-table? true}})

Execute a query and return the result set as a sequence of maps.

Execute a query and return the result set as a sequence of maps.
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(expand-datasets query-map)


(get-columns-types row prefix-table?)

Returns a map of column names and their SQL types.

Returns a map of column names and their SQL types.
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(make-query {:keys [connection query options prefix-table? preserve-types?
                    timeout concurrency result-type cursors fetch-size]
             :or {options {}
                  prefix-table? true
                  preserve-types? false
                  fetch-size 5000
                  concurrency :read-only
                  cursors :close
                  result-type :forward-only}})

Execute a query and write the results to a temporary file. Return a lazy sequence of maps representing the rows in the result set. The query can be a HoneySQL query or a plain SQL string (wrapped in the vector).

Execute a query and write the results to a temporary file.
Return a lazy sequence of maps representing the rows in the result set.
The query can be a HoneySQL query or a plain SQL string (wrapped in the vector).
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(append this record)


(flush-batch this batch)


(prep-connection connection)

Prepare a connection for use in a query.

Prepare a connection for use in a query.
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(record->map record)

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