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Implements the Github Repos API:

Implements the Github Repos API:
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(add-collaborator user repo collaborator options)

Add a collaborator to a repository.

Add a collaborator to a repository.
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(all-repos & [options])

Lists all of the repositories, in the order they were created. Options are: since -- integer ID of the last repository seen.

Lists all of the repositories, in the order they were created.
Options are:
   since -- integer ID of the last repository seen.
sourceraw docstring

(archive-link user
              {git-ref :ref :or {git-ref ""} :as options})

Get a URL to download a tarball or zipball archive for a repository. Options are: ref -- The name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to master.

Get a URL to download a tarball or zipball archive for a repository.
Options are:
   ref -- The name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to master.
sourceraw docstring


(branches user repo & [options])

List a repository's branches.

List a repository's branches.
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(code-frequency user repo & [options])

List weekly additions and deletions

List weekly additions and deletions
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(collaborator? user repo collaborator & [options])

Check if a user is a collaborator.

Check if a user is a collaborator.
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(collaborators user repo & [options])

List a repository's collaborators.

List a repository's collaborators.
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(commit-activity user repo & [options])

List weekly commit activiy for the past year

List weekly commit activiy for the past year
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(commit-comment-reactions user repo comment-id & [options])

Lists reactions on a comment

Lists reactions on a comment
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(commit-comments user repo & [options])

List the commit comments for a repository.

List the commit comments for a repository.
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(commits user repo & [options])

List commits for a repository. Options are: sha -- Sha or branch to start lising commits from. path -- Only commits at this path will be returned.

List commits for a repository.
Options are:
   sha  -- Sha or branch to start lising commits from.
   path -- Only commits at this path will be returned.
sourceraw docstring


(compare-commits user repo base head & [options])


(contents user repo path {:keys [str?] :as options})

Get the contents of any file or directory in a repository. Options are: ref -- The name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to master. str? -- Whether the content should be decoded to a String. Defaults to false (ByteArray).

Get the contents of any file or directory in a repository.
Options are:
   ref  -- The name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to master.
   str? -- Whether the content should be decoded to a String. Defaults to false (ByteArray).
sourceraw docstring


(contributor-statistics user repo & [options])

List additions, deletions, and commit counts per contributor

List additions, deletions, and commit counts per contributor
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(contributors user repo & [options])

List the contributors for a project. Options are: anon -- true, false (default): If true, include anonymous contributors.

List the contributors for a project.
Options are:
   anon -- true, false (default): If true, include
           anonymous contributors.
sourceraw docstring


(create-commit-comment user repo sha path position body options)

Create a commit comment. path is the location of the file you're commenting on. position is the index of the line you're commenting on. Not the actual line number, but the nth line shown in the diff.

Create a commit comment. path is the location of the file you're commenting on.
position is the index of the line you're commenting on. Not the actual line number,
but the nth line shown in the diff.
sourceraw docstring


(create-deployment user repo ref options)

Creates a deployment for a ref. Options are: force, payload, auto-merge, description

Creates a deployment for a ref.
Options are: force, payload, auto-merge, description
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(create-deployment-status user repo deployment options)

Create a deployment status. Options are: state (required), target-url, description

Create a deployment status.
Options are: state (required), target-url, description
sourceraw docstring


(create-fork user repo options)

Create a new fork. Options are: org -- If present, the repo is forked to this organization.

Create a new fork.
Options are:
   org -- If present, the repo is forked to this organization.
sourceraw docstring


(create-hook user repo name config options)

Create a hook. Options are: events -- A sequence of event strings. Only 'push' by default. active -- true or false; determines if the hook is actually triggered on pushes.

Create a hook.
Options are:
   events -- A sequence of event strings. Only 'push' by default.
   active -- true or false; determines if the hook is actually triggered
             on pushes.
sourceraw docstring


(create-key user repo title key options)

Create a new deploy key.

Create a new deploy key.
sourceraw docstring


(create-org-repo org name options)

Create a new repository in an organization.. Options are: description -- Repository's description. homepage -- Link to repository's homepage. public -- true (default), false. has-issues -- true (default), false. has-wiki -- true (default), false. has-downloads -- true (default), false. team-id -- Team that will be granted access to this repository.

Create a new repository in an organization..
Options are:
   description   -- Repository's description.
   homepage      -- Link to repository's homepage.
   public        -- true (default), false.
   has-issues    -- true (default), false.
   has-wiki      -- true (default), false.
   has-downloads -- true (default), false.
   team-id       -- Team that will be granted access to this
sourceraw docstring


(create-release user repo options)

Creates a release. Options are: tag-name (required), target-commitish, name, body, draft, prerelease

Creates a release.
Options are: tag-name (required), target-commitish, name, body, draft, prerelease
sourceraw docstring


(create-repo name options)

Create a new repository. Options are: description -- Repository's description. homepage -- Link to repository's homepage. public -- true (default), false. has-issues -- true (default), false. has-wiki -- true (default), false. has-downloads -- true (default), false.

Create a new repository.
Options are:
   description   -- Repository's description.
   homepage      -- Link to repository's homepage.
   public        -- true (default), false.
   has-issues    -- true (default), false.
   has-wiki      -- true (default), false.
   has-downloads -- true (default), false.
sourceraw docstring


(create-status user repo sha options)

Creates a status. Options are: state target-url description context; state is mandatory

Creates a status.
Options are: state target-url description context; state is mandatory
sourceraw docstring


(delete-commit-comment user repo id options)


(delete-contents user repo path message sha & [options])

Delete a file in a repository path -- The content path. message -- The commit message. sha -- The blob SHA of the file being deleted. Options are: branch -- The branch name. Default: the repository’s default branch (usually master) author -- A map containing :name and :email for the author of the commit committer -- A map containing :name and :email for the committer of the commit

Delete a file in a repository
path    -- The content path.
message -- The commit message.
sha     -- The blob SHA of the file being deleted.
Options are:
   branch    -- The branch name. Default: the repository’s default branch (usually master)
   author    -- A map containing :name and :email for the author of the commit
   committer -- A map containing :name and :email for the committer of the commit
sourceraw docstring


(delete-download user repo id options)

Delete a download

Delete a download
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(delete-hook user repo id options)

Delete a hook.

Delete a hook.
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(delete-key user repo id options)

Delete a deploy key.

Delete a deploy key.
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(delete-release user repo id & [options])

Deletes a release.

Deletes a release.
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(deployment-statuses user repo deployment options)

Returns deployment statuses for a deployment

Returns deployment statuses for a deployment
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(deployments user repo & [options])

Returns deployments for a repo

Returns deployments for a repo
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(download-resource user repo path options)

Get a download resource for a file you want to upload. You can pass it to upload-file to actually upload your file.

Get a download resource for a file you want to upload. You can pass it
to upload-file to actually upload your file.
sourceraw docstring


(downloads user repo & [options])

List the downloads for a repository.

List the downloads for a repository.
sourceraw docstring


(edit-hook user repo id options)

Edit an existing hook. Options are: name -- Name of the hook. config -- Modified config. events -- A sequence of event strings. Replaces the events. add_events -- A sequence of event strings to be added. remove_events -- A sequence of event strings to remove. active -- true or false; determines if the hook is actually triggered on pushes.

Edit an existing hook.
Options are:
   name          -- Name of the hook.
   config        -- Modified config.
   events        -- A sequence of event strings. Replaces the events.
   add_events    -- A sequence of event strings to be added.
   remove_events -- A sequence of event strings to remove.
   active        -- true or false; determines if the hook is actually
                    triggered on pushes.
sourceraw docstring


(edit-repo user repo options)

Edit a repository. Options are: description -- Repository's description. name -- Repository's name. homepage -- Link to repository's homepage. public -- true, false. has-issues -- true, false. has-wiki -- true, false. has-downloads -- true, false.

Edit a repository.
Options are:
   description   -- Repository's description.
   name          -- Repository's name.
   homepage      -- Link to repository's homepage.
   public        -- true, false.
   has-issues    -- true, false.
   has-wiki      -- true, false.
   has-downloads -- true, false.
sourceraw docstring


(encode-b64 content)


(forks user repo & [options])

Get a list of a repository's forks.

Get a list of a repository's forks.
sourceraw docstring


(hooks user repo options)

List the hooks on a repository.

List the hooks on a repository.
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(keys user repo options)

List deploy keys for a repo.

List deploy keys for a repo.
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(languages user repo & [options])

List the languages that a repository uses.

List the languages that a repository uses.
sourceraw docstring


(org-repos org & [options])

List repositories for an organization. Options are: type -- all (default), public, private.

List repositories for an organization.
Options are:
   type -- all (default), public, private.
sourceraw docstring


(participation user repo & [options])

List weekly commit count grouped by the owner and all other users

List weekly commit count grouped by the owner and all other users
sourceraw docstring


(pubsubhubub user repo mode event callback & [options])

Create or modify a pubsubhubub subscription. Options are: secret -- A shared secret key that generates an SHA HMAC of the payload content.

Create or modify a pubsubhubub subscription.
Options are:
   secret -- A shared secret key that generates an SHA HMAC of the
             payload content.
sourceraw docstring


(punch-card user repo & [options])

List commit count per hour in the day

List commit count per hour in the day
sourceraw docstring


(readme user repo {:keys [str?] :or {str? true} :as options})

Get the preferred README for a repository. Options are: ref -- The name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to master. str? -- Whether the content should be decoded to String. Defaults to true.

Get the preferred README for a repository.
Options are:
   ref  -- The name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to master.
   str? -- Whether the content should be decoded to String. Defaults to true.
sourceraw docstring


(releases user repo & [options])

List releases for a repository.

List releases for a repository.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-collaborator user repo collaborator options)

Remove a collaborator from a repository.

Remove a collaborator from a repository.
sourceraw docstring


(repos options)

List the authenticated user's repositories. Options are: type -- all (default), public, private, member.

List the authenticated user's repositories.
Options are:
   type -- all (default), public, private, member.
sourceraw docstring


(specific-commit user repo sha & [options])

Get a specific commit.

Get a specific commit.
sourceraw docstring


(specific-commit-comment user repo id & [options])

Get a specific commit comment.

Get a specific commit comment.
sourceraw docstring


(specific-commit-comments user repo sha & [options])

Get the comments on a specific commit.

Get the comments on a specific commit.
sourceraw docstring


(specific-download user repo id & [options])

Get a specific download.

Get a specific download.
sourceraw docstring


(specific-hook user repo id options)

Get a specific hook.

Get a specific hook.
sourceraw docstring


(specific-key user repo id options)

Get a specific deploy key.

Get a specific deploy key.
sourceraw docstring


(specific-release user repo id & [options])

Gets a specific release.

Gets a specific release.
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(specific-release-by-tag user repo tag & [options])

Gets a specific release by tag.

Gets a specific release by tag.
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(specific-repo user repo & [options])

Get a repository.

Get a repository.
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(star user repo options)

Star a repository.

Star a repository.
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(stargazers user repo & [options])

List a repository's stargazers.

List a repository's stargazers.
sourceraw docstring


(starring user & [options])

List all the repositories that a user is starring.

List all the repositories that a user is starring.
sourceraw docstring


(starring? user repo options)

Check if you are watching a repository.

Check if you are watching a repository.
sourceraw docstring


(statuses user repo ref & [options])

Returns the combined status of a ref (SHA, branch, or tag). By default, returns the combined status. Include `:combined? false' in options to disable combined status (see

Returns the combined status of a ref (SHA, branch, or tag).
By default, returns the combined status. Include `:combined? false'
in options to disable combined status
sourceraw docstring


(tags user repo & [options])

List a repository's tags.

List a repository's tags.
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(teams user repo & [options])

List a repository's teams.

List a repository's teams.
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(test-hook user repo id options)

Test a hook.

Test a hook.
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(unstar user repo options)

Unstar a repository

Unstar a repository
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(unwatch user repo options)

Unwatch a repository.

Unwatch a repository.
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(update-commit-comment user repo id body options)

Update a commit comment.

Update a commit comment.
sourceraw docstring


(update-contents user repo path message content sha & [options])

Update a file in a repository path -- The content path. message -- The commit message. content -- The updated file content, Base64 encoded. sha -- The blob SHA of the file being replaced. Options are: branch -- The branch name. Default: the repository’s default branch (usually master) author -- A map containing :name and :email for the author of the commit committer -- A map containing :name and :email for the committer of the commit

Update a file in a repository
path -- The content path.
message -- The commit message.
content -- The updated file content, Base64 encoded.
sha -- The blob SHA of the file being replaced.
Options are:
   branch    -- The branch name. Default: the repository’s default branch (usually master)
   author    -- A map containing :name and :email for the author of the commit
   committer -- A map containing :name and :email for the committer of the commit
sourceraw docstring


(upload-file resp)

Upload a file given a download resource obtained from download-resource.

Upload a file given a download resource obtained from download-resource.
sourceraw docstring


(user-repos user & [options])

List a user's repositories. Options are: types -- all (default), public, private, member.

List a user's repositories.
Options are:
   types -- all (default), public, private, member.
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(watch user repo options)

Watch a repository.

Watch a repository.
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(watchers user repo & [options])

List a repository's watchers.

List a repository's watchers.
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(watching user & [options])

List all the repositories that a user is watching.

List all the repositories that a user is watching.
sourceraw docstring


(watching? user repo options)

Check if you are watching a repository.

Check if you are watching a repository.
sourceraw docstring

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