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(address? address)
(address? Web3 address)

Returns a boolean indicating if the given string is an address.

Parameters: address - An HEX string. Web3 - (Optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object

Returns false if it's not on a valid address format. Returns true if it's an all lowercase or all uppercase valid address. If it's a mixed case address, it checks using web3's isChecksumAddress().

Example: user> (address? "0x8888f1f195afa192cfee860698584c030f4c9db1") true

;; With first f capitalized user> (web3/address? "0x8888F1f195afa192cfee860698584c030f4c9db1") false

Returns a boolean indicating if the given string is an address.

address - An HEX string.
Web3    - (Optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object

Returns false if it's not on a valid address format. Returns true if it's an
all lowercase or all uppercase valid address. If it's a mixed case address, it
checks using web3's isChecksumAddress().

user> `(address? "0x8888f1f195afa192cfee860698584c030f4c9db1")`

;; With first f capitalized
user> `(web3/address? "0x8888F1f195afa192cfee860698584c030f4c9db1")`
raw docstring


(connected? provider)


(connection-url provider)


(create-web3 url)
(create-web3 Web3 url)

Creates a web3 instance using an http-provider.

Parameters: url - The URL string for which to create the provider. Web3 - (Optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object

Example: user> (create-web3 "http://localhost:8545/") <web3 instance>

Creates a web3 instance using an `http-provider`.

url  - The URL string for which to create the provider.
Web3 - (Optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object

user> `(create-web3 "http://localhost:8545/")`
<web3 instance>
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(current-provider web3)

Will contain the current provider, if one is set. This can be used to check if Mist etc. already set a provider.

Parameters: web3 - web3 instance

Returns the provider set or nil.

Will contain the current provider, if one is set. This can be used to check
if Mist etc. already set a provider.

web3 - web3 instance

Returns the provider set or nil.
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(disconnect provider)


(extend provider property methods)


(from-ascii string)
(from-ascii string padding)
(from-ascii Web3 string padding)

Converts any ASCII string to a HEX string.

Parameters: string - An ASCII string to be converted to HEX. padding - (optional) The number of bytes the returned HEX string should have. Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user> (from-ascii "ethereum") "0x657468657265756d" user> (from-ascii "ethereum") "0x657468657265756d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

NOTE: The latter is intended behaviour. Because of a bug in Web3 the padding is not added. See

Converts any ASCII string to a HEX string.

string  - An ASCII string to be converted to HEX.
padding - (optional) The number of bytes the returned HEX string should have.
Web3    - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user> `(from-ascii "ethereum")`
user> `(from-ascii "ethereum")`

NOTE: The latter is intended behaviour. Because of a bug in Web3 the padding
      is not added. See
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(from-decimal number)
(from-decimal Web3 number)

Converts a number or number string to its HEX representation.

renamed to numberToHex in 1.0

Parameters: number - A number to be converted to a HEX string. Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user-> (web3/from-decimal 21) "0x15"

Converts a number or number string to its HEX representation.

renamed to numberToHex in 1.0

number - A number to be converted to a HEX string.
Web3   - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user-> `(web3/from-decimal 21)`
raw docstring


(from-wei number unit)
(from-wei Web3 number unit)

Converts a number of Wei into an Ethereum unit.

Parameters: number - A number or BigNumber instance. unit - One of :noether :wei :kwei :Kwei :babbage :femtoether :mwei :Mwei :lovelace :picoether :gwei :Gwei :shannon :nanoether :nano :szabo :microether :micro :finney :milliether :milli :ether :kether :grand :mether :gether :tether Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Returns either a number string, or a BigNumber instance, depending on the given number parameter.

Example: user> (web3/from-wei 10 :ether) "0.00000000000000001"

Converts a number of Wei into an Ethereum unit.

number - A number or BigNumber instance.
unit   - One of :noether :wei :kwei :Kwei :babbage :femtoether :mwei :Mwei
         :lovelace :picoether :gwei :Gwei :shannon :nanoether :nano :szabo
         :microether :micro :finney :milliether :milli :ether :kether :grand
         :mether :gether :tether
Web3   - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Returns either a number string, or a BigNumber instance, depending on the
given number parameter.

user> `(web3/from-wei 10 :ether)`
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(http-provider uri)
(http-provider uri web3)


(ipc-provider Web3 uri)


(on-connect provider & [callback])


(on-disconnect provider & [callback])


(on-error provider & [callback])


(pad-left string chars)
(pad-left string chars sign)
(pad-left Web3 string chars sign)

Returns input string with zeroes or sign padded to the left.

Parameters: string - String to be padded chars - Amount of chars to address sign - (optional) Char to pad with (behaviour with multiple chars is undefined) Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user> (web3/pad-left "foo" 8) "00000foo" user> (web3/pad-left "foo" 8 "b") "bbbbbfoo"

Returns input string with zeroes or sign padded to the left.

string - String to be padded
chars  - Amount of chars to address
sign   - (optional) Char to pad with (behaviour with multiple chars is
Web3   - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user> `(web3/pad-left "foo" 8)`
user> `(web3/pad-left "foo" 8 "b")`
raw docstring


(pad-right string chars)
(pad-right string chars sign)
(pad-right Web3 string chars sign)

Returns input string with zeroes or sign padded to the right.

Parameters: string - String to be padded chars - Amount of total chars sign - (optional) Char to pad with (behaviour with multiple chars is undefined) Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 instance

Example: user> (web3/pad-right "foo" 8) "foo00000" user> (web3/pad-right "foo" 8 "b") "foobbbbb"

Returns input string with zeroes or sign padded to the right.

string - String to be padded
chars  - Amount of total chars
sign   - (optional) Char to pad with (behaviour with multiple chars is
Web3   - (optional first argument) Web3 instance

user> `(web3/pad-right "foo" 8)`
user> `(web3/pad-right "foo" 8 "b")`
raw docstring


(reset web3)
(reset web3 keep-is-syncing?)

Should be called to reset the state of web3. Resets everything except the manager. Uninstalls all filters. Stops polling.

was a breaking change in 1.0, reset() removed shimming to setProvider(currentProvider)

Parameters: web3 - An instance of web3 keep-is-syncing? - If true it will uninstall all filters, but will keep the web3.eth.isSyncing() polls

Returns nil.

Example: user> (reset web3-instance true) nil

Should be called to reset the state of web3. Resets everything except the manager.
Uninstalls all filters. Stops polling.

was a breaking change in 1.0, reset() removed shimming to setProvider(currentProvider)

web3             - An instance of web3
keep-is-syncing? - If true it will uninstall all filters, but will keep the
                   web3.eth.isSyncing() polls

Returns nil.

user> `(reset web3-instance true)`
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(set-provider web3 provider)

Should be called to set provider.

Parameters: web3 - Web3 instance provider - the provider

Available providers in web3-cljs:

  • http-provider
  • ipc-provider

Example: user> (set-provider web3-instance (http-provider web3-instance "http://localhost:8545")) nil

Should be called to set provider.

web3     - Web3 instance
provider - the provider

Available providers in web3-cljs:
- `http-provider`
- `ipc-provider`

user> `(set-provider web3-instance
                     (http-provider web3-instance "http://localhost:8545"))`
raw docstring


(sha3 string)
(sha3 Web3 string)

Returns a string representing the Keccak-256 SHA3 of the given data.

Breaking change in 1.0: options are not accepted

Parameters: String - The string to hash using the Keccak-256 SHA3 algorithm Map - (optional) Set encoding to hex if the string to hash is encoded in hex. A leading 0x will be automatically ignored. Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user> (def hash "Some string to be hashed") #'user/hash user> (sha3 hash) "0xed973b234cf2238052c9ac87072c71bcf33abc1bbd721018e0cca448ef79b379" user> (sha3 hash {:encoding :hex}) "0xbd83a94d23235dd7dfcf67a5a0d9e9643a715cd5b528083a2cf944d61f8e7b51"

NOTE: This differs from the documented result of the Web3 JavaScript API, which equals "0x85dd39c91a64167ba20732b228251e67caed1462d4bcf036af88dc6856d0fdcc"

Returns a string representing the Keccak-256 SHA3 of the given data.

Breaking change in 1.0: options are not accepted

String - The string to hash using the Keccak-256 SHA3 algorithm
Map    - (optional) Set encoding to hex if the string to hash is encoded
                    in hex. A leading 0x will be automatically ignored.
Web3   - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user> (def hash "Some string to be hashed")
user> `(sha3 hash)
user> `(sha3 hash {:encoding :hex})`

NOTE: This differs from the documented result of the Web3 JavaScript API,
which equals
raw docstring


(to-ascii hex-string)
(to-ascii Web3 hex-string)

Converts a HEX string into a ASCII string.

Parameters: hex-string - A HEX string to be converted to ASCII. Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user> (to-ascii "0x666f6f") "foo"

Converts a HEX string into a ASCII string.

hex-string - A HEX string to be converted to ASCII.
Web3       - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user> `(to-ascii "0x666f6f")`
raw docstring


(to-big-number number-or-hex-string)
(to-big-number Web3 number-or-hex-string)

Converts a given number into a BigNumber instance.

renamed to toBN in 1.0

Parameters: number-or-hex-string - A number, number string or HEX string of a number. Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user> (to-big-number "10000000000000000000") <An instance of BigNumber>

Converts a given number into a BigNumber instance.

renamed to toBN in 1.0

number-or-hex-string - A number, number string or HEX string of a number.
Web3                 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user> `(to-big-number "10000000000000000000")`
<An instance of BigNumber>
raw docstring


(to-decimal hex-string)
(to-decimal Web3 hex-string)

Returns the number representing a HEX string in its number representation.

renamed to hexToNumber in 1.0

Parameters: hex-string - An HEX string to be converted to a number. Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user> (to-decimal "0x15") 21

Returns the number representing a HEX string in its number representation.

renamed to hexToNumber in 1.0

hex-string - An HEX string to be converted to a number.
Web3       - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user> `(to-decimal "0x15")`
raw docstring


(to-hex any)
(to-hex Web3 any)

Returns hexadecimal string representation of any value string|number|map|set|BigNumber.

Parameters: Any - The value to parse Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Example: user> (to-hex "foo") "0x666f6f"

Returns hexadecimal string representation of any value

Any  - The value to parse
Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

user> `(to-hex "foo")`
raw docstring


(to-wei number unit)
(to-wei Web3 number unit)

Converts an Ethereum unit into Wei.

Parameters: number - A number or BigNumber instance. unit - One of :noether :wei :kwei :Kwei :babbage :femtoether :mwei :Mwei :lovelace :picoether :gwei :Gwei :shannon :nanoether :nano :szabo :microether :micro :finney :milliether :milli :ether :kether :grand :mether :gether :tether Web3 - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Returns either a number string, or a BigNumber instance, depending on the given number parameter.

Example: user> (web3/to-wei 10 :ether) "10000000000000000000"

Converts an Ethereum unit into Wei.

number - A number or BigNumber instance.
unit   - One of :noether :wei :kwei :Kwei :babbage :femtoether :mwei :Mwei
         :lovelace :picoether :gwei :Gwei :shannon :nanoether :nano :szabo
         :microether :micro :finney :milliether :milli :ether :kether :grand
         :mether :gether :tether
Web3   - (optional first argument) Web3 JavaScript object.

Returns either a number string, or a BigNumber instance, depending on the
given number parameter.

user> `(web3/to-wei 10 :ether)`
raw docstring


Returns a hexadecimal string representing the Ethereum protocol version. Parameters: web3 - web3 instance callback-fn - callback with two parameters, error and result Example: user> (version-ethereum web3-instance (fn [err res] (when-not err (println res)))) nil user> 0x3f

Returns a hexadecimal string representing the Ethereum protocol version.
web3        - web3 instance
callback-fn - callback with two parameters, error and result
user> `(version-ethereum web3-instance
         (fn [err res] (when-not err (println res))))`
user> 0x3f
raw docstring


Returns a hexadecimal string representing the Ethereum protocol version. Parameters: web3 - web3 instance callback-fn - callback with two parameters, error and result Example: user> (version-ethereum web3-instance (fn [err res] (when-not err (println res)))) nil user> 0x3f

Returns a hexadecimal string representing the Ethereum protocol version.
web3        - web3 instance
callback-fn - callback with two parameters, error and result
user> `(version-ethereum web3-instance
         (fn [err res] (when-not err (println res))))`
user> 0x3f
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Return the web3 instance injected via Mist or Metamask

Breaking change in MM, MM no longer injects web3 Shimming to global currentProvider

Return the web3 instance injected via Mist or Metamask

Breaking change in MM, MM no longer injects web3
Shimming to global currentProvider
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(websocket-provider uri opts)


(ws-provider uri)
(ws-provider uri opts)

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