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(compose a)
(compose [a & as :as aseq] [b & bs :as bseq])
(compose a b & xs)


(daily {:keys [hour minute second timezone]
        :or {hour 0 minute 0 second 0 timezone "UTC"}})

Returns a lazy sequence of daily ZonedDateTime starting from today.

hour, minute, second and timezone is controlled by the arguments.

Returns a lazy sequence of daily ZonedDateTime starting from today.

hour, minute, second and timezone is controlled by the arguments.
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(schedule-seq! sq f)

Schedule a sequence of java.time.ZonedDateTime

Schedule a sequence of java.time.ZonedDateTime
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Starts the threadpool to execute tasks on the queue automatically. Repeated calls to start are noops.

Starts the threadpool to execute tasks on the queue automatically. Repeated
calls to start are noops.
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Stops the task threadpool. Waits for threads to exit. Repeated calls to stop are noops.

Stops the task threadpool. Waits for threads to exit. Repeated calls to stop
are noops.
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(weekly {:keys [day hour minute second timezone]
         :or {day :mon hour 0 minute 0 second 0 timezone "UTC"}
         :as opts})

Returns a lazy sequence of weekly java.time.ZonedDateTime.

Day is controlled by :day, and may be :mon, :tue, :wed, :thur, :fri, :sat or :sun. Hour, minute, second and timezone is also configurable.

Returns a lazy sequence of weekly java.time.ZonedDateTime.

Day is controlled by :day, and may be :mon, :tue, :wed, :thur, :fri, :sat or :sun.
Hour, minute, second and timezone is also configurable.
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