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Schedule daily or weekly occurences in a given timezone in Clojure (JVM only). Tweak them using standard clojure.core/filter, clojure.core/remove and so on.


Clojars Project

10-second example

(require '[ivarref.recurring-cup :as cup])

; Start executor thread pool. Repeated calls are no-ops.

; Make a daily reminder to yourself to eat lunch at 12:30 in timezone Europe/Oslo:
(cup/schedule! ; Identifier of schedule:
               ; The schedule, i.e. daily at 12:30 in timezone Europe/Oslo:
               (cup/daily {:hour 12 :minute 30 :timezone "Europe/Oslo"})
               ; The function to execute:
               (bound-fn [] (println "Time to eat lunch!")))

; Make a weekly reminder on Mondays:
(cup/schedule! ::another-week
               (cup/weekly {:day :mon ; :day should be one of :mon, :tue, :wed, :thur, :fri, :sat or :sun
                            :hour 7 :minute 0 :timezone "Europe/Oslo"})
               (bound-fn [] (println "Another week begins...")))

; Replace an existing schedule by using the same identifier:
(cup/schedule! ::another-week
               (cup/weekly {:day :mon
                            :hour 8 :minute 0 :timezone "Europe/Oslo"})
               (bound-fn [] (println "Another week begins! 😻")))

Advanced usage

cup/daily and cup/weekly returns lazy sequences. Thus you can use standard clojure.core/filter, clojure.core/remove, etc. to build up your preferred schedule.

cup/compose joins two or more sequences together and returns a single sorted lazy sequence.

Example coffee schedule using cup/compose and clojure.core/remove

(require '[ivarref.recurring-cup :as cup])
(import (java.time DayOfWeek))

; Don't blow up the stack if you want to inspect the seq manually:
(set! *print-length* 10)

(def coffee-schedule
  (->> (cup/compose 
         (cup/daily {:hour 9 :minute 0 :timezone "Europe/Oslo"})
         (cup/daily {:hour 12 :minute 0 :timezone "Europe/Oslo"})
         (cup/daily {:hour 13 :minute 0 :timezone "Europe/Oslo"}))
       ; cup/daily, cup/compose, etc. returns a lazy seq, so you may tweak
       ; the sequence using standard remove, filter, etc: 
       (remove #(#{DayOfWeek/SATURDAY DayOfWeek/SUNDAY} (.getDayOfWeek %)))))

; Example output:
; This was executing on a Friday at 11.40, so the 09 hour is not here
; (#object[ZonedDateTime "2021-01-15T12:00+01:00[Europe/Oslo]"] 
;  #object[ZonedDateTime "2021-01-15T13:00+01:00[Europe/Oslo]"] 

; We skip SATURDAY and SUNDAY, so we go right to Monday 09 after Friday.
; Notice thus that we go from 2021-01-15 to 2021-01-18:
;  #object[ZonedDateTime "2021-01-18T09:00+01:00[Europe/Oslo]"]
;  #object[ZonedDateTime "2021-01-18T12:00+01:00[Europe/Oslo]"] 
;  #object[ZonedDateTime "2021-01-18T13:00+01:00[Europe/Oslo]"]
; ...)

(cup/schedule! ::coffee-reminder
               (bound-fn [] (println "Time to get some coffee ☕")))

Error handling

If the scheduled function throws an exception, it will be logged using ERROR level.


List of available timezones.


Built on top of the excellent Tea-Time.


Copyright © 2019 Ivar Refsdal

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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