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A tiny Clojure library designed to complement the java.time API (introduced with Java 8). It exposes a handful of functions, and is mainly based on the p/Datafiable and p/Navigable protocols (introduced with Clojure 1.10).


java.time is a piece of art. The API is well thought out, its classes are immutable, its methods well named, the conventions/idioms introduced are sound and are consistently followed, and generally speaking it is (for the most part) a joy to work with.


Given the above premise, jedi-time doesn't try to be a full wrapper around java.time. There are good Clojure wrappers around. Instead, the intention here to provide a bridge from java.time objects to Clojure maps (and back - even if the metadata was somehow lost). Navigation facilities (as you'll see below) do have a wrapper feel to them, but they don't even scratch the surface of the entire java.time API.


Temporal fields are hierarchical, and so in Java the naming convention follows the bar-of-foo pattern (e.g Chrono/ISO fields etc). In jedi-time, bar-of-foo becomes path [:foo :bar]. For instance ChronoField/DAY_OF_YEAR becomes [:year :day], and you can use it to pull out the value from the datafied using get-in (see below).



The majority of the functionality is provided in the core namespace. Loading/requiring it automatically extends clojure.core.protocols/Datafiable to the following 9 java.time types:

  1. Month
  2. DayOfWeek
  3. YearMonth
  4. LocalTime
  5. LocalDate
  6. LocalDateTime
  7. OffsetDateTime
  8. ZonedDateTime
  9. Instant

All datafied implementations return a clojure.core.protocols/Navigable map. You can think of it as a plain Clojure map if you only care about the raw data. However, navigation can take us places, so if you like travelling buckle on. ;)

Ok, so you have a java.time object - what can you do with it? The obvious thing is to turn it into data (see the intro for an exhaustive list).

(require '[jedi-time.core :as jdt]
         '[clojure.datafy :as d])   ;; first things first

(d/datafy (jdt/now! :as :zoned-datetime)) ;; datafy an instance of ZonedDateTime
{:day  {:hour 20},               ;; hour of day
 :hour {:minute 9},              ;; minute of hour
 :week {:day {:name "WEDNESDAY", ;; name of day of week
              :value 3}},        ;; index of day of week
 :second {:nano 11914000,        ;; nano of second
          :milli 11,             ;; milli of second 
          :micro 11914},         ;; micro of second 
 :minute {:second 34}            ;; second of minute 
 :offset {:id "Z",               ;; id of offset  
          :hours 0,              ;; hours of offset
          :seconds 0},           ;; seconds of offset 
 :zone {:id "Europe/London"},    ;; id of zone
 :year {:month {:name "JANUARY", ;; name of month of year
                :value 1,        ;; index of month of year 
                :length 31,      ;; length of month of year (accounting for leap years)
                :day 8},         ;; day of month of year
       :length 366,              ;; length of year
       :leap? true,              ;; is leap year?
       :value 2020,              ;; value of year
       :day 8                    ;; day of year 
       :week 2}                  ;; week of year 

(class *1)
=> clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

This is the object represented as data. This alone, opens up a world of opportunities, but wait there is more...

Given the above data representation, we can navigate to a bunch of things (see the intro for an exhaustive list):

(let [datafied (d/datafy (jdt/now! :as :zoned-datetime))] 
  (d/nav datafied :format :iso)       =>  "2020-01-29T08:37:31.737789Z[Europe/London]"
  (d/nav datafied :format "yy-MM-dd") =>  "20-01-29"
  (d/nav datafied :to :instant)       =>  #object[java.time.Instant 0x19ca0015 "2020-01-29T08:37:31.737789Z"]

You can navigate to some (chronologically) modified, or alternate version (where supported).

(d/nav datafied :+ [3 :hours])
(d/nav datafied :- [2 :days]) ;; will correctly use Period (as opposed to Duration)

;;this may promote the types
(d/nav datafied :at-zone   ["Europe/London" :same-instant])
(d/nav datafied :at-offset ["+01:00"        :same-local])  

You can navigate to any direct parents (e.g. :local-time + :local-date => local-datetime) of the datafied object, except from a datafied Instant which can be navigated to pretty much anything:

(let [datafied (d/datafy (jdt/now! :as :offset-datetime))] 
  (-> datafied  
     (d/nav :to :local-datetime) ;; => #object[java.time.LocalDateTime 0x7363452f "2020-01-29T10:15:21.399461"]
     (d/nav :to :local-date)     ;; => #object[java.time.LocalDate 0x167f1c41 "2020-01-29"]
     (d/nav :to :year-month)     ;; => #object[java.time.YearMonth 0x9a9de2f "2020-01"]

If calling d/nav returns a Java object, it is going to be one of the aforementioned 9 objects, and so it can be datafied. This whole datafy/nav dance basically creates a graph structure.


As the name implies, jdt/undatafy is the opposite of d/datafy. It can take any Clojure map (not necessarily the direct result of d/datafy), and turn it into the correct java.time object. Therefore, you don't need to worry about losing the metadata carried by the result of d/datafy (which conveniently includes the original object).


The composition of jdt/undatafy and d/datafy. Useful for re-obtaining d/nav capabilities on a meta-less mirror of something datafied.


This is a convenience namespace. It provides the following (fully) type-hinted parsing functions, each taking one (String) or two (String, DateTimeFormatter) args.

  • parse-zoned-datetime
  • parse-offset-datetime
  • parse-local-datetime
  • parse-local-date
  • parse-local-time
  • parse-year-month


  • clojure.core/Datafiable has been extended to the main 9 types in java.time.

  • (d/datafy x) turns those 9 types into Clojure maps, and jdt/undatafy turns those (or meta-less mirrors of them) back into the right Java object.

  • These maps can be navigated (via d/nav) in ways that reflect the semantics of the underlying Java objects (e.g formatting, comparing, shifting etc).

  • Some parsing helpers exist in jedi-time.parse.


Copyright © 2019 Dimitrios Piliouras

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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