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Adding a checker

With our generator and clients performing operations, we've got a history to analyze for correctness. Jepsen uses a model to represent the abstract behavior of a system, and a checker to verify whether the history conforms to that model. We'll require knossos.model and jepsen.checker:

(ns jepsen.zookeeper
  (:require [avout.core         :as avout]
            [ :refer :all]
            [    :as io]
            [clojure.string     :as str]
            [jepsen [db         :as db]
                    [checker    :as checker]
                    [client     :as client]
                    [control    :as c]
                    [generator  :as gen]
                    [tests      :as tests]
                    [util       :refer [timeout]]]
            [jepsen.os.debian   :as debian]
            [knossos.model      :as model]))

In our Zookeeper example, we're modeling a single register with reads, writes, and compare-and-set ops. The Knossos library provides a model for us: cas-register, which we'll initialize with a value of 0 to match our client.

To analyze the history, we'll specify a :checker for the test. checker/linearizable uses the Knossos linearizability checker to verify that every operation appears take place atomically between its invocation and completion. It'll use the test's :model to specify how the system should behave.

(defn zk-test
  (assoc tests/noop-test
         :name    "zookeeper"
         :os      debian/os
         :db      (db version)
         :client  (client nil nil)
         :generator (->> (gen/mix [r w cas])
                         (gen/stagger 1)
                         (gen/time-limit 15))
         :model   (model/cas-register 0)
         :checker checker/linearizable))

Running the test, we can confirm the checker's results:

$ lein test
INFO  jepsen.util - 0 :invoke :read nil
INFO  jepsen.util - 0 :ok :read 2
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 0 done
INFO  jepsen.util - 1 :invoke :cas  [3 1]
INFO  jepsen.util - 1 :fail :cas  [3 1]
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 1 done
INFO  jepsen.core - Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

{:valid? true,
 :configs ({:model {:value 2}, :pending []}),
 :final-paths ()}

The last successfully read value was 2, and sure enough, the checker's final state was 2--this history was linearizable.

We can compose multiple checkers together! For instance, if we have gnuplot installed, Jepsen can emit throughput and latency graphs for us.

         :checker (checker/compose
                    {:perf   (checker/perf)
                     :linear checker/linearizable})))
$ lein test
$ open store/latest/latency-raw.png

Now that we've got a passing test, it's time to introduce failures into the system.

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