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Tests based on detecting cycles between operations in a history.

First, we define a bunch of ways you can compute a dependency graph over a history. Our graphs use completions (e.g. ok, info) for the canonical representation of an operation. For instance:

realtime-graph relates a->b if operation b begins after operation a completes successfully.

process-graph relates a->b if a and b are performed by the same process, and that process executes a before b.

monotonic-key-graph assumes op :values are maps of keys to observed values, like {:x 1 :y 2}. It relates a->b if b observed a higher value of some key than a did. For instance, {:x 1 :y 2} -> {:x 2 :y 2}, because :x is higher in the second op.

wr-graph assumes op :values are transactions like [[f k v] ...], and relates operations based on transactional reads and writes: a->b if b observes a value that a wrote. This order requires that keys only have a given value written once.

You can also combine graphs using combine, which takes the union of multiple graphs. (combine realtime monotonic-key), for instance, verifies that not only must the values of each key monotonically increase, but that those increases must be observed in real time: stale reads are not allowed.

Given a function which takes a history and produces a dependency graph, the checker runs that function, identifies strongly-connected components in the resulting graph, and decides whether the history is valid based on whether the graph has any strongly connected components--e.g. cycles.

Tests based on detecting cycles between operations in a history.

First, we define a bunch of ways you can compute a dependency graph over a
history. Our graphs use completions (e.g. ok, info) for the canonical
representation of an operation. For instance:

`realtime-graph` relates a->b if operation b begins after operation a
completes successfully.

`process-graph` relates a->b if a and b are performed by the same process,
and that process executes a before b.

`monotonic-key-graph` assumes op :values are maps of keys to observed values,
like {:x 1 :y 2}. It relates a->b if b observed a higher value of some key
than a did. For instance, {:x 1 :y 2} -> {:x 2 :y 2}, because :x is higher in
the second op.

`wr-graph` assumes op :values are transactions like [[f k v] ...], and
relates operations based on transactional reads and writes: a->b if b
observes a value that a wrote. This order requires that keys only have a
given value written once.

You can also *combine* graphs using `combine`, which takes the union of
multiple graphs. `(combine realtime monotonic-key)`, for instance, verifies
that not only must the values of each key monotonically increase, but that
those increases must be observed in real time: stale reads are not allowed.

Given a function which takes a history and produces a dependency graph, the
checker runs that function, identifies strongly-connected components in the
resulting graph, and decides whether the history is valid based on whether
the graph has any strongly connected components--e.g. cycles.
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(->bset coll)
(->bset coll s)

Turns any collection into a Bifurcan Set.

Turns any collection into a Bifurcan Set.
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(check analyze-fn history)

Meat of the checker. Takes an analysis function and a history; returns a map of:

{:graph     The computed graph
 :explainer The explainer for that graph
 :cycles    A list of cycles we found
 :sccs      A set of strongly connected components}
Meat of the checker. Takes an analysis function and a history; returns a map

    {:graph     The computed graph
     :explainer The explainer for that graph
     :cycles    A list of cycles we found
     :sccs      A set of strongly connected components}
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(checker analyze-fn)

Takes a function which takes a history and returns a [graph, explainer] pair, and returns a checker which uses those graphs to identify cyclic dependencies.

Takes a function which takes a history and returns a [graph, explainer]
pair, and returns a checker which uses those graphs to identify cyclic
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(combine & analyzers)

Helpful in composing an analysis function for a checker out of multiple other analysis fns. For example, you might want a checker that looks for per-key monotonicity and real-time precedence---you could use:

(checker (combine monotonic-keys real-time))

Helpful in composing an analysis function for a checker out of multiple
other analysis fns. For example, you might want a checker that looks for
per-key monotonicity *and* real-time precedence---you could use:

(checker (combine monotonic-keys real-time))
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This explainer just provides the step-by-step explanation of the relationships between pairs of operations.

This explainer just provides the step-by-step explanation of the
relationships between pairs of operations.
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(explain-cycle _ pair-explainer cycle)

Takes a cycle and constructs a data structure describing it.

Takes a cycle and constructs a data structure describing it.


(render-cycle-explanation _ pair-explainer explanation)

Takes an explanation of a cycle and renders it to a string.

Takes an explanation of a cycle and renders it to a string.



(explain-pair-data _ a b)

Given a pair of operations a and b, explains why b depends on a, in the form of a data structure. Returns nil if b does not depend on a.

Given a pair of operations a and b, explains why b depends on a, in the
form of a data structure. Returns `nil` if b does not depend on a.


(render-explanation _ explanation a-name b-name)

Given an explanation from explain-pair-data, and short names for a and b, renders a string explaining why a depends on b.

Given an explanation from explain-pair-data, and short names for a and b,
renders a string explaining why a depends on b.


(digraph-union a)
(digraph-union a b)
(digraph-union a b & more)

Takes the union of n graphs, merging edges with union.

Takes the union of n graphs, merging edges with union.
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Constructs a fresh directed graph.

Constructs a fresh directed graph.
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(edge g a b)

Returns the edge between two vertices.

Returns the edge between two vertices.
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(edges g)

A lazy seq of all edges.

A lazy seq of all edges.
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(explain-binding bindings)

Takes a seq of [name op] pairs, and constructs a string naming each op.

Takes a seq of [name op] pairs, and constructs a string naming each op.
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(explain-cycle-ops pair-explainer binding steps)

Takes an pair explainer, a binding, and a sequence of steps: each an explanation data structure of one pair. Produces a string explaining why they follow in that order.

Takes an pair explainer, a binding, and a sequence of steps: each an
explanation data structure of one pair. Produces a string explaining why they
follow in that order.
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(explain-cycle-pair-data pair-explainer [a b])

Takes a pair explainer and a pair of ops, and constructs a data structure explaining why a precedes b.

Takes a pair explainer and a pair of ops, and constructs a data structure
explaining why a precedes b.
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(explain-pair explainer a-name a b-name b)

Given a pair of operations, and short names for them, explain why b depends on a, as a string. nil indicates that b does not depend on a.

Given a pair of operations, and short names for them, explain why b
depends on a, as a string. `nil` indicates that b does not depend on a.
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(explain-scc graph cycle-explainer pair-explainer scc)

Takes a graph, a cycle explainer, a pair explainer, and a strongly connected component (a collection of ops) in that graph. Using those graphs, constructs a string explaining the cycle.

Takes a graph, a cycle explainer, a pair explainer, and a strongly connected
component (a collection of ops) in that graph. Using those graphs, constructs
a string explaining the cycle.
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(ext-index ext-fn history)

Given a function that takes a txn and returns a map of external keys to written values for that txn, and a history, computes a map like {k {v [op1, op2, ...]}}, where k is a key, v is a particular value for that key, and op1, op2, ... are operations which externally wrote k=v.

Right now we index only :ok ops. Later we should do :infos too, but we need to think carefully about how to interpret the meaning of their nil reads.

Given a function that takes a txn and returns a map of external keys to
written values for that txn, and a history, computes a map like {k {v [op1,
op2, ...]}}, where k is a key, v is a particular value for that key, and op1,
op2, ... are operations which externally wrote k=v.

Right now we index only :ok ops. Later we should do :infos too, but we need
to think carefully about how to interpret the meaning of their nil reads.
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(find-cycle graph scc)

Given a graph and a strongly connected component within it, finds a short cycle in that component.

Given a graph and a strongly connected component within it, finds a short
cycle in that component.
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(find-cycle-starting-with initial-graph remaining-graph scc)

Some anomalies consist of a cycle with exactly, or at least, one edge of a particular type. This fuction works like find-cycle, but allows you to pass two graphs: an initial graph, which is used for the first step, and a remaining graph, which is used for later steps.

Some anomalies consist of a cycle with exactly, or at least, one edge of a
particular type. This fuction works like find-cycle, but allows you to pass
*two* graphs: an initial graph, which is used for the first step, and a
remaining graph, which is used for later steps.
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(forked graph)

Bifurcan's analogue to (persistent! g)

Bifurcan's analogue to (persistent! g)
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(grow-paths g paths)

Given a graph g, and a set of paths (each a sequence like [a b c]), constructs a new set of paths by taking the tip c of each path p, and expanding p to all vertices c can reach: [a b c] => #{[a b c d] [a b c e]}.

Given a graph g, and a set of paths (each a sequence like [a b c]),
constructs a new set of paths by taking the tip c of each path p, and
expanding p to all vertices c can reach: [a b c] => #{[a b c d] [a b c e]}.
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(in g v)

Inbound edges to a graph.

Inbound edges to a graph.
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(keep-edge-values f g)

Transforms a graph by applying a function (f edge-value) to each edge in the graph. Where the function returns nil, removes that edge altogether.

Transforms a graph by applying a function (f edge-value) to each edge in the
graph. Where the function returns `nil`, removes that edge altogether.
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(linear graph)

Bifurcan's analogue to (transient g)

Bifurcan's analogue to (transient g)
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(link graph node succ)
(link graph node succ relationship)

Helper for linking Bifurcan graphs. Optionally takes a relationship, which is added to the value set of the edge.

Helper for linking Bifurcan graphs. Optionally takes a relationship,
which is added to the value set of the edge.
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(link-all-to g xs y)
(link-all-to g xs y relationship)

Given a graph g, links all xs to y.

Given a graph g, links all xs to y.
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(link-all-to-all g xs ys)
(link-all-to-all g xs ys rel)

Given a graph g, links all xs to all ys.

Given a graph g, links all xs to all ys.
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(link-to-all g x ys)
(link-to-all g x ys rel)

Given a graph g, links x to all ys.

Given a graph g, links x to all ys.
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(loop? v)

Does the given vector begin and end with identical elements, and is longer than 1?

Does the given vector begin and end with identical elements, and is longer
than 1?
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(map->bdigraph m)

Turns a sequence of [node, successors] pairs (e.g. a map) into a bifurcan directed graph

Turns a sequence of [node, successors] pairs (e.g. a map) into a bifurcan
directed graph
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(monotonic-key-graph history)

Analyzes ops where the :value of each op is a map of keys to values. Assumes keys are monotonically increasing, and derives relationships between ops based on those values.

Analyzes ops where the :value of each op is a map of keys to values. Assumes
keys are monotonically increasing, and derives relationships between ops
based on those values.
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(monotonic-key-order k history)

Given a key, and a history where ops are maps of keys to values, constructs a partial order graph over ops reading successive values of key k.

Given a key, and a history where ops are maps of keys to values, constructs
a partial order graph over ops reading successive values of key k.
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(path-shells g starting-paths)

Given a graph, and a starting collection of paths, constructs shells outwards from those paths: collections of longer and longer paths.

Given a graph, and a starting collection of paths, constructs shells
outwards from those paths: collections of longer and longer paths.
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(process-graph history)

Analyses histories and relates operations performed sequentially by each process, such that every operation a process performs is ordered (but operations across different processes are not related).

Analyses histories and relates operations performed sequentially by each
process, such that every operation a process performs is ordered (but
operations across different processes are not related).
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(process-order history process)

Given a history and a process ID, constructs a partial order graph based on all operations that process performed.

Given a history and a process ID, constructs a partial order graph based on
all operations that process performed.
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(project-relationship g rel)

Filters a graph to just those edges with the given relationship.

Filters a graph to just those edges with the given relationship.
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(prune-alternate-paths paths)

If we have two paths [a b d] and [a c d], we don't need both of them, because both get us from a to d. We collapse a set of paths by filtering out duplicates. Since all paths start at the same place, we can do this efficiently by selecting one from the set of all paths that end in the same place.

If we have two paths [a b d] and [a c d], we don't need both of them,
because both get us from a to d. We collapse a set of paths by filtering out
duplicates. Since all paths *start* at the same place, we can do this
efficiently by selecting one from the set of all paths that end in the same
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(prune-longer-paths paths)

We can also completely remove paths whose tips are in a prefix of any other path, because these paths are simply longer versions of paths we've already explored.

We can also completely remove paths whose tips are in a prefix of any other
path, because these paths are simply longer versions of paths we've already
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(realtime-graph history)

Given a history, produces an singleton order graph {:realtime graph} which encodes the real-time dependencies of transactions: a < b if a ends before b begins.

In general, txn a precedes EVERY txn which begins later in the history, but that's n^2 territory, and for purposes of cycle detection, we only need a transitive reduction of that graph. We compute edges from txn a to subsequent invocations until a new operation b completes.

Given a history, produces an singleton order graph `{:realtime graph}` which
encodes the real-time dependencies of transactions: a < b if a ends before b

In general, txn a precedes EVERY txn which begins later in the history, but
that's n^2 territory, and for purposes of cycle detection, we only need a
transitive reduction of that graph. We compute edges from txn a to subsequent
invocations until a new operation b completes.
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(remove-relationship g rel)

Filters a graph, removing the given relationship from it.

Filters a graph, removing the given relationship from it.
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(renumber-graph g)

Takes a Graph and rewrites each vertex to a unique integer, returning the rewritten Graph, and a vector of the original vertexes for reconstruction.

Takes a Graph and rewrites each vertex to a unique integer, returning the
rewritten Graph, and a vector of the original vertexes for reconstruction.
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(strongly-connected-components g)

Finds the strongly connected components of a graph, greater than 1 element.

Finds the strongly connected components of a graph, greater than 1 element.
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(tarjan graph)

Returns the strongly connected components of a graph specified by its nodes (ints) and a successor function (succs node) from node to nodes. A iterative verison of Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components.

Returns the strongly connected components of a graph specified by its
nodes (ints) and a successor function (succs node) from node to nodes.
A iterative verison of Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components.
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(->clj x)


A binary operator performing set union on the values of edges.

A binary operator performing set union on the values of edges.
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(unlink g a b)

Heper for unlinking Bifurcan graphs.

Heper for unlinking Bifurcan graphs.
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(wr-graph history)

Given a history where ops are txns (e.g. [[:r :x 2] [:w :y 3]]), constructs an order over txns based on the external writes and reads of key k: any txn that reads value v must come after the txn that wrote v.

Given a history where ops are txns (e.g. [[:r :x 2] [:w :y 3]]), constructs
an order over txns based on the external writes and reads of key k: any txn
that reads value v must come after the txn that wrote v.
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(write-cycles! test opts cycles)

Writes cycles to a file. Opts:

:subdirectory What subdirectory to write to :filename What to call the file

Writes cycles to a file. Opts:

:subdirectory   What subdirectory to write to
:filename       What to call the file
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