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Jerks-Whistling-Tunes (JWT)

A Clojure library designed to create and verify Json Web Tokens (JWT).


[jerks-whistling-tunes "0.2.4"]

Build Status

(ns my-app
  (:require [jerks-whistling-tunes.core :as core]
            [jerks-whistling-tunes.sign :as sign])

Verifying a token

There are two main validation functions:

(valid? "") ; Returns true/false
(validate "") ; Returns decoded claims if valid, nil otherwise

By default, only the structure of the JWT is validated. Checks can be included by adding them to the validate function.

(def sign-hs256 (sign/hs256 "secret"))
(valid? "" (signature sign-hs256)


(validate "" (signature sign/none))

Expired (exp)

(validate "" exp)

Not Before (nbf)

(validate "" nbf)

Issuer (iss)

(validate "" (iss "issuer"))

Subject (sub)

(validate "" (sub "subject"))

Audience (aud)

(validate "" (aud "audience"))

Issued At (iat)

(validate "" iat)

Creating a token

(encode {:super_admin true} (sign/hs256 "secret"))

Supported Algorithms

All algorithms are under in the jerks-whistling-tunes.sign namespace.

(ns my-app
  (:require [jerks-whistling-tunes.sign :as sign]
            [jerks-whistling-tunes.utils :refer [decode-base-64]]))

(sign/hs256 "secret")
(sign/hs384 "secret")
(sign/hs512 (decode-base-64 "my-encoded-secret"))

; Supports either a or a
; KeyPairs support all operations, while a Public can only be used for verification
(sign/rs256 public-key)
(sign/rs384 key-pair)
(sign/rs512 key-pair)

(sign/ec256 public-key)
(sign/ec384 key-pair)
(sign/ec512 key-pair)



Copyright © 2015 Aaron Probus

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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