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A nicer syntax for bidi, developed for ventas


(require '[ventas-bidi-syntax.core :as s])
(s/to-bidi [{:handler :admin
             :url "admin"}
            {:handler :admin.products
             :url "products"}
            {:handler :admin.products.edit
             :url [:id "/edit"]}])

Will result in:

 {"/admin" {"" :admin,
            "/products" {"" :admin.products,
                         ["/" :id "/edit"] {"" :admin.products.edit}}}}]

As you can see, it nests the routes by splitting :handler by the dots:

(s/route-parents :admin.products.edit)
;; [:admin :admin.products]

Composite handlers are supported, as shown. Invalid routes will throw an error with expound

(to-bidi [{:invalid true}])
Uncaught Error: -- Spec failed --------------------

  [:invalid true]

should satisfy


-- Relevant specs -------

   [:ventas-bidi-syntax.core/handler :ventas-bidi-syntax.core/url])
  (cljs.spec.alpha/coll-of :ventas-bidi-syntax.core/route)



Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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